First, you would get a much quicker response if you called Himmunitas (KDM's clinic in Brussels). They get overwhelmed with emails but do answer the phone during office hours. Check the
here for the hours. I called Ira recently to follow up on an email--calling works much better!
1) KDM checks for a big variety of pathogens--viral and bacterial, not just Lyme and co-infections. He also thoroughly checks the immune system, the gut and prescribes cardio-pulmonary exercise testing when appropriate.
2) He is a cardiologist (he is certified in several specialties), so yes, he is good with ME-related cardiac issues.
3) He will not feel the need to repeat tests if he feels that you have had adequate ones and if you give him copies. However, he usually prescribes DNA gut testing and since Redlabs seems to be the only lab (that I am aware of) that does this, he would probably request that test.
4) I use US labs for any tests that can be done here (he writes separate lab requisitions). But, most of the tests which he would think necessary are considered specialty or experimental and are not generally available in US labs--and if they are, insurance wouldn't pay.
I have never heard of WPI submitting things to insurance. Generally, patients do this themselves. But the tests he orders at US labs would automatically be processed through your insurance.