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Grocery Delivery Service


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I have been getting my groceries delivered by Safeway but I hate them. Yet again today my order was messed up because their website has a bug. So once again I looked for a new place and found 2.

I have not tried either of these places.

This one shops where you want them with your order. Prices vary by area. Check to see if you're in the delivery area.


This place in the OC or SF and is $60/month to shop weekly at Trader Joes but they are expanding.



But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Bob, I'm in Southern California. I emailed both places and have not heard back.


UPDATE: I heard from Envoy. He told me they are working on other delivery options, every other week or as needed. He asked me how much I spend on shopping and where else I shopped, like Whole Foods.

So I'm encouraged that this will be a good option.


Living with CFS for years, recently diagnosed.
Do you have Fresh Direct on the West Coast? They are a bit pricier than going to the grocery store, but they have a good selection of organic produce. If you sign up with them, PM me and I can get us both $25 credits for refer a friend.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Do you have Fresh Direct on the West Coast? They are a bit pricier than going to the grocery store, but they have a good selection of organic produce. If you sign up with them, PM me and I can get us both $25 credits for refer a friend.

I just looked and it looks like they deliver to me. Let me look around and see if it's not too expensive. I just got my grocery deliver today and as usual I'm pissed off.

There are places here that are organic but it is soooo expensive I just can't do it.

Thanks for this @PearlGirl26. I was going to look around again today for other places.

I found a place called Envoy that shops at Trader Joes. Right now it's weekly which I don't need but hopefully they'll go to twice a month. Then I'm in.

I'll PM you after i've looked around. For a $25.00 Credit I'd be dumb not to do it.


I just put something in my cart and it said they don't deliver in my area. I'll have to keep checking back. Maybe they will expand.


Living with CFS for years, recently diagnosed.
I just put something in my cart and it said they don't deliver in my area. I'll have to keep checking back. Maybe they will expand.

That's annoying:( I would maybe try to drop them a note to request that they deliver to you. Other alternatives I can think of: CSA delivery (google "CSA box" and "your nearest city"), also, do you have Taskrabbit or Zaarly? If it's not too expensive you can hire someone to go shopping for you. I know it's not ideal, but if you are really in a bind...


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
That's annoying:( I would maybe try to drop them a note to request that they deliver to you. Other alternatives I can think of: CSA delivery (google "CSA box" and "your nearest city"), also, do you have Taskrabbit or Zaarly? If it's not too expensive you can hire someone to go shopping for you. I know it's not ideal, but if you are really in a bind...

I'll send them a note. I've been looking. There is