have we discussed irritablity?


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Seems remarkable, but I don't remember a specific thread on irritability. It's certainly been a cardinal symptom for me, and one that I use as a marker to alert me when things are getting worse; for me it marks the boundary of a vortex (or vicious circle) which is incredibly difficult to get out of, and the first thing to realise is to identify that it is being driven by a physical cause - in my case, primarily, disturbed, unrefreshing or ineffective sleep, as well as other stress triggers (environment, food etc). I think it's important to identify the irritability as a biochemical consequence, and during better times, try to explain this in an apologetic way to your most promising allies.

Irritability is inevitably something that drives people away from us. So we are all aware of it and sympathetic to that here. It's quite a timely topic actually...;)


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi everyone,

My best guess is that the irritability is neurological, but this in turn is caused by a complex mix of other factors, from nutritional and energy production to hormonal and immunological. I always have mild irritability, but sometimes it flares up to something serious, so I have some understnding of those who experience it all the time. Flax seed and fish oil have sometimes helped me with this symptom in the past, but it isn't all that reliable a treatment.



Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia

My irritability is always worse when I am tired or have had little sleep for several days. I think we need to distinguish between irritability from sounds, sight, smells etc (sensory) and genuine anger.

I found I have a very deep seated rage (not just anger) that comes out when I am so exhausted that my rational mind is totally on hold, but even then it requires that someone is hurling blatent or subtle psychological abuse at me. At about this time I am too exhausted to even stand up, or I might get violent, and that worries me. I think this is psychological due to decades of abuse and misunderstanding, something that most long term patients have experienced many many times.



Senior Member
marin co, ca
i really appreciate the honesty expressed here, it helps me to know i am not alone with this disturbing symptom. it is almost more disturbing than the terrible energy problems because it does separate me from other humans and wanting to engage in life. it makes it so much easier to just hole up in my room.

it does feel neurological to me too. something about the way noise effects me seems like a neuro problem. a friend of mine getting off antidepressants complained similarly of complete meltdowns in the supermarket line where she felt she could not take being there one more second. brain chemicals going haywire.

we also may just have a form of ptsd from enduring these symptoms.

an benadryl does take the edge off.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I can't believe I didn't respond to this sooner. ALL THE TIME. I have to check my feelings and thoughts because they are usually skewed. I am so irritable and everything that I used to tolerate I can't anymore. I wrote about how people bother me. If people don't say the right thing, it can ruin my day. Things that never bothered me. The fact that I tried to take a shirt back to a store today and I didn't have the receipt and I thought I did and I felt nuts. I lose things all the time, forget things, can't find checks, can't find bills. I get so irritated that I throw things because I am so frustrated that my brain feels like it is short circuiting. I am seriously better off alone. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with me right now.


Sometimes I get so irritable that I swear when the phone rings.

Yesterday I was snarling "Why can't everyone just f off and leave me alone!" while I pressed the OK button, and I was greeted by my mother saying "I'll f off right away if you want me to!"


Patient in training
Sometimes I get so irritable that I swear when the phone rings.

Yesterday I was snarling "Why can't everyone just f off and leave me alone!" while I pressed the OK button, and I was greeted by my mother saying "I'll f off right away if you want me to!"

Athene lol thanks for the laugh!!! :tear::D:tear::D:tear: