Has anyone been helped by Vagus nerve stimulation?


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Found another interesting study as it relates to tVNS and inflammatory markers.

Noninvasive Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation Decreases Whole Blood CultureDerived Cytokines and Chemokines: A Randomized, Blinded, Healthy Control Pilot Trial - Link
This device (by gammaCore) has been put through a number of clincal trials for different conditions. It appears to work for headaches but I know of 4 people who took part in trials for gastroparesis, none of whom had any benefit in using this to improve on gastric dysmotilty.
I did get a TENS 7000. It has dial for power marked 0 thru 8. I don't know how this equates to mA. I have turned the dial to subtle perception of current without pain. It almost feels like a very slight, but rapid pin prick affect on the tragus.
I'm not familiar with these devices myself so am unclear about the various settings on these too. I have a gastric pacemaker (attached to the stomach) to control nausea asscoiated with gastroparesis and can't find out anywhere if it's safe to do tVNS with having the pacer implanted too so my input is all only theoretical.
I am not very happy with the ear clips I am currently using. It's very difficult to keep them in place on the tragus.
It's not going to help you much with keeping the clip in place but there's an interesting thread on tVNS in the healthrising forums showing a modification to your type of black ear clip which for reasons I can't quite fathom, applies a current to either side of the tragus.
https://www.healthrising.org/forums...o-use-in-vagus-nerve-stimulation-of-ear.2653/ (click on “Download now” box for pdf of lead prep instructions (top of page, right of article title).
Yes, I've tried TRANS-CUTANEOUS vagus nerve stimulation. DO NOT SPEND $500 on a machine. There is definitely no need to spend that much. If you look closely at the papers for transcutaneous vagus never stimulation, you can find the exact TENS device they used, I believe it costs around $50. I looked at it and all the features it has and bought a TENS device similar to it that had all the same features.

It didn't seem to do much for me, but I didn't stick with it past 3 weeks or so. I also don't seem to have many vagal symptoms like POTS or anything else.

If you have any questions, just ask and I will answer them the best I can.

PS: there is scientific evidence of this and it does work.

I want to buy a TENS for my sister. I was just wandering if it good for tinnitus also.
Where can I find the TENS that costs only 50 ?


Senior Member
Where can I find the TENS that costs only 50 ?
There are many on Amazon and Ebay for around that price or less.

I am trying to find the paper about tVNS that mentioned the specific TENS unit. That's what I bought, but I don't think it matters much. So long as you can adjust the pulse rate, pulse width, and wave form: https://www.healthrising.org/forums...gus-nerve-stimulation-of-ear.2653/#post-10082

Here's one paper that lists the TENS unit they used in the study: https://www.grc.com/health/research/CNS/Non-invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Healthy Humans Reduces Sympathetic Nerve Activity.pdf
They used a V-TENS Plus by Body Clock Health Care.

I believe I bought the TENS 7000 or TwinStim 2nd edition. That's what mine looks like.
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Senior Member
I do like using the TENS machine. It is subtle, but I do find it relaxing.

I have tried four methods:
  1. Tragus connection and ear lobe connection with 200 us at 20Hz in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  2. Tragus to Concha Cymba with 200 us at 20Hz in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  3. Concha Cymba to Ear Lobe with 200 us at 20Hz in in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  4. Pads on either side of my spine on the back of my neck and two pads on my shoulder blades. I alternate between 200us at 20Hz normal and 200us 5Hz burst mode.
1 and 4 seem to be the best for me. 2 provides some sense of calm. I don't like 3.

I feel like 1 calms my brain and nervous system very slightly. 4 is like a massage. I turn the power up to where it is perceived and comfortable, but never painful or uncomfortable.

I usually us it for 30 minutes at a time. I have used it up to 4 hours in a single day.

These ear clips worked best for my ears:


Senior Member
  1. Tragus to Concha Cymba with 200 us at 20Hz in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
  2. Concha Cymba to Ear Lobe with 200 us at 20Hz in in normal (i.e. continuous mode)
How do you get the electrode to stay in place in the Concha cymba?

Can you show pictures of your ear electrodes (if you've modified them so they fit better)?