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Has anyone tried ARV for Chinese Negative AIDS?

Hi Everyone. I've got infected as called "Chinese Negative Aids Virus" since Dec 2019.
I had sex with a southeast Asia girl who looks ill.
After 3weeks, I was seriously ill really. I was certainly sure I am infected HIV. but test results negative 20times. I did rt-pcr 3times and I did western blot too. all negative. but my cd4 count was getting down.
After exposer
3 weeks - CD4 750 CD8: 700
4 weeks - CD4 500 CD8: 450
6 weeks - CD4 456 CD8: 500
7 weeks - CD4 404 CD8: 400
8 weeks - CD4 456 CD8: 445
12 weeks - CD4 467 CD8: 443
24 weeks - CD4 430 CD8: 422

6 weeks: 530 (range 700-1500)
12 weeks: 580

I have tons of symptoms: 8kg lose weight in 4weeks. muscle twitching, yellow foamy urine, black stool, brain fog, drowsy every time. It must be an infection. but Doctors don't think like that.

ART treatment option as tested and described by the Chinese community:

a. combination of tenofovir,lamivudine and efavirenz, clearly effective , continuously alleviating symptoms, with the immune index of all people of the group tending to become normal.

b. combination of tenofovir, lamivudine and isentress, clearly effectve, continuously alleviating symptoms, with the immune index and the value of cd4 of all the people of the group going up toward the normal.

c. combination of tenofovir, lamivudine, and talunavir, clearly effective , continuously alleviating symptoms, with the immune index of all people of the group tending to become normal.

Isentress and Trudadu seems to be an effective combination for some.

I saw some threads relate to taking ARVs and people said it is effective. However doesn't have enough information. I want to know some testimonial. such as how much take side effect change blood test result etc.


Senior Member
You should go to see a physician who specializes in infectious disease. Nobody here is a specialist in Chinese Negative Aids Virus.


Senior Member
Hi Everyone. I've got infected as called "Chinese Negative Aids Virus" since Dec 2019.

Most people I have seen with the Chinese "HIV-like" virus get much better after a year or two. They do not return to 100% full health, but they attain close to full health, but with a few mild remaining symptoms.

You caught the virus 6 months ago, so you have some time to go before you get to 1 or 2 years with the virus.

Those with the Chinese "HIV-like" virus are luckier that ME/CFS patients, whose condition is often lifelong.

In China, the Third Military Medical University has some expertise with the Chinese "HIV-like" virus, but I don't think they have yet identified the pathogen, and I am not sure if they can offer any treatments.

I was certainly sure I am infected HIV. but test results negative 20times.

Often people who get this many HIV tests are suffering from anxiety, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Anxiety means experiencing mental tension and/or worries.

Viral infections can sometimes alter brain functioning and lead to anxiety symptoms.

If you are suffering from anxiety, have you considered taking medications to help control anxiety? This may improve quality of life while you wait for your symptoms to hopefully get better.