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Has anyone had a Covid vaccine yet?

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
There's also a link between menopause and autoimmune diseases manifesting themselves, all to do with what they call inflammation

I did get noticeably worse when menopause sort of started up (around 48 for me) and my sleep was directly affected, which seemed to generate a downward trend overall. Then I became much more anxious as I don't operate without sleep.

We get so many ODD chemical poisoning symptoms.... ah yes. I hope thats now over with and things settle down for you.


Senior Member
west yorkshire
I did get noticeably worse when menopause sort of started up (around 48 for me) and my sleep was directly affected, which seemed to generate a downward trend overall. Then I became much more anxious as I don't operate without sleep.

We get so many ODD chemical poisoning symptoms.... ah yes. I hope thats now over with and things settle down for you.
I was in remission for 12 years before this episode of ME that began 4 years ago. I am 50 now and I do think that peri/menopause was a contributing factor to this relapse. As for my recovery fro my 2nd AZ covid jab, 6 weeks later and I'm still not back to baseline, it's affected my ability to do my part-time job. ME, midlife and vaccination, what a combination. What fresh hell will come next?


Senior Member
Hello @LucindaC......Interesting that you should talk about early menopause & CFS/ME & Co. I experienced full-onset menopause at age 42...never any winding down, it just happened.

However, it wasn't until I was in my 70's that all symptoms of things like hot flushes ended. Well, I hope...let's put it that way. Hormones are stored in the fatty tissue of the body, and I was actually quite thin. I think it must have been stored in the breasts and stomach areas....nowhere else for it to be.

I have two daughters....one, who can put on weight if she isn't careful, began a very early menopause, just like mine. She was miserable and is now on hormones (although I don't know what type).

The second gas very much an athlete's body build and is still going strong. She in, in fact quite athletic.) The oldest is 50 and the youngest is 47....bear in mind that the oldest began this trek in her early 40's also. So as much as they talk about body types, I don't believe that's even close to the entire answer.

If I think about it, the younger daughter is showing signs of peri-menopause in her demeanor, and actually looks older than her sister, and I'll question her when she visits in a few days (she lives in CA.).

I now hope that you're feeling better. My Astra-Zeneca doses went without any real problems.....oh, sore arm, chills, but nothing major. I'm very fortunate. My husband suffered more with the Moderna (although he didn't admit it, I could tell that he was dragging far more than usual). Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
Did anyone have a few days between the vaccine and side effects? I had Pfizer on Sunday and started feeling significantly worse starting Wednesday (fatigue, headache etc). Just wondering if this is the vaccine or just another random ME crash.

Think it could possibly be the vaccine since I always feel the effects of any trigger only a few days after


Senior Member
Did anyone have a few days between the vaccine and side effects? I had Pfizer on Sunday and started feeling significantly worse starting Wednesday (fatigue, headache etc). Just wondering if this is the vaccine or just another random ME crash.

Think it could possibly be the vaccine since I always feel the effects of any trigger only a few days after

My very mild reactions were immediately afterwards. I hope you'll fare just fine. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
I had my second shot Biontech/Pfizer on wednesday afternoon.
That night i developed a headache and i felt fatigued.
Sleep was terrible, constantly woke up, difficulty to breathe.
Thursday - yesterday i felt completely exhausted. I had to stay in bed all day.
Brain fog was and still is intense with a feeling of depersonalisation / derealization and confusion, typing this post is difficult.
Sensitivity to light and sound has increased and there's mild tinnitus sometimes.
I have not felt like this since the acute withdrawal phase from clonazepam (benzodiazepine).
Was it a mistake to take the shot?......


Senior Member
west yorkshire
Hi @Thinktank , I'm sorry that you're having such a rough time after your jab. I've been struggling for 9 weeks post 2nd jab, but for most people the effects are much shorter. Please make sure you seek medical attention for your symptoms if they continue. Even though I've been quite debilitated by the after effects of the vaccine, I personally don't think it's helpful to think of it as a mistake. We all make the best decisions we can on the information available. Take good care of yourself and I hope you feel much better soon.


Senior Member
I had my second shot Biontech/Pfizer on wednesday afternoon.
That night i developed a headache and i felt fatigued.
Sleep was terrible, constantly woke up, difficulty to breathe.
Thursday - yesterday i felt completely exhausted. I had to stay in bed all day.
Brain fog was and still is intense with a feeling of depersonalisation / derealization and confusion, typing this post is difficult.
Sensitivity to light and sound has increased and there's mild tinnitus sometimes.
I have not felt like this since the acute withdrawal phase from clonazepam (benzodiazepine).
Was it a mistake to take the shot?......
I'm so sorry to hear. I hope the effects will wane off soon. If I may ask, how was your reaction to the first Pfizer shot? And are you a severe/mild/moderate case normally?


Senior Member
Did anyone have a few days between the vaccine and side effects? I had Pfizer on Sunday and started feeling significantly worse starting Wednesday (fatigue, headache etc). Just wondering if this is the vaccine or just another random ME crash.

