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Haven’t checked this message board in a while, hope everyone is doing OK.
anyway I thought I would share what I’ve learned the past few years.
some basic fundamental health information to start with…
All disease is caused by inflammation . All inflammation is caused by infection . Most of us here are dealing with chronic viruses.
viruses aren’t a problem unless immune function becomes compromised. Some common immunosuppressive triggers…
1. Stress and trauma - Psychological stress or a severely traumatic event will impair your immune function allowing dormant viruses to reactivate which can enter organs , establish latency , and generate low grade inflammation.
2. Heavy metal toxins - toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium etc. cause hormone problems, nervous system issues, and poor overall immune function. We are being exposed more and more. I recently read an article on CNN how the four biggest baby food manufacturers are currently all selling baby food that contain high levels of these toxins. Chronic, low-grade exposure to heavy-metal toxins causes a cumulative buildup in the body and organs. when body is heavy toxic viruses can disseminate in various organs (primarily the liver , gallbladder and pancreas ) and generate low grade inflammation which results in poor digestion , poor detoxification, hormonal imbalance and poor T cell function .
EMF/ RF exposure - exposure to these types of radiation causes viruses to reactivate. EMF and RF exposure screw up our nervous system’s and put immune systems into a state of artificial stress. If you have latent or chronic viral infections you will see a substantial inflammatory increase with prolonged exposure to EMF and RF. When histamine is high emf and rf sensitivity get much worse .
histamine and allergic reactions - Histamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and by all production is reducehistamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and bile production is reduced histamine becomes an issue . When you have virus in liver you need to keep histamine high though, or suppressive inflammation will shut down liver function even further greatly impairing detoxification and raising risk of various types of cancers. Low histamine diet should only be used during flare ups and short term . Low histamine diet will make body very toxic which will decrease inflammation but cause wirse
The main areas of concern for all of us are the liver gallbladder and pancreas. When these organs are under low grade inflammation it creates poor metabolic function and poor overall immune function. without adequate bile and digestive enzyme production you get very poor digestion. This results in poor nutrient absorption and creates a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, and fungus in your intestines. Your food does not break down and rots . This is known as autointoxication.
your hormones play a major part in immune function. Your thought process plays a major part in your hormone function. Masturbation and sex will flare viruses up , but abstaining too much will cause toxicity .
Light, goal exercise relieves inflammation and stress. it pushes lymph fluid, opens up detox pathways and allows body to excrete toxins . As you detoxify chronic inflammation reduces and acute inflammation increases .
will continue tomorrow …
anyway I thought I would share what I’ve learned the past few years.
some basic fundamental health information to start with…
All disease is caused by inflammation . All inflammation is caused by infection . Most of us here are dealing with chronic viruses.
viruses aren’t a problem unless immune function becomes compromised. Some common immunosuppressive triggers…
1. Stress and trauma - Psychological stress or a severely traumatic event will impair your immune function allowing dormant viruses to reactivate which can enter organs , establish latency , and generate low grade inflammation.
2. Heavy metal toxins - toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium etc. cause hormone problems, nervous system issues, and poor overall immune function. We are being exposed more and more. I recently read an article on CNN how the four biggest baby food manufacturers are currently all selling baby food that contain high levels of these toxins. Chronic, low-grade exposure to heavy-metal toxins causes a cumulative buildup in the body and organs. when body is heavy toxic viruses can disseminate in various organs (primarily the liver , gallbladder and pancreas ) and generate low grade inflammation which results in poor digestion , poor detoxification, hormonal imbalance and poor T cell function .
EMF/ RF exposure - exposure to these types of radiation causes viruses to reactivate. EMF and RF exposure screw up our nervous system’s and put immune systems into a state of artificial stress. If you have latent or chronic viral infections you will see a substantial inflammatory increase with prolonged exposure to EMF and RF. When histamine is high emf and rf sensitivity get much worse .
histamine and allergic reactions - Histamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and by all production is reducehistamine causes regulatory T cells to lose function, allowing Latent or dormant viruses to become active. Your liver and gallbladder are the organs responsible for histamine levels in the body. When these organs become infected and inflamed and bile production is reduced histamine becomes an issue . When you have virus in liver you need to keep histamine high though, or suppressive inflammation will shut down liver function even further greatly impairing detoxification and raising risk of various types of cancers. Low histamine diet should only be used during flare ups and short term . Low histamine diet will make body very toxic which will decrease inflammation but cause wirse
The main areas of concern for all of us are the liver gallbladder and pancreas. When these organs are under low grade inflammation it creates poor metabolic function and poor overall immune function. without adequate bile and digestive enzyme production you get very poor digestion. This results in poor nutrient absorption and creates a breeding ground for bacteria, parasites, and fungus in your intestines. Your food does not break down and rots . This is known as autointoxication.
your hormones play a major part in immune function. Your thought process plays a major part in your hormone function. Masturbation and sex will flare viruses up , but abstaining too much will cause toxicity .
Light, goal exercise relieves inflammation and stress. it pushes lymph fluid, opens up detox pathways and allows body to excrete toxins . As you detoxify chronic inflammation reduces and acute inflammation increases .
will continue tomorrow …