has anyone used a saunders cervical traction device?


Senior Member
FYI Here are some of the exercises that my PT sent me ...

Do you or your PT recommend a specific brand of foam roller? Also, do you recommend a certain size or thickness of the roller (for neck issues)? I have tried this in the past and it was helpful but I forgot all about it. I also was doing myofascial massage once a week with a massage therapist (that was extremely helpful for pain) but once COVID hit, all massage clinics were shut down.


Senior Member
Do you or your PT recommend a specific brand of foam roller? Also, do you recommend a certain size or thickness of the roller (for neck issues)? I have tried this in the past and it was helpful but I forgot all about it. I also was doing myofascial massage once a week with a massage therapist (that was extremely helpful for pain) but once COVID hit, all massage clinics were shut down.

She didn't say anything directly about foam roller widths for neck, but the lady in the MELT youtube video i posted is using a fairly thick foam roller.... It's a good question. Do you think your PT would respond if you emailed her that video and asked about foam roller thickness?? The PT I saw was pretty lame, so I don't think she'd respond; my chiro was a PT before she went to chiro school and is EXCELLENT, but she's not really an emailer and I don't know when I can afford her again... sorry, I'm a dead end for this question ..

I LOVE the foam roller... It's def in the top 10 or top 5 for pain relief... Sometimes it hurts, so the biggest barrier is pushing through some initial pain (it's good pain, like working thru a knot in my thigh - not talking about neck or any kind of joint pain, just to be clear..)... Rolling out my IT band (which runs along the side of your thigh) really seems to unkink my whole body... The other night, I used my "torture" roller on the front of my thigh and it released knot that helped my whole body.. I wish I understood kinesiology / myofascial release better so I could explain it..

I use two foam rollers and the price seems to have increased... maybe more demand due to covid?? still, you could get both of these for less than a massage, so it's a good investment

#1. This is my primary foam roller, which is softer than other foam rollers... I couldn't tolerate the first one that I used, which was one of the "high density ones" ... like hard styrofoam..ugh.

#2. I also bought this one, which is a torture device :) but very effective. ... I don't use it a lot on my back; it's better for fleshier areas, like thighs and butt (great for sciatic nerve, if that's an issue) ... it's hard, but the bumps are very effective and seems to work different (BETTER) that the hard styrofoam smooth one..

...and, If I had the $$, I'd get this in a heartbeat:

This is the "bible" which I don't have

This is similar to a book I have, but better illustrations:


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@ebethc I am not fluent at all. I agree that there is great variance around dx from MRIs. I just wanted to compare the small spinal canal diamater or whatever its called with my imaging but don't worry about it with the wildfires and all.
Lately I have added doing a modified 'downward dog' which also allows my cervical spine to lengthen and to have some of the pressure taken off.

It's got me thinking!
I wondered simulating hanging over a bar as we used to do in the playground with that work as well? Eh over edge of bed. Not sure if this would cause autonomic issues? Could it keep the traction / forces aligned if ?


Senior Member
Since I found that downward dog helps, I have been thinking about an inversion table..... Dr. Curtin at the Center for Complex Diseases, recommended I try one a year ago, but her suggestion was one in a basketful and I just couldn't imagine going down every path she pointed to. It is making more sense now.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
The best thing to do with orthopedic problems is to see an OCS certfied physical therapist who is knowledgeable in McKenzie technique. They do 4,000 hours of supervised orthopedic rehabilitation. No other practitioner can touch them.