Heart beat feeling like it is pounding very hard...feeling and hearing each beat


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
I was taking magnesium citrate for about a month but havent noticed less palps tho.
Are you taking enough, above a maintenance amount (of 400 mg), e.g. a therapeutic dose. Such a T-dose might include 1G - 2G plus ( 2,000mg), divided into 2 doses? Maybe you’re using too much? You’ll have to decide based on your own health profile, food intake, activity, etc. Here’s a consumer friendly, easy read reference vs. technical:

A cardiologist explains why magnesium is so good for your heart health
February 1, 2018 by Dana Trentini review of You Tube - Dr. Sanjay Gupta (edited, relative excerpts):

Many people complain of heart fluttering or heart palpitations and magnesium deficiency can certainly do that.
...we don’t absorb Mg from our stomachs... . Part of the reason for this is a lot of us are on proton-pump inhibitors, for indigestion and acid reflux.... Similarly, carbonated beverages will also reduce the amount of absorption of magnesium in our bodies.. ... stress uses up magnesium... . Lack of sleep uses up magnesium. ...sugar intake uses up magnesium... .
...And then also, we are excreting larger amounts of magnesium. Things like coffee, tea, diuretics reduce the absorption of magnesium.
Magnesium carbonate, magnesium gluconate, magnesium chloride, and magnesium oxide tend to cause more diarrhea. However...magnesium glycinate...is a lot better.
if you go online to PubMed you’ll find tons of small studies that show the benefits of magnesium. It does have a small anticoagulant effect. It does have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also a vasodilator (opens up the blood vessels allowing more blood to get to the vital organs, reducing pressure on the heart)... .”
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Are you taking enough, above a maintenance amount (of 400 mg), e.g. a therapeutic dose. Such a T-dose might include 1G - 2G plus ( 2,000mg), divided into 2 doses? Maybe you’re using too much? You’ll have to decide based on your own health profile, food intake, activity, etc. Here’s a consumer friendly, easy read reference vs. scientific, technical:

A cardiologist explains why magnesium is so good for your heart health
February 1, 2018 by Dana Trentini review of You Tube - Dr. Sanjay Gupta (edited, relative excerpts):

Many people complain of heart fluttering or heart palpitations and magnesium deficiency can certainly do that.
...we don’t absorb Mg from our stomachs... . Part of the reason for this is a lot of us are on proton-pump inhibitors, for indigestion and acid reflux.... Similarly, carbonated beverages will also reduce the amount of absorption of magnesium in our bodies.. ... stress uses up magnesium... . Lack of sleep uses up magnesium. ...sugar intake uses up magnesium... .
...And then also, we are excreting larger amounts of magnesium. Things like coffee, tea, diuretics reduce the absorption of magnesium.
Magnesium carbonate, magnesium gluconate, magnesium chloride, and magnesium oxide tend to cause more diarrhea. However...magnesium glycinate...is a lot better.
if you go online to PubMed you’ll find tons of small studies that show the benefits of magnesium. It does have a small anticoagulant effect. It does have an anti-inflammatory effect. It is also a vasodilator (opens up the blood vessels allowing more blood to get to the vital organs, reducing pressure on the heart)... .”

What is 1g and 2g tho?
I cant find potassium citrate in my country tho, they are out of stock at least it says like that on 2 different websites... will try harder to find it, do you think it will help me because i am not under stress and i constantly feel my heart beat it awful, im 25 years old btw. I was at cardiologist like 1.4year ago and everything was good except i have slight mitral valve prolapse but doctor said it doesnt give those palpitations i feel.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
. ... do you think it will help me because i am not under stress and i constantly feel my heart beat it awful, im 25 years old btw. I was at cardiologist like 1.4year ago and everything was good except i have slight mitral valve prolapse but doctor said it doesnt give those palpitations...

You’ve got to take the cardiologist’s opinion seriously. Maybe you’re getting other causes of palpitations he’s not tuned in to, e.g. stress, anxiety or other triggers, like hyperventilating or sleep apnea, etc. - lots of possibilities.

I, personally am now using a common compound, Magnesium/Potassium Aspartate for heart health by Now foods, a large, top rated supplement manufacturer. Also, in addition I take Mag Oxide for GI-muscle health. You might try either one or both to keep the palpitations down, or even some other potassium compound, like potassium glocunate or pronates. Potassium Chloride is a good substitute for table salt (magnesium chloride).

