I agree with your thoughts on this. It's not who tries the hardest. It may be who happens to come across the right way to bring it about. Maybe.
I think I found a manual way to break up quotes.
That sounds good to me, Jody.
Some of my questions have been, if I have seen, and helped deliberately bring about surprising healings -- and I have -- then why are we still so sick and why are we still poor?
But I think the answer may simply be, some challenges are bigger than others, and they take ... longer ... and they take ... more.
I think Adam, Dreamhealer worked for months on the pancreatic cancer for the musician. I think my sister took several years... I dont know why Mike is healing so quickly. I think he is using energetic tools to help reset his body which of course if amazing.
I often have had this whole business shocked back to light by ideas I come across of other people's. This helps to push past the suspicion that it was all a delusion and an illusion -- I used to go to a wild little pentecostal church where ... real stuff happened but also alot of nonsense. I have a deeply ingrained dread of being ... nonsense.
This is something I have also struggled with. Nonsense from a new age standpoint more so.
Nevertheless, when this thing gets sparked back up like tonight, I feel a gut level certainty that this stuff is gold and should not be discarded just because I don't understand it all. And just because I have ... issues about where and how I experienced it ...
The fact that you are not couching this in religious terms is very encouraging to me.
Well, my sisters experience was spiritual to her. But that is her perception of her experience. I have problems with the spiritual part when it becomes very specific because I cannot believe the things she does. This has been very difficult for me. It helps me to talk with people like you and read books that are even more scientific and less spiritual like The Genie in Your Genes, The Biology of Belief, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and so on.
That said, I am a very spiritual person.. I just dont care to delude myself or others.
Don't know what he means by chemical and energetic messages.
Lipton talks about chemical messages communicating with the cell wall. The cell wall is the brain of the cell. We talk to it with messages like chemicals, drugs, herbs, or energy, homeopathy, LEDS, light, thoughts, states of being, electricity.
The energy communication is faster than the chemical communication.
I think this is true. The changes don't come about on a thought level. They happen on ... not sure, a cellular level? a dna level? ... it is more physiological I think than mental. It is "speaking" to the physiological aspects of your being, and giving them messages to heal.
Cellular I think .. but the matrix.. the connective tissue seems to be very important in the matrix of communication.. the tubulins or whatver they are called that may very well be at the meridian points as I am reading in The Genie in Your Genes. I am not sure if the microtubles in the cells (hope I ahve that right) are also involved.. I am not sure we know th extent of this.
I think so.. in The Secret, they keep talking about how it is how you feel not how you think. It is a state of being. Imagine that a state if being is a chemical of peace or silliness or enjoyment that saturates the body with healing messages. That is very difficult when you feel like crap and fear.
I would like a balanced view, a peaceful one. I am using yasko.. have peace with that.. I am targeting pathogens though not very strongly at least today.. have peace with that.. I am confused and angry.. have peace with that.. and so on.. when I can. Micheal Beckwith.. more spiritual and definitely strongly so.. says each nanosecond matters, each nano second of peace or wonder.. Tolle says the same thing. I think sometimes it gets to that point for me.. it is about each nanosecond like it is about each minute (not one day at a time but one minute at a time) for an addict.
Yeah, it is. Stopping the fear is a part of what's needed. I think there are many ways to help this come about. I am learning more ways all the time. Our bodies are so amazing, to have so many failsafes built into it, so many plan A's, plan B's, etc. It is a matter of learning about them and utilizing them, I think.
That sounds good to me. I like that.
It's not"positive thinking". It's not pretending you're not sick. It's knowing you are sick and knowing that somewhere within you lie forces that you can activate, that will beat the illness.
That sounds good. I am still thinking black and white here... you are talking duality, which is sometimes difficult for me. Thank you.
Why were you laughing out of relief?
I have needed this conversation for a while now. What a relief. Than you so much. Laughing as a release.