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Has anyone tried Oxaloacetate and was it helpful?


Senior Member
I tried it and found a very mild benefit but it wasn’t worth the cost. It stopped working for me after a while and I haven’t tried it again since.


Senior Member
I got quite interesting effects from plain oxalate found in spinach. When I trialed a portion of spinach on an empty stomach I experienced a dramatic surge of energy about 30 to 60 minutes later, which I can only attribute to the oxalate, probably by being part of the citric acid cycle.

I eventually had to stop spinach due to kidney pain and other issues, so this was unfortunately more of a short-term hack as most of the temporary improvement producing fixes tend to be. I had a hard time finding oxaloacetate supplements and at the dose needed to produce a similar effect they would have been very expensive, but I trialed them once and they didn't seem to work any better than plain oxalate for me.