Thanks for the input Justy, Measles is rather nasty, can only imagine how ill that made you. And how it has affected what was already a shakey immune system for you. And psychaitrists wonder why we are depressed, often with phobias, and panic responses to further illness,
Or even the potentiall to illness or a worsening of symptoms
They see that as evidence that those conditions are really the cause of ME/CFS they just couldnt be more wrong, thats not to say i havent tricked myself into thinking im going to be ill soon, A panic reponse is something i learned very often early on, and at times of most distress, ( chicken pox, flu, severe ME/CFS Onset years ) I reckon nearly all of us have had to play that game, learn to understand it. panic and anxiety are natural responses to constant illness, the flight or fight response, Often long term ME/CFS patients can literraly mentally self destruct. Im sure there are lots of ME patients that are verging on certain types of mental illness, ( i am one of them ) But it always has to do with the fact, that i can no longer accept being that ill or vulnerable anymore.
it can just start to get too terrifying, to horific to contemplate being there anymore. The fear can build to a point where the panic response can come on with even just the slightest suggestion, it did when i saw my kneck swelling 5 days ago. you all know the feeling. the feeling of losing control, and fighting to to stop yourself passing out.
to learn to disentangle the mental response to ME/CFS can be quite complicated, so much so that most pyschatrits just dont have a clue how to tell the chicken or the egg problem. terrifying symptoms can lead to terrifying phobias, that can lead to panic attacks. its quite simple really. But to be fooled by a panic response is not the same, as a panic response being the illness itself.
Because in some mental conditions it actually can be at the heart of a supposed illness, ( that has been documented by the psychatrits )
Most proffessionals are just not clued up enough to disentangle this sorry state of phobic reaction to a lifelong torture of illness.
And untill some are, this will never really be properly understood. Not sure why im changing the subject ( apologies for doing so, seems like i always do ) I just occassionly want to touch on the effect this illness has on our minds on our very peaceful souls. And the effect is nothing short of mental destruction.
I hate it, and others that have been there, done that, know exactly what i mean. what this illness is capable of, both mentally and physically.
I have even described to family the feeling is like being abducted by a murderer and systematically tortured, suffocated to the point of losing consciousness, allowed to breath, just so they can continue to suffocate you. And that is a hell, i never ever imagined could happen to people for a prolonged period of there lives.
I havent had that feeling quite that bad for a long time, only flashes of it here and there. But the feeling is something i know well, and i suspect a lot here do too. But often is not spoke about, maybe because its just not cool, or acceptable to show our weaknesses in such a manner.
A man is supposed to be brave, a fighter, someone who spits in the eye of fear. Well i havent learned that trick. because that just is not me. How i wish it was. if im waffling now, or making no sense, or am reverting to self pity. Then i apologize as i know most warriors here are so much stronger than that. Sometimes wish i had there strength.
Thanks sick off CFS, ill look into that info. Not sure if its the reason, mainly because, this was quite a sever gland swelling, Ive not had a swelling quite like this before with the ME/CFS symptoms. unless it happens again it felt like a new virus, if it happens again ill know infact its a progression of a old one, if you see what i mean. Its good to talk with like minded people who might actually understand the ups and downs of this illness in ones life, the discussion was supposed to be about remission. yet just like snakes and ladders i seem to have gone a ladder down during this winter. now i need to figure a way to go up the ladder again. Cheers Justy sick of cfs, and all the others giving there input here, we are all in this together, just hope my ramblings touch a nerve, and help others speak about things they migh be bottling up. We may not ever fully rid ourselves of this. but i know long periods of fairly normal life can happen, as i have had that, and hopefully will have again, just like i hope all here do better in 2011. And we can find a way to make that happen for all of us