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Has anyone tried Deplin?


Senior Member
Dr D-J in Hawai seems to be having success with some patients trying deplin. Has anyone tried it? And if so, any benefits or negatives? Many thanks


Senior Member
Yes, but in much higher doses. Although Dr D J has said that in clinical practise she does feel there is a difference. I should note that I've tried a low dose 200mcg of methylmate and can only tolerate it every other day or even every three days. I think i read somewhere that even if only tolerate small amounts for some reason which I don't understand i might nonetheless tolerate a much higher dose in the form of deplin. Can anyone explain why this would be? Many thanks


Senior Member
From what I have gathered,people on this forum usually take 800mcg of metafolin in a day.

Freddd has said that the side effects on Deplin research state "Deplin is generally well tolerated with no side effects different from placebo". (Refer to http://forums.phoenixrising.me/index.php?threads/active-b12-protocol-basics.10138/)
I started getting headaches after taking one Deplin(7.5mg) everydy for a month,so I broke the tablet into around 8 parts and now I take 1/8th of 7.5mg everyday, which is around 800 mcg only. I no longer get those headaches.

I'm sorry but I have no idea about methylmate.What is it?