Has anyone tried Oxaloacetate and was it helpful?


Senior Member
I tried it and found a very mild benefit but it wasn’t worth the cost. It stopped working for me after a while and I haven’t tried it again since.


Senior Member
I got quite interesting effects from plain oxalate found in spinach. When I trialed a portion of spinach on an empty stomach I experienced a dramatic surge of energy about 30 to 60 minutes later, which I can only attribute to the oxalate, probably by being part of the citric acid cycle.

I eventually had to stop spinach due to kidney pain and other issues, so this was unfortunately more of a short-term hack as most of the temporary improvement producing fixes tend to be. I had a hard time finding oxaloacetate supplements and at the dose needed to produce a similar effect they would have been very expensive, but I trialed them once and they didn't seem to work any better than plain oxalate for me.


Senior Member
So I ordered the Oxaloacetate CFS from the manufacturer, and I wish I could say it helped, but I couldn't tolerate it. Like most supplements I've tried, it exacerbated my symptoms. I felt really achey and tired after taking it on Day 1. So I had to stop. For some reason (excess cytokine production, maybe?), my body hyper-reacts to virtually everything I give it.
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Senior Member
A month is quite a decent time though, shame about that. Most of the supplements I trial stop working way quicker than that. It's as if I can fool the body to temporarily work more normally due to introducing a disturbance via quite different types of drugs or supplements, but in the end they do not probably target the problem specifically enough, so the body just ends up compensating by shutting down certain pathways again.