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Hair Mineral Testing


Senior Member
Oh, I missed this thread before replying to some people...!

A Facebook group is fine by me if Christine joins it, otherwise it's the same as here. Maybe someone could ask her what she thinks about it, creating a facebook group is really simple to do.


Senior Member
I don't think she has the time to be on Facebook -- on several of her posts she stated that she was swamped with work and behind on her paper. Plus, since she (I think) is trying to get the paper published, I'm not sure if she'd want to go too much further into detail in public -- until she has published the paper. I think she said it would take 3 months or so.


Oh, I missed this thread before replying to some people...!

A Facebook group is fine by me if Christine joins it, otherwise it's the same as here. Maybe someone could ask her what she thinks about it, creating a facebook group is really simple to do.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
Do you think we should take the B2 discussion away from this forum to one where we can discuss Christines services?

facebook group? Other suggestion?

I would like to join a group, but not on facebook. There are too many privacy issues there. The same with Yahoo groups.

I am a little short on constructive suggestions. Maybe we could get our own little free message board. I don't know how to go about that. I do not know if Christine could add a message board to her site. Someone said she was trying to add a blog. I do not how well that will work for back-and-forth conversation. In short, I am not very technologically literate.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
"Limits on discussion"?
Yes, we want to be able to discuss Christines ideas and how to implement them with her. Christine started the Hair Mineral Analysis on March 10. I am not sure what day she was banned, but we had approximately 3 weeks to discuss her ideas with her. What do you think would have happened to Freddds Active B protocol if he had been banned 3 weeks after joining? Fortunately for many here, Freddd is not a health care professional. Right now, without Christine, we are pretty much the blind leading the blind.

I do understand your desire, even need, not to be a meeting place for a professional and her clients, actual and potential. But I think you can understand our desire to have a place where we can, as a group, communicate directly with Christine.

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
It has been said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It appears that some people are starting to take B2 with a little knowledge. I will throw my little knowledge in and hope it makes things better, not worse.

I think early on Christine said that this is not strictly a B2 deficiency. The B2 is sort of the lynchpin to a set of nutritional/metabolic problems.

While Christine did tell me to stop my B complex, she told me (I dont know if this applies to others) to take a little B1. She also told me to watch for signs of a B12 deficiency which could show up within days. I am then to resume supplementing B12. I am guessing that eventually the other Bs will be added back in. She also told me to watch for signs of excess calcium, but did not say (or I did not note) what to do in that case.

My life has been beyond hectic for over a week, but I am hoping to start the B2 late next week.


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
Yes, we want to be able to discuss Christines ideas and how to implement them with her.
Christine started the Hair Mineral Analysis on March 10. I am not sure what day she was banned, but we had approximately 3 weeks to discuss her ideas with her. What do you think would have happened to Freddds Active B protocol if he had been banned 3 weeks after joining? Fortunately for many here, Freddd is not a health care professional. Right now, without Christine, we are pretty much the blind leading the blind.
As regards Freddd, as far as I am aware he is not advertising, promoting or selling his products or services to members on Phoenix Rising, so that is the difference between those two cases. As far as I can tell, Christine is not strictly a 'health care professional' either, but she does have a commercial interest and that is where the problem lies.

I do understand your desire, even need, not to be a meeting place for a professional and her clients, actual and potential.
I really hope that everybody here can understand that this is an important principle; it is quite normal for internet forums to exclude commercial interests.

But I think you can understand our desire to have a place where we can, as a group, communicate directly with Christine.
Yes, I can understand that many of you desire that, and you're perfectly entitled to set that up. I hope it's clear that you're all also free to discuss your treatment and experience here, including your experience of Christine's services, and I hope you'll continue to do so.

This shouldn't be construed as a statement of intent or a commitment on behalf of Phoenix Rising as an organisation, I'm just thinking aloud now really, but it's not inconceivable that we might one day provide paid-for advertising and marketplace services on Phoenix Rising, and that this might include medical services and medical advice, with facilities for group discussions. But as a rough first thought about what that might involve, if that were to happen we would need to think very carefully about the legal and ethical implications, and plan how that would be managed, so that all commercial interests, qualifications, training, services and fees are transparent and verifiable. And I imagine that it would be important that any such services would have to be strictly separate from the forums, because the independence of our discussion here is an important principle.


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
hi little Bluestem,

If we are deficient in B2, deficiency is likely to occur in B1, B3 and B6 (as was stated before). I didn't measure B2, but according to my chart, Christine told me that I have a fairly marked deficiency. What I do know (and was tested in 2010 and 2011) is that I have a very marked deficiency in B3 (Acumen lab) and B1 too (Hospital Lab Tel ha Shomer), so it seems critical to supplement B2 (and add the other ones acording to the needs).

I am waiting for my supplements to arrive for the moment...


Senior Member
Is hair analysis the best way to check for vitamin levels in the body? If so, I have a question for the people who had this analysis done in the past. Did you just get a report from the lab without any explanation or advice as to what to do about it?

