I've been taking mutaflor for about 2 years.
It doesn't do all the miraculous stuff some people claim, like cure depression and restore mitochondrial function. But it does improve bowel problems in a fairly marvellous way. I used to have such awful diarrhoea, pain and bloating, but on this stuff I am going regularly, once a day and pretty always pain free. I use a whole lot of other probiotics with it and also take it with psyllium husk, as this prebiotic is essential to help all the good bacteria reproduce once inside the gut.
Improving bowel flora like this definitely has the effect of improving overall immune function, because so much of the active immune system is freed up for other jobs once it is no longer engaged in a constant battle against unbalanced intestinal flora.
I would beware of ordering it by post as it definitely does need to be refrigerated all the time. I was told that just 24 hours out of the fridge is enough to impair its potency.