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Has anyone with comorbid IBS/dysbiosis tried FMT? did it affect your ME/CFS?


Senior Member
hi, ive had ME/CFS for 2 years, v. severe ME/CFS since 2023, various GI problems (IBS-C, reflux, gastritis, histamine intolerance) and lifelong gut dysbiosis. I’m considering trying the FMT route. It’s very pricey and would require travel which could cause me to deteriorate further. Idk if it’s worth it. I only want to get it bc of ME, my gut problems are nowhere near as debilitating as very severe ME and treating them wouldn’t be worth the risk of deterioration
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Senior Member
didnt try FMT, what is that?

drinking a spoon of vinegard to food greatly increases my ability to digest or reduces IBS symptoms a lot. especially when eating whole eggs.
there is a connection with thiamin and gut disbyiosis, but also b12.


Senior Member
Tried that. The clinic was in Hertfordshire UK, called Taymount. Expensive and did nothing. Went there around 2015. Just looked the clinic up and it's still going. I would like to know there success rate.


Senior Member
Tried that. The clinic was in Hertfordshire UK, called Taymount. Expensive and did nothing. Went there around 2015. Just looked the clinic up and it's still going. I would like to know there success rate.
thanks for responding, did you have IBS or other GI issues? how many FMTs did you get?


Senior Member
I think attended the clinic around 10 times. Weekdays for a fortnight. My medical history has me down as having IBS. But then that isn't really a precision diagnosis is it.


Senior Member
I did a DIY FMT via colonic with a family member as a donor. I think I did a FMT every day for 2 weeks. But I screwed it up by taking too many prebiotics. I felt better but not cured for about 5 days and then i think the prebiotics stopped the benefits and screwed it up. I'd do it again for sure, but my donor got their gut screwed up and is no longer a good donor. Next time I would do it through the top by encapsulating the donor material and swallowing it. MaximilianKohler has instructions here, reddit, his website, or online somewhere of how he encapsulates it. Basically, use double or triple encapsulation with enteric coated capsules.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
I've had mild IBS on and off over the years. I take a probiotic one hour before each meal and that seems to fix it. It did not help any other symptoms.
hi, ive had ME/CFS for 2 years, v. severe ME/CFS since 2023, various GI problems (IBS-C, reflux, gastritis, histamine intolerance) and lifelong gut dysbiosis. I’m considering trying the FMT route. It’s very pricey and would require travel which could cause me to deteriorate further. Idk if it’s worth it. I only want to get it bc of ME, my gut problems are nowhere near as debilitating as very severe ME and treating them wouldn’t be worth the risk of deterioration
Please be VERY careful when considering FMT. At present so called world renown leading FMT clinics do not use 16s testing, yet alone Shotgun metagenomic sequencing testing (more superior), to establish what microbes are in the donor stool they are implanting!

I would strongly advise anyone in your situation to first establish your own health 'base lines' through proper testing to establish toxins, genome, & correct microbe identification within any microbiome(s). Without such, people and practitioners are guessing with health.