Hi there
I have had my DNA ADDUCTS and TL PROTEIN studies done by Dr John howard at ACUMEN IN DEVON. I already knew i had 40% blocking of adp tp atp at active sites so i did these to look at what was causing this.
BELOW IS EXCATLY what was on results.
These are my Dna ADDUCTS
vinyl chloride ng/ml blood(6) Gene(Creatine kinase)
copper complex (4) ?
vinyl halide
creatine phosphate ? why in mitochondrial membranes
? antibiotic residue Probably an immune complex; see above
any thoughts on to to DEAL WITH THESE.
Iodine and saunas have been mentioned. I got resultrs of my pre and post loading iodine tests today btw.
I have had my DNA ADDUCTS and TL PROTEIN studies done by Dr John howard at ACUMEN IN DEVON. I already knew i had 40% blocking of adp tp atp at active sites so i did these to look at what was causing this.
BELOW IS EXCATLY what was on results.
These are my Dna ADDUCTS
vinyl chloride ng/ml blood(6) Gene(Creatine kinase)
copper complex (4) ?
vinyl halide
creatine phosphate ? why in mitochondrial membranes
? antibiotic residue Probably an immune complex; see above
any thoughts on to to DEAL WITH THESE.
Iodine and saunas have been mentioned. I got resultrs of my pre and post loading iodine tests today btw.