Here’s a quick summary and the pros and cons: “The Best Potassium Supplement:” https://www.chicagotribune.com/cons...best-potassium-supplement-20190617-story.html
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You’ve got to take the cardiologist’s opinion seriously. Maybe you’re getting other causes of palpitations he’s not tuned in to, e.g. stress, anxiety or other triggers, like hyperventilating or sleep apnea, etc. - lots of possibilities.

I, personally am now using a common compound, Magnesium/Potassium Aspartate for heart health by Now foods, a large, top rated supplement manufacturer. Also, in addition I take Mag Oxide for GI-muscle health. You might try either one or both to keep the palpitations down, or even some other potassium compound, like potassium glocunate or pronates. Potassium Chloride is a good substitute for table salt (magnesium chloride).

Here’s a quick summary and the pros and cons: “The Best Potassium Supplement:” https://www.chicagotribune.com/cons...best-potassium-supplement-20190617-story.html

Probably stress, but i realised i get strong palps every time after i eat, no matter what i eat tho, and thus in the morning its less noticable but as soon as i start eating it gets worse and worse during the day. Im starting to suspect its something with stomach and not the heart, maybe its pressing up my heart i dont know if that can be the case, its hard now to get checked because of this covid situation...


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Probably stress, but i realised i get strong palps every time after i eat, no matter what i eat tho, and thus in the morning its less noticable but as soon as i start eating it gets worse and worse during the day. Im starting to suspect its something with stomach and not the heart, maybe its pressing up my heart i dont know if that can be the case, its hard now to get checked because of this covid situation...
I get the same thing and for me I believe it is autonomic dysfuction and not a stomach issue. I spent around 5yrs thinking it was a stomach / gut issue. When you eat you require extra blood flow for digestion. If you have blood flow issues, you are going to experience worsening after food. For me they are also significantly worse with carbs.
I get the same thing and for me I believe it is autonomic dysfuction and not a stomach issue. I spent around 5yrs thinking it was a stomach / gut issue. When you eat you require extra blood flow for digestion. If you have blood flow issues, you are going to experience worsening after food. For me they are also significantly worse with carbs.

Hm and your heart is healthy? How can i fix this tho??


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hm and your heart is healthy? How can i fix this tho??
I have had ecg, and some other basic heart tests and they come back fine however I do have a diagnosis of POTS which is defined as an increase in heart rate of 30 bpm or more within 10 minitues of standing from a supine position.

It seems that a notable amount of people with POTS (autonomic dysfunction) have pounding heart too. For me it is my worst symptom. I should note that I believe it is possible to have autonomic dysfunction and pounding heart without POTS. Indeed the tachycardia only comes on for me when I am at my worst yet heart pounding and other blood flow / autonomic issues are with me all the time.

Treating it is difficult but there are a number of things to try if you believe you have POTS such as increasing salt and water intake (doesn't work for me), a number of drugs to increase vasoconstriction etc (mirtazapaine seems to help me but I no of noone else like this), keeping feet elevated to avoid blood pooling, avoiding heat, and possibly if you are like me reducing carbs.


Senior Member

Many of us have this symptom and/or similar symptoms. Don't be afraid. However, you do want to let your physician know, and possibly see a cardiologist. It may be something called POTS . I will post a link to an article later this evening for you...and others here will have many suggestions for you.

Are you taking CoQ10 and LevoCarnitine? They are helpful for the heart muscle.


If you're over a certain age, 45 or so, CoQ10 becomes Ubiquinol as it's used by the body in a better fashion. Same thing for the most part...it's just how the body uses it. Also, keep it out of light and in a cool place, this is one fragile baby. And yes, Marian's right, it is very helpful for the heart muscle and more and more cardiologists are recommending it. Yours Lenora


