Thanks for your replies.
UM MAN, can you explain why this sounds like fungus overgrowth? The
Citramalic Acid is little evalted on the Yeast / Fungal Dysbiosis Markers but the others are low. I have had Athlete's foot also and it was helped by medications from GP. Still my feet smell very bad so I'm not sure if the problem is still there.
Here is an analysis I made with the Caledonia's Nutreval interpretation guide:
Malabsorption and Dysbiosis Markers
Dihydroxyphenylpropionic Acid (DHPPA) 8.0 (<= 5.3) High
any elevated markers in this section means you have bacterial dysbiosis
Citramalic Acid 3.1 <= 5.8 Quite high
any elevated markers in this section means you have yeast/fungal dysbiosis
Cellular Energy and Mitochondrial Metabolites
Lactic acid 2.4 - a little low. Indicates that this path way is not running very fast. A low carb diet could be one possibility.” I don’t follow a low carb diet. Maybe I should I based on this?
A drop between Citric acid and the next to metabolies. A little drop. Indicates glutathione depletion. First part of Krebs cycle might be running slow.
α-‐ketoglutaricacid(AKG) –if this is high relative to the metabolites in the Krebs cycle before and after it, this suggests that it is being fed by glutamate, and that the flow from AKG to succinic acid is partially blocked. The latter could again be due to low magnesium or B vitamins,or to mercury toxicity.
This might be due to all the listed reasons. Getting magnesium and b vitamins supplied and the mercury out should help with this.
SuccinicAcid 0 (0.4-4.6)–A low value indicates that you aren't burning aminoacids as fuel at a normal rate.This is likely due to low B2, lowB6, and/or low biotin.
Fatty Acid Metabolism
FormiminoglutamicAcid(FIGlu) 1.3 (<= 1.5) a little high
–If this is elevated, it indicate a low tetrahydrofolate(THF). The low THF indicates that there is a partial block in methionine synthase, which links the folate metabolism with the methylation cycle, and that your folates have become depleted. FIGlu can be masked by low histidine, B2 and maybe B6. Check this against sarcosine(AminoAcids/Glycine/SerineMetabolites). A high value for sarcosine would be consistent with low THF. Elevated FIGlu is consistent with glutathione depletion.
Sarcosine is not high, but FIGlu is still little elevated.
Pyroglutamic Acid 15 (16-34) -A low marker indicates glutathione depletion in the kidneys and/or intestinal cells, which would be consistent with a partial methylation cycle block and with vitamin C deficiency.
Histidine 326 (271-993) A little low. Folate
If ratio of glutamic acid (14) to γ-‐aminobutyricacid (4) is high, this will make you feel anxious and wired. (Glutamicacidisstimulating;γ-‐aminobutyrica cid is calming). The low γ-‐aminobutyric acid relative to glutamic acid would be consistent with excitoxicity, which would contribute to sleep problems. It can also cause anxiety, a "wired" feeling, and hypersensitivity of the senses. The low γ-‐aminobutyric acid could be due to low B6 functional availability as P5P, owing to low B2.
α-‐Amino-‐N-‐butyricAcid(ANBA) 10 (9-49)– if this is low it is likely due to low glutamine (NonEssentialProteinAminoAcids). An elevated marker indicates alcoholism.
Glycine 515 (434-1,688)-‐ if this is low, it will limit the production of glutathione.
Tricosanoicacid 0.19 (0.12-0.18)
–if this is high, it’s consistent with a biotin deficiency and/or a functional B12 deficiency.
A drop from γ-‐LinolenicAcid(GLA) to Dihomo-‐γ-‐LinolenicAcid (DGLA) (there is a drop) means that the elongase reaction is not working well. This is likely because of deficiencies in one or more of the B-‐complex vitamins, including biotin.
Oxidative Stress Markers
Glutathione 1,020 micromol/L (micromol/L>=669)
(whole blood) – if this marker is low, it indicates low glutathione. However, if it measures high, it doesn’t necessarily mean that glutathione is high in the tissues. This is because it only measures the amount of glutathione in the blood, which doesn’t reflect the level of reduced glutathione in the tissue cells. In this case, you should refer to the other indicators in this test to see if glutathione is low.
Not very low but may have risen due to Fredd’s protocol. Or maybe the tissues have low glutathione. At least there are markers that indicates this.
Toxic Elements
Mercury 0.0067 <= 0.0039 mcg/g – if this is elevated, it suggests an on going exposureas mercury only stays in the blood for few weeks. This can be due to mercury amalgams or fish consumption. Never had amalgams but I eat some Salmon two times a week so that might be a reason.
So in summary I guess I should try to deal with the possible fungal overgrowth, bacterial dysbiosis and also do the methylation protocol. Once these are in place mercury should also go away. I will also try to eat less salmon.