Have You Tried GET/GAT or Exercise on Prescription?

South West UK
Hi All - UK's Action for ME are currently running a survey to establish the effectiveness of above treatments. The questionnaire refers specifically to the therapies in the heading above and does not include CBT. Apparently there are significant variations between the outcomes reported by the NHS clinics and those reported to afme by large numbers of sufferers. Head over there, folks, and get 'form-filling', the more the better.

To complete the survey visit - www.afme.org.uk , the link is in the top right corner of the home page.


Fine, thank you
Done it - it took me 13 mins. I didn't bother with the screeds of info at the beginning (clearly, someone doesn't get what ME is if they think we can read all that and then go on to do 50 questions!).

I took the opportunity, on the qn about whether I thought the GET had negative effects, to say that the neg effects for me were that the NHS spent money on GET rather than on doing biomed research into the disease process. I gather that AfME has questionable views on that issue and reckoned that if it wanted my data it could also have my opinion!


Thank you Galena and Sasha. I wonder how the weasel huggers will cook the books this time in order to 'prove' that exercise doesn't make us much more ill.
Dr Cheney had somthing to say at the end of conference discussion in London (IiME conference) that should be of interest to them:

"The whole idea that you can take a diagnosis like this and exercise your way to health is just foolishness. It's insane."


Fine, thank you
Dr Cheney had somthing to say at the end of conference discussion in London (IiME conference) that should be of interest to them:

"The whole idea that you can take a diagnosis like this and exercise your way to health is just foolishness. It's insane."

Totally. I really have no idea why this isn't blindingly obvious to people.

Love your name, by the way!


Senior Member
The other side.
as people may remember - I lift things for a hobby when I'm able - I do it fast as slow has unpleasant side effects - I'm supposed to do warm up stretches before - the stretches on their own will PEM me - serious pain time - if I continue they put me in bed for several days - thats not lift ittle dumbell several times and keep increasing - thats 2 lots of 30 sec static stretches more than once a week - on there own - my opinion of prescibing GET for pwME is that torture is more honest and probably cheaper

insane is being kind - it's not insanity to recommend GET to pwME - it's malicous