Senior Member
Does anybody have any more updates on this? For me it's a 24/7 issue. My heart beats so hard it pounds against my ribcage. I feel my pulse all around my body, arms, hands, neck, back, in knees, legs etc. It's unbearable. Gets significantly worse after anything I eat no matter what almost instantly. Had echo many months ago all good. Pretty sure my electrolytes are good. I'm thinking this has to do with either MCAS or a vagus nerve issue or both.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Does anybody have any more updates on this? For me it's a 24/7 issue. My heart beats so hard it pounds against my ribcage. I feel my pulse all around my body, arms, hands, neck, back, in knees, legs etc. It's unbearable. Gets significantly worse after anything I eat no matter what almost instantly. Had echo many months ago all good. Pretty sure my electrolytes are good. I'm thinking this has to do with either MCAS or a vagus nerve issue or both.
This is my worst symptom though thankfully it has gotten better over the last few years. But when it was at its worst around 4 years ago it was almost unbearable.
One thing I have noticed is that it is considerably worse after carb meals. Try eating a zero carb meal and noting the difference from a normal meal. In that regard thiamine helped me a little also.
Have you heard of POTS. Heat, eating, standing, physical exertion can all make it worse. We are in summer now so try cooling your body down to see if it helps any.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
I just finished my periodic stress testing, chemical induced (dobutamine), plus nuclear, and echo. I also wore a small plastic device on my chest to monitor irregular beats. For me it looked for skipped beats, hard beats and
lightheadedness with or w/o shortness of breath. I haven’t gotten results yet from last week’s testing.

You might want to try this device. It has codes to enter, sic also for your reported ’hard beats.’ There’s a button on it to push when the beat is irregular, e.g.. slow, fast, hard, skipped, et al. It has a 2032 button battery and button to push. When finished you put it in a small box, preaddressed with postage. It goes to a lab and the chart is sent back to cardiologist. S/he should be able to analyze it and give you some feedback and direction. [You may be able to call their office and have it mailed?] I hope this helps.
I still have heart problems going to cardiologist next week... for me its constant awerness of heart beat ! 😫😫 i dont feel scared or anything so idk whats causing it. My chest moves and stomach with heart beat its horrible and i cant find a good magnesium in my country 😱 i feel like i will be stuck with this forever i struggle to fall asleep when its beating HARD.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I still have heart problems going to cardiologist next week... for me its constant awerness of heart beat ! 😫😫 i dont feel scared or anything so idk whats causing it. My chest moves and stomach with heart beat its horrible and i cant find a good magnesium in my country 😱 i feel like i will be stuck with this forever i struggle to fall asleep when its beating HARD.
I have this same issue, magnesium is not helpful to me but avoiding general POTS triggers is as well as reducing carbs.
Be careful at the doctors, make sure to demonstrate that you are not an anxious person and these episodes aren;t caused by anxiety. I have had many negative experiences with doctors.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
@sbr <<... I have had many negative experiences with doctors.>>


There may be other food candidates that could help, i.e. with Potassium?


Senior Member
I still have heart problems going to cardiologist next week... for me its constant awerness of heart beat ! 😫😫 i dont feel scared or anything so idk whats causing it. My chest moves and stomach with heart beat its horrible and i cant find a good magnesium in my country 😱 i feel like i will be stuck with this forever i struggle to fall asleep when its beating HARD.

Can you feel your pulse in other parts of your body as well or is it just your heart that you feel?


Senior Member
@goxus @Stretched @sb4

So I've been having this issue as well and going crazy about what's causing it and how to solve it. I've recently found some solutions that seem to help it somewhat. In my experience you need to take all of them in conjunction to get any relief:

Omega 3 fatty acids
Coenzyme Q10
Vitamin K2

All of the above are essential and very important for your heart to work properly. When I was taking high doses of magnesium with no results it made no sense why the palpitations wouldn't decrease like with normal people. It was only when taking Taurine (500mg) 2-3 times per day did I noticeably feel a difference. Taurine is essential for the balance of magnesium and potassium to work together in the heart. It can actually help direct them where to go and bring them inside the cell instead of floating around in the blood stream. If I remember correctly CFS patients have low intracellular magnesium and potassium for whatever reason. This might also contribute to the palpitations.

Omega 3 fatty acids are also huge for the heart to work well and behave normally. The heart uses it for energy. When I started eating high does of ground up chia seed I was amazed to realize my heart considerably pounded with less force. I've since switched to fish oil with active omegas and it does still help, but the chia seemed to work better. Perhaps it was the ALA instead of the active omegas? I'm not sure.

It's important to get all the electrolytes as well to maintain good rhythm. But magnesium and potassium are the most important two. You need a crazy amount of potassium for your body each day. Coenzyme Q10 is also very important but I don't seem to tolerate it well. K2 is also very important and can decalcify the arteries. I take the mk4 with vitamin d as it has a shorter half life than mk7. Some people report k2 can cause them palpitations as well so it's important to not over do it but thats usually only with the mk7 version.

I still have palpitations daily but the pounding of my heart has lessened a lot. I however can feel my pulse pounding all over my body which I believe there is an inflammatory component effecting my arteries that I'm still trying to sort out.