Not really. I haven't heard of any involved in funding. But reading large amounts of Dutch makes my brain crash, so I've not been on the Dutch forums much.@Valentijn - are you familiar with this one?
Not really. I haven't heard of any involved in funding. But reading large amounts of Dutch makes my brain crash, so I've not been on the Dutch forums much.@Valentijn - are you familiar with this one?
Not really. I haven't heard of any involved in funding. But reading large amounts of Dutch makes my brain crash, so I've not been on the Dutch forums much.
@lansbergen is the most active I think.Do you know if there are any Dutch-speakers on the forums I could tag?
@Sasha In the Netherlands I found this one: (similar to Wake Up Call they use their money towards research, awareness, etc. It doesn't specify if it's biomedical research though... Elsewhere on the website I read sth that makes me think they aren't necessarily against the psycho view on ME/CFS... hmm Sounds fishy right?)
@lansbergen - just tagging you, as a native Dutch speaker, to ask if you know what kind of research this group are likely to support and whether it's going to be biomedical?
@Sasha btw I'm a native Dutch speaker myself On the website I read that they think the cause of the illness may be psychological, biomedical or something else. Maybe @lansbergen might have some inside info or personal experience with this organistion?
@Sasha btw I'm a native Dutch speaker myself On the website I read that they think the cause of the illness may be psychological, biomedical or something else. Maybe @lansbergen might have some inside info or personal experience with this organistion?
@Sasha btw I'm a native Dutch speaker myself On the website I read that they think the cause of the illness may be psychological, biomedical or something else. Maybe @lansbergen might have some inside info or personal experience with this organistion?
the majority language in Belgium is Dutch (the Flemish variant) followed by French (it's almost half-half, with a slight majority of Dutch speakers. And then there's a minority of German speakers. This country has three official languages, so it's a bit complicated to know who speaks what here.Oh! Sorry, Effi, I had assumed you were Belgian! under 'oorzaak me/cvs':Actually, Effi, can you give me a link to the page that that text is on and cut and paste that sentence here, where they make that statement?
Wereldwijd zijn wetenschappers vanuit verschillende studierichtingen op zoek naar de oorzaak of meerdere oorzaken van ME/CVS. Medici zoeken naar virussen, psychiaters naar trauma's en psychologen naar (foutieve) cognities (gedachten) die tot het ontstaan van ME/CVS kunnen leiden. Daarnaast zijn er deskundigen die er van uitgaan dat de oorzaak van ME/CVS een complex geheel is van meerdere factoren. Er is geen enkel onderzoek dat overduidelijk de oorzaak aantoont.
Meer onderzoek en samenwerking tussen onderzoekers en behandelaars is nodig!
De ME/CVS-Stichting Nederland stimuleert onderzoek naar de oorzaak en behandeling. Met uw steun kunnen we meer. Word lid/donateur!
Actually, Effi, can you give me a link to the page that that text is on and cut and paste that sentence here, where they make that statement? under 'oorzaak me/cvs':
Basically what they're saying is that there's different view points. To my understanding the above quote shows that they haven't abandoned the psych view at all. ("psychiatrists look for trauma, psychologists look for faulty cognitive thoughts that could have lead to becoming ill with me/cfs.")
All they say here is 'more research and cooperation between researchers and medical practitioners is needed! We stimulate research into cause and treatment. We can do more with your support. Become a member!'
Honnestly I wouldn't trust them with my donation...
I dug a little deeper into the website and got to the financial details and the annual reports. It seems like this year and last year they haven't been very active. The only thing (info from 2013) I could find was general stuff about 'stimulating research into illness cause and evaluation of diagnostic criteria, treatment and support':Actually, if all they're saying is that they 'stimulate' research rather than 'funding' research they'd be outside the remit of my list. Are they clear anywhere that they're actually funding research rather than campaigning for it?
Stimulering van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, in het bijzonder op meer onderzoek naar oorzaken en op de evaluatie van richtlijnen voor diagnose, behandeling en begeleiding van ME/CVS.
I dug a little deeper into the website and got to the financial details and the annual reports. It seems like this year and last year they haven't been very active. The only thing (info from 2013) I could find was general stuff about 'stimulating research into illness cause and evaluation of diagnostic criteria, treatment and support':
Nowhere did I see any specifics about a focus on biomedical research (which was very clearly emphasised on the other websites I checked from other countries). And then I found THIS, under 'possible treatment': "Treatment of me/cfs mainly consists of symptom relief. Which treatment works differs from patient to patient. Here you can find some of the most common treatments in the Netherlands." Warning: bombshell
I'd say ditch 'em!
I might've been a bit harsh (*sorry*) but this BPS perpetuation really gets on my last nerve!:thumbdown: From what I've gathered they mainly use their financial donations towards patient information and advocating, which obviously is very valuable and I don't think it's for me to ditch 'em if they're eligible for my list
I might've been a bit harsh (*sorry*) but this BPS perpetuation really gets on my last nerve!:thumbdown: From what I've gathered they mainly use their financial donations towards patient information and advocating, which obviously is very valuable and necessary.
Simmaron Research in Incline Village, Nevada is headed by pioneering ME clinician and researcher, Dr. Daniel Peterson. The link to the "Donate" page is Then click on "Give" to make a donation. Thanks.