Think it could possibly be the vaccine since I always feel the effects of any trigger only a few days after

Correction: I had the Pfizer vaccine and didn't have any crashes. I did have a bruised arm that still hurts months later if I lay on directly on it. I believe that was an overeager volunteer who went to deep and hit something.

My second Pfizer vaccine went without any difficult at all, except for a slightly sore arm. I did have chills the first night, perhaps even the second, but no major feelings one way or the other. Yours, Lenora.


Senior Member
@blueberry, 9 weeks is a long time... how are you doing now vs the first few weeks post-second jab? Any improvement?
I will lose my job if i stay this sick for 9 weeks or longer.

@Bergkamp, my reaction to the first shot was a lot milder. Some headache, mild fatigue and asthma the first few nights. After that i was fine.
I'm a moderate case, sometimes mild-moderate.

I will NOT take any booster shot if offered. This situation scares the hell out of me.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Little update from me. Had my second AZ vaccine on the 3rd June. Was fine for about a week, but then I managed to catch some sort of virus/infection and went completely down hill after that. It seems now like I have a quite bad ebv flare, which is causing me all sorts of symptoms but is primarily draining me so I am incredibly tired. But the physical fatigue is still being buffered by the protocol I'm on. So even though I can wake up feeling crashed or crashy, I recover super quick, like in a few hours. This is 100% different to before where I would just end up sick as a dog for 4 days (usually 1 week).

So long story short and not to go off topic, the 2nd jab appears to have caused my ebv to re-activate AGAIN. I was on the road to remission before the jab, I felt better than I had in 5 years. So I therefore blame the vaccine.

Currently taking high doses of the protocol to try and clear the flare and get my immune system back to normal.

But what I still hope scientists figure out is, why does ebv reactivate when you hit a stress trigger after a vaccine (potentially any vaccine) but especially covid...what's going on. And why does it take months to recover back to baseline?


Senior Member
west yorkshire
Hi @Thinktank , it's unlikely you'll be ill for 9 weeks, I think I'm just one of the unlucky ones, most folks seem to get back to baseline much quicker. I seem to be having a similar experience to @godlovesatrier in as much as I'm experiencing what seems to be a series of horrendous viral-type flares which are different to/worse than a "normal" ME crash, on top of much worsened PEM. The main symptom in my post-jab experience is the worst and most painful swollen glands in my jaw and throat, with accompanying flu-like symptoms. I'm getting some little side-infections, a gum infection that needed antibiotics and now painful sinusitis. Here's hoping we all feel a lot better soon x


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Really? That is so bizzare that's waht I've got! Apart from the infections and gum issues. I think blasting the infection with 15,000mg of monolaurin probably did me the world of good a week ago. But didn't get rid of the infection, which I think is ebv.

Definitely, it's been 2 weeks now. Can't believe you have the same symptoms as me.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hmm interesting. I really needed an ebv lateral flow test to 100% confirm it wasn't ebv. To be fair it could just be a viral infection but they don't normally stay in my system for this length of time. Did your doctor test you for ebv though or did they just tell you it wasn't ebv?

Just thinking my doctor would definitely tell me it was a viral infection with or without a negative ebv test. ebv reactivation isn't something they check for over here.

Anyway it's so odd you have jaw weakness/aches as well, my tonsils were very swollen initially but as I said I took 19k monolaurin one day and 9k the next and that seemed to nuke the infection. I am hoping it gets better over the weekend. When I wake up in the morning my mouth is dry and I have a sort of sort throat from the dryness and it's got progressively drier even in the day time, but this could be from the beta glucans nad reishi I'm taking.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
How you feeling now @blueberry

I haven't had my results yet from the doctor, my jaw still isn't fully better but it's better than it was. My herx on lauricidin and andrographis paniculata whole leaf is probably 50% better than it was and symptoms are mainly postnasal drip now with a sore throat. It doesn't feel like the bacteria is growing in the throat anymore. But my voice is still crap.

So I just wanted to know how you were :)


Senior Member
west yorkshire
@godlovesatrier thanks for asking. I thought I was feeling a bit better for a couple of days, managed a couple of hours out of bed but worse again today but that might have been high pollen count- I never ever had hayfever until the last couple of years, guess my immune system now reacts to a lot of stuff. I'm a bit concerned how long this is all taking, I have a part-time job that I really need to be getting back to! But it is as it is, and I'm trying to stay all accepting and patient!


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Glad you appear to have an ok baseline which should mean you feel better soon hopefully. The pollen count has been very high, since I started the protocol in my signature my hayfever seems to have improved quite a lot, July and August are usually not great months. But the real test for me is Feb/March when my hay fever as it its absolute worst.

I work as well, found it very tricky although my ME symptoms actually don't seem too bad currently, but the infection which seems to be concentrated in my cartildge and ligament area inc the tissues behind that and down my throat has been hard to shift. I am trying to Cryptolepis now to try and shift it, seems to be attacking something in those areas rather potently so fingers crossed.

I guess it might be weeks until we're both back to normal :( Hopefully won't be that long!