One more question, and please don't jump on me for this, it's meant as a naive look at this, why is it that no one else looking or studying these charts has
ever come to the same conclusion as DP? Is it that she is looking at it differently based on her experience with dogs? I'm just trying to understand why this has not been revealed sooner being that it seems that many people had this hair analysis done in the past.

Thank you.


Senior Member
I find all this a bit confusing, I remember Christine mentioning that animals being fed a diet without b2 showed sign of deficiency after 3 months or so, so the store would be larger than originally thought. Don't know where this info comes from though.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Is hair analysis the best way to check for vitamin levels in the body? If so, I have a question for the people who had this analysis done in the past.

My hair analyses doesnt show up vitamins.. just minerals and trace minerals and toxins in the hair

I dont really understand much what indications on the charts which Christine is using to theorise B2 deficiency but i guess there are certain indications of other things which could be used eg if B2 deficiency affects iron absorption one may get an indication from iron results etc

Did you just get a report from the lab without any explanation or advice as to what to do about it?

It depends on the lab. The lab I used gave a 11 page report which included ideas on helping the issues it found eg what foods to have more of, what to avoid.. all based on what i was high and low on the analyses.

It also says what symptoms I may be getting from certain results it found and also said I have a slow metabolism from the findings (which I do... I was astounded with the accuracy of all the health stuff it come up with for me.. said from my analyses that I would have a predisposition to hypothyriodism.. which unknown to them actually does run in my family, I have 3 family members who do have that etc etc.. everything it said health wise was actually correct).

Its always a good idea to find out if the lab you are going throu does a decent report on helping the findings etc rather then just giving the results. Note.. I guess some labs may also be better at analysing their finding then other labs too seeing there is no set standard in this area for labs to probably meet.

One of my specialists who's actually an Internalist/physician, has only started using hair analyses results in his practice in the last year or so.. (when I asked him about it years ago he ignored me.. he didnt believe in it back then..obviously some of his patients made him change his thoughts on it).

He's finding he's able to help some of his ME/CFS patients throu it, pick up things throu it which would of been missed otherwise eg in my case it was a molybdenum deficiency, correcting it has certainly helped my brain quite a lot. The selenium I started to take due to my hair results I think has helped me too.. my nails actually now grow and hair is a lot better since taking it.

One more question, and please don't jump on me for this, it's meant as a naive look at this, why is it that no one else looking or studying these charts has
ever come to the same conclusion as DP?

There are so many things in CFS which hasnt been studied, it isnt surprising that many things may be being missed. I know things such as vitamin D.. only in recent years is that getting a lot of attention and studied more

Is it that she is looking at it differently based on her experience with dogs?

Many human things are scientifically studied in animals first.. it is quite possible that someone may notice something new while studying animals.

***Mods.. maybe it would be a good idea if this post and Nielks Im replying too can be moved to the other thread as justy dont want this thread to be about hair analyses. Thanks.


Senior Member

Some people are under the impression that Dog Person was banned simply for listing her website. This is not the case.

On at least one occasion, Dog Person used Phoenix Rising to explicitly offer hair analysis services in exchange for a specific amount of money. She was banned for actively recruiting clients as a result of that, not because she listed the name of her company in this thread.


Senior Member
If Christine was trying to sell her services she did a really bad job of it.

Yes, she was giving her services away

To be fair, Brenda, Christine was only "giving" her services to her inner circle of people who had shown her their past hair analysis. A few people commented that they too would want to have their hair analyzed by her for "free" but she replied that she can't afford to do this for everyone (which makes sense - who could?) but, only for the people who were in the inner circle.

I'm not a stupid person. It doesn't take much brain to realize that if she won't do it for me for free because I didn't have a previous hair analysis to "give" her, she can't "give" me a free one now. I'm sure if I would pay for it, she would do it. That is her busyness isn't? hair analysis?


Senior Member
Sth Australia
On at least one occasion, Dog Person used Phoenix Rising to explicitly offer hair analysis services in exchange for a specific amount of money. She was banned for actively recruiting clients as a result of that, not because she listed the name of her company in this thread.

ok.. thanks for explaining that Valentijn :) . Ive removed my post as I hadnt seen Marks post when I posted mine.

I really hope you leave yours up so more of us understand the depth of the issue and stop us feeling like she may of been treated unfairly (I was angry at the community for what had happened).

thanks again.


Senior Member
'm not a stupid person. It doesn't take much brain to realize that if she won't do it for me for free because I didn't have a previous hair analysis to "give" her, she can't "give" me a free one now. I'm sure if I would pay for it, she would do it. That is her busyness isn't? hair analysis?

She offered to do more recent ones as much for her own research as to help people. I have heard that some who requested her to do a test and pay for it were turned down by her. I think she has enough to cope with interpreting the ones she is doing for free. She has been asked to do the test frequently so I dont doubt that she gave the information requested perhaps for a later date.

She never solicited me.


Senior Member
Me neither, but I'm only one person. Have to trust that the moderators have the information they needed to justify the ban. I think the banning process could be improved if it involved members of the forum in a more democratic fashion. I hope that there is at least a warning given to a member that might be banned.

In the end it was premature to me, forum policy took precedent over a potential for health improvement of it's members. Gotta do pros vs cons. We are here because we are chronically ill.