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Have You Got It In You?


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Someone else here posted this Petition that's linked to this YouTube video a while back but I wanted to post it again to make sure everyone in the UK and Spain has seen it and signed it.

Awareness Campaign and Petition for Free XMRV Testing in the UK and Spain:

What's the hurry? Have you got it in you?

Click on More Info to the right of the video to find the petition.

Warning: this video may set you off if you are sensitive to a lot of movement: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HY5Ph_9pL5g

If you just want to sign the petition to request free XMRV testing and awareness public campaign of XMRV related diseases you can do it here:

World Wide: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/go1315/petition.html

For Spain: http://www.petitiononline.com/XMRV/petition.html

I don't know why they say "World Wide" because when I asked if the petition was also for the U.S. they said it wasn't but they are possibly working on creating one for US.


That's quite a video. HOLY SHOLEY - my poor CFS (or is it MS) brain!!!! Between the sound and the words scrolling up the page and across the bottom......OOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh (insert barfing smiley here)......Well done though, if one can take it, VERY well done!:victory:


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Good luck Koan! Let us know what you find.

Lily- I appreciate that feedback. I want to make a YouTube video or two and while I love all the effects we can do in them now I do worry that they might set off PWC and/or others who get ill from such effects.


Senior Member
This video is appealing, thought provoking and extremely well done. It actually scares me to watch and understand what is being said, while the world about us goes on without knowing the truth. My people perish for lack of knowledge!!!!!I learned this phrase ,which is from the bible, from Maureen Salaman, past president of the National Health Federation. I believe Hilliary uses it too. Is this one of the plagues that Revelation tells us about????


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
I don't think the video was made by someone here.

Dang Sid, that's a bummer that you can't see it in Germany. It doesn't have new info, so you know everything that's in it already but I wonder why it was blocked there? Hmmmmm... maybe they don't want you getting ideas about making petitions?

Kathi, I don't know. I don't know what to think about Revelation. I know we suffer in this life whether it's Revelation Times or not. But take heart, look how far they've come with AIDS. :Retro smile:
@ teejkay
"This video contains content of Sony Music entertainment. It is no longer available in your country."