@serg1942 - how about Spain?
@Valentijn, anything in the Netherlands?
@Marco - France?
@heapsreal - Oz?
@Valentijn, anything in the Netherlands?
@Marco - France?
@heapsreal - Oz?
Participer et encourager grâce aux adhésions et aux dons, à des travaux de recherche
I'm not familiar with them but here's one :
Association Française du Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique
No idea how active they are in funding research but it's listed as one of the aims :
I'm hoping some Canadians and Norwegians are going to help me out on that.
@deleder2k, can you help me? About research crowdfunds or research charities in Norway?
I've got a sudden mental blank about who lives in Canada...
RME har upprättat ett särskilt konto för donationer till ME/CFS-forskning – bankgironummer 136-7481. RMEs styrelse kommer att fördela gåvor till detta konto till forskningsprojekt, som styrelsen bedömer som mest angelägna för RMEs medlemmar.
To my knowledge, they don't fund any research, and there's nearly n research in France.I'm not familiar with them but here's one :
Association Française du Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique
No idea how active they are in funding research but it's listed as one of the aims :
I only found one small study currently underway in Toronto (Canada):
I did find this: http://www.nightingale.ca/index.php?target=support
but it is not at all clear as to what research they are funding so I don't like the lack of transparency.
@Sasha There's an organisation in Belgium called 'Wake-Up Call'. People can donate to a fund called 'Stop CFS'. The money is used towards biomedical research, patient advocacy and awareness campaigns. I have no idea how the money is distributed between those three, so I'm not sure if it can be on your list?
hey @Sasha , did you see my previous post? (I can help you find info on the website if needed) I couldn't find anything else in Belgium (asked someone I know at Brussels uni if they have some sort of crowdfunding/fundraising department cause KDM is connected to Brussels uni, but I got no clear answer on that).
@Sasha In the Netherlands I found this one: http://www.me-cvs-stichting.nl/main.php?id=61 (similar to Wake Up Call they use their money towards research, awareness, etc. It doesn't specify if it's biomedical research though... Elsewhere on the website I read sth that makes me think they aren't necessarily against the psycho view on ME/CFS... hmm Sounds fishy right?)
@Sasha just googling on I stumbled upon this Spanish website that looks pretty exciting: http://www.asssem.org
They are actually just now 300€ short of 12.000€ for a study about biomarkers. They prolonged the fundraising until the 30th of June. I found a previous thread that has all the info from @serg1942 http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...rmality-me-cfs-study-please-donate-now.36035/
I needed some distraction tonight and this worked like a charmThanks, Effi (you're really getting into this! )
I needed some distraction tonight and this worked like a charm