The only problem is it seems to be making my paresthesia in feet and arms worse and tinnitus increase.
Hello Ron! :Retro smile:
First off - Stop taking the methylb12 right now, don't take another single lozenge.
My partner and I were trying out the same protocol last summer and everything went great - until suddenly it didn't. Forget 'start-up symptoms' this was much worse. Though we stopped soon as we could, the damage was already done. Oddly, just today I was updating a log I keep on my health status over the years.
Trying Freddd's methylb12 protocol cost me 25% total health which is equivalent to a full half of what my health level was. I had been at about 50% before starting it and in three short weeks on it, it began a crash process that had me at 25% health as of two months ago.
Since you are having a worsening of some very life bugging symptoms, just stop the lozenges now before it keeps getting worse.
Don't assume that any symptoms you develop or have worsen while taking methylb12 will go away if you stop taking it. Both mine and my partners symptoms that came from using it are still nearly as bad as they were when we stopped taking it - over a year ago.
In answer to your question.... :Retro smile:
I supplement now with Perque hydroxyb12 in addition to some shots every 3 days. Try doing a search here at the forums on hydroxocobalamin as there has been a number of conversations in the methylation topics about how much is absorbed, etc. A lot of people who do Rich Van K's methylation cycle stuff use Perque so they might be able to help answer your question too.
The Perque causes a noticeable effect for me now that my levels of b12 are coming back up from the shots, so I am sure its a fair amount that is absorbed and utilized by the body or I wouldn't be seeing anything from using the one lozenge due to it being a fifth of what I get in a single shot.
Good luck Ron! Lisa :Retro smile:
Oh! And my CFS/MCS specialist agrees its possible I had trouble (and my partner too) with the methylb12 due to body mercury load, such as from tooth fillings. methylb12 is one of the only substances that can mobilize mercury in the body across the blood brain barrier and so when taking large doses of it, it is possible for it to start moving the mercury out of storage in tissues and into other areas - like the brain.