I have resisted using even a can for 26 yes. Recently the pain from my arthritis forced me to start( and get a handicap placard). I am so much less tired I'm shocked.
CFS fatigue doesn't equal a lack of willpower, it equals a lack if adequate energy production. Wish I hadn't been so pigheaded yrs ago. Why not live a fuller life.
Obviously its not a cure but it made the difference of going to the fruit market vs not
A lot of us can relate to that. I was the same with electric bikes, and some will like what I'm about to say. My encouraging friend kept telling I didn't need an electric bike and an ordinary bike was fine. I too hoped I could improve on the ordinary bike, but I was put off by how ill it kept making me feel. The cost of the electric bike was also putting me off, more than my car cost me to buy.
I resisted for a couple of years, then suddenly my friend changed tack and said buy one, I was still resisting on price grounds, when I finally got one it was like magic, why oh why hadn't I got one sooner.
I'm mobile enough to not require a mobility scooter, I feel it could have been detrimental to my walking ability. However if I had never progressed to being able to walk at least a mile I would probably have bought one. Yes I'm very stubborn and masochistic, always have been, always will be.