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Has anyone had a Covid vaccine yet?


Senior Member
Hello Everyone....Day 5 after the second dose of Pfizer vaccine. No problems with l. arm, no swelling, slight pain the first two days. I didn't even have to take anything for it. No other complaints, but I did do overdo things yesterday...my own fault, I can't blame the vaccine for that. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
It’s now been 48 hours since my first dose of Moderna day before yesterday. The panic attacks I feared because of previous bad vaccine reactions never happened 😃and I had very mild side effects. Slightly sore arm (gone already). I woke up the first night feeling fluish - but wasn’t sure if it was the shot or PEM from all the excitement. Looking back I’m sure it was a mild reaction to the shot. Went back to sleep and woke up feeling better than I did before the shot. So all that fretting was for nothing. Lol!
Not had mine yet. Just checked and it looks like I am going to get mine sometime between 19th April and 8th may if I don't fit the priority group 6. If I do fit the priority group I will get mine by the end of march. Not sure where ME fits in the priority group of vaccines.
Looked on ME association website after my post yesterday and Dr Shepherd has written to Chris Whitty asking for ME to be added to the priority list. Chris Whitty has then written to the people in charge of writing the list to see if they can review the list. Hopefully we will be added to the priority list!

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
Finger crossed, I may be able to get my first shot on Friday.

Otherwise, I just found out that I've been approved for addition to the high risk group as a person with ME/CFS after March 15. I want to be vaccinated very badly.


Hope you can get it Friday @TiredBill. Also good to know that you were approved for high risk group with ME/CFS. :thumbsup: I need to work on getting that approval. I'm in CA also.

Sigh, need a provider, mine retired.


Senior Member
Hope you can get it Friday @TiredBill. Also good to know that you were approved for high risk group with ME/CFS. :thumbsup: I need to work on getting that approval. I'm in CA also.

Sigh, need a provider, mine retired.

It took 5 emails to my provider--as I kept getting back "form letters" that did not answer any of my questions about eligibility in response--but finally, after I made my expiration known, my persistence paid off. I was approved. And justly so IMO.

If the lead about a place an hour and a half away that is supposedly taking all comers proves to unreliable on Friday, I will have a back up plan after the 15th.

My illness--as with many of us I'm sure--started with a virus out of the blue and I never recovered. I'm pessimistic about what might happen if I contracted Covid. I really want this vaccine, badly.

Good luck in your quest.

I had the second Pfizer vaccine a couple of weeks ago. This time around I had a mild headache that required a couple of paracetamol and 2 days later I also suddenly became extremely sleepy for a couple of hours ( at the exact same time as my colleague who'd had the vaccine at the same time). Thankfully the feeling passed with some coffee, sweets and ibuprofen.
Had my first Oxford shot 11 days ago and holy moly did it make me unwell. I've honestly not been that ill for over a decade, and this is coming from a 33yo guy who didnt really believe in vaccine side effects or at least thought people over exaggerated them.

The first 4 to 8 hours I felt surprisingly energised, almost like I'd taken some sort of upper. About 10 hours in I felt the aches coming on and then that night was just horrific. Started feeling totally unreal and unwell. The next 36hours I felt aches like I'd never imagined possible and had a fever of 39.2c (my normal is usually around 36.4c). Couldn't or didn't want to get out of bed at all for 4 straight days. I started coming around a bit end of the 4th day but I've honestly not felt right since, it's really knocked me for six and taken what little energy I had with it. Haven't managed to get back to baseline yet after 11 days and a little concerned, really don't want to go through that again in 3 months for the second shot to be honest


Senior Member
I'll be having the Pfizer vaccine on Saturday. I have a number of conditions, ME is on top of them.

I also have Autoimmune Encephalitis so very carefully checked this out. My neurologist gave it an immediate go-ahead as did my cardiologist who told me to get it ASAP. I'm listening. I don't expect it to be without side-effects and will let you know how I fare. Yorus, Lenora.

Sorry, I didn't reply on time. I had no problems whatsoever with the Pfizer vaccines. Sore arm during the first 3 wks. of the first one (think they hit bone) and absolutely no reactions whatsoever with the second. No lethargy, illness or chills. Just thought you'd like to hear what happened. Stay well. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
west yorkshire
Had the second Astra Zenecca shot two weeks ago yesterday. Felt really rough for2 days, just like last time. I work part time, so went back to work, still feeling below my pre vaccine state. By the weekend the viral symptoms flared like mad; bed rest over the weekend and again, took two days off work, struggled through the rest and flared like crazy again on saturday. I'm on day 3 of bed rest today, starting to feel a bit better, hope this time it's a permanent improvement. I've been a bit concerned, tbh. Worst flare up I've had in a while. I'll keep you posted.
I've been offered one (the AstraZeneca vaccine) through work, it's a tricky decision and I've read around it a bit, especially the info and advice from Drs on Health Rising that was posted recently. Just wondered if anyone on here has had it?
I just got my first jab of Pfizer a week ago (Finally!!!)and got a scary very unpleasant 20- minute reaction, forty hours after the shot.
I have been postmenopausal for most of my 16 years with ME, but my 20 minute -duration sudden reaction was identical to 5/6 symptoms i always got on first day of my period. (So I just sat on loo, put my head down, breathed and meditated till it passed.).. I find this fascinating, as majority of women with ME quickly go perimenpausal, and I concluded that the mRNA jab affects the endochrine system/ hormone levels somehow. (There's also a link between menopause and autoimmune diseases manifesting themselves, all to do with what they call inflammation.)