@appa this is just so disheartening. Unrelenting pain is so hard to deal with. My guess is that the adhesions are more of an endo issue than a fibro or ME/CFS issue. Wouldn't it be nice if just one thing could go wrong at once? The ER just doesn't seem to be a great place for women's health related stuff, does it?
Has your endo surgeon given you an help/advice on how to handle this? LDN has a good rep for fibro pain generally, but I'm not sure about mixing it with post-surgery opioids. If you want advice (and you certainly don't have to take it) don't make any decisions about what meds might be useful when you are in a bad place and see if there's some doc you trust to make sense of med interactions. You might end up choosing LDN to help with fibro pain and passing on surgery for now for the endo stuff. Or you might want a surgery at some point and forego LDN (if that turns out to be necessary). Seems like either might decrease your pain, even if you can't do both at once and decreased pain is a good thing.