Andrew, what kind of thyroid are you taking??? There is a difference between something that is comprised of T4 and T3, versus T3 alone. T3 CANNOT be regulated by the body, if there is an overdose. T4 can be regulated by the body. That is why T4 goes into reverse T3 and is not used. I was not given 15 mcgs, 30 mcgs and then slowly increased on an incremental basis, as the body tolerated. Dr. Pierotti just prescribed 100 mcgs of T3 off the bat. Dr. Teitelbaum warned in his books and papers that T3 should not be given at high doses (over 60mcgs) to those over 50. ( I was 54 at the time) Everything was done wrong at this Center and there was no excuse for supposed experts dropping the ball.I was given too much for my age, not properly ramped up slowly and not even listened to when I told them my medications were making me very ill.I was told I coudln't even use my sick days. At my last appoinment they reduced the T3 a bit, but it was too late. The LAD had too much strain on it from the high doses. I would have never had a heart attack, if the medication was slowly increased. I would never have an early death, if it weren't for going to the F&F Center.I will die early, that has been predicted by Dr. Cheney. The stem cell transplant could change that, but it will come out of my pocket and not Dr. Teitelbaum's pocket. Who has $25,000.00 for that and why should I pay it???? Dr. Teitelbaum and the F&F Center should pay that bill. The apex of my heart is NOT working any longer. Since that happened my heart will give out early according to Dr. Cheney. We are not talking about simple mistake here. We are talking about big time error that WILL SHORTEN MY LIFE. That is why I am on here hoping and praying that I make a difference in your life, if not mine. I stepped out with concern for you.
I believed Dr. Teitelbaum that the threshhold for thryoid testing wasn't correct. It is Dr. Teitelbaum that needs to adjust his thinking. Finch had atrial fibrillation and I had the full blown heart attack. If you have never gone through a heart attack and never had symptoms, you will never understand how excruciating the pain from this experience is.There is so much pain and you don't have a clue what is happening to you. You will never understand the whole catherization process that put in stents, when you didn't need them because they didn't know what to do. How many MI's do you think they see because of too much thyroid medication??? Do you know what it is like to wake up after the catherization process and have a nitroglycerine headache that made you think your head was exploding????? Do you know what it is like to not be able to walk, after you had started walking a mile once a week BEFORE coming to Dr. T's F&F Center???? Then you can't even put two feet in front of you because your heart can't take it???? When your heart has been damaged, such as mine, the pain is incredible. I had no clue what was happening to me because everyone said you could have knocked them over with a feather because I would be the last person they believed would have a heart attack.Then you come into the hospital and the cardiologist is concerned because your thyroid levels are off the charts and you tell him that is the cure for CFS. NO IT ISN"T THE CURE FOR CFS!!!! NOT AT WHAT I WAS GIVEN AND HOW I WAS TREATED. I WAS BRAIN WASHED BY DR. TEITELBAUM IN MY DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO GET BACK TO WORK AND GET WELL.WHAT WILL YOU TRY IN THE ATTEMPT TO GET WELL????I UNDERSTAND THAT T3 THRYOID MEDICATION IS VERY DANGEROUS IF BODY LEVELS ARE OUT OF RANGE. Dr. Cheney thinks your body has down regulated for a reason. It is trying to keep you from dying and Dr. Teitelbaum is revving it up to relieve the symptoms. The symptoms are there for a reason, according to Dr. Cheney.All I know is that what happened to me was not going to happen without the use of T3 thyroid hormone given to me by Dr.Pierotti at the F&F Center.
I will die early. My heart will give out because it is so damaged. Given I have CFS and heart damage, I have a wonderful combination for early death. This did not have to be. Isn't this illness bad enough without saddling me with a heart that is so damaged it cannot support its job any longer????? Then to have Dr. Teitelbaum tell me that he is sorry I am going through this. caused this because I believed in you. I believed blindly in everything you said. Sorry that is wrong. While there may be differences in opinion in the medical world, there are certain truths that can't be forgotten. When you are hyperthryoid, it can destroy your heart and cause a heart attack , as it did mine. Are you hyperthyroid going to the F&F Center and on the edge of a heart attack??? How would you know because they are not testing your thyroid levels????? You could be a walking time bomb. PLEASE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS, have your thyroid levels checked. Hyperthyroidism is a known producer of a heart attack. READ THE LITERATURE!!!My life's course has been altered by something that I was told by Dr. Teitelbaum. I believed him and I am suffering for it now. Will someone die from their treatments???? I guess death always raises eyebrows. Too bad I came back from nearly dying because it hasn't changed a thing. What happened to Finch didn't change a thing. If it had, I wouldn't be in heart failure now. Heart failure is serious. What good is a damaged heart that will give out early when you already have CFS???
I am not saying that you shouldn't be on thyroid if you need it, but please make sure your free T3 and Free T4 levels are within acceptable ranges. After the heart attack, Dr. Teitelbaum only monitored the free T4 ranges. I HAD TO TELL HIM THAT FREE T3 SHOULD BE MONITORED TOO. HE WASNT EVEN MONITORING THE FREE T3 RANGE , EVEN THOUGH I HAD A HEART ATTACK. I was on an armour thryoid, rather than just T3 alone. IF YOUR T3 IS TOO HIGH, YOU CAN HAVE A HEART ATTACK. EVEN THOUGH THE FREE T4 LEVELS ARE OK, THE FREE T3 LEVELS ( the ones that cause the heart attack) can be way too high. While Dr. Teitelbaum was monitoring my free T4 levels, my free T3 levels were too high. Please read and educate yourself before it is too late. I am not the doctor here, but I had to tell him to monitor the free T3 levels. Excuse me...........why didn't you know that?????