I haven't voted because I'm not sure when my decline started.
I became seriously ill in early 2001.
Winter 1999 I was finally diagnosed lactose intolerant after a long period of disabling sinus migraines, rash & GI disturbances.
December 1999 passenger in a car accident, whiplash.
December 31st 1999 I had a horse riding accident.
I was unconcious for approximately 40 minutes, by the time the ambulance arrived I was hypothermic. I'd actually fractured 4 lumbar veterbrae & spent 5 days in hospital. But it was intially missed & I was sent home to care for myself but that's a whole 'nother medical incompetence story, lol.
Spring 2000 severe gastro illness, lost 6kg in less than 2 weeks.
January 2001 Whooping Cough, didn't know I was sick & kept working in extreme heat/labour conditions.
Never recovered after that, totally bedridden.
I agree with Rich. If you want to cover all the bases you need to add his suggestions. And may I suggest options for choosing more than one.
I became seriously ill in early 2001.
Winter 1999 I was finally diagnosed lactose intolerant after a long period of disabling sinus migraines, rash & GI disturbances.
December 1999 passenger in a car accident, whiplash.
December 31st 1999 I had a horse riding accident.
I was unconcious for approximately 40 minutes, by the time the ambulance arrived I was hypothermic. I'd actually fractured 4 lumbar veterbrae & spent 5 days in hospital. But it was intially missed & I was sent home to care for myself but that's a whole 'nother medical incompetence story, lol.
Spring 2000 severe gastro illness, lost 6kg in less than 2 weeks.
January 2001 Whooping Cough, didn't know I was sick & kept working in extreme heat/labour conditions.
Never recovered after that, totally bedridden.
I agree with Rich. If you want to cover all the bases you need to add his suggestions. And may I suggest options for choosing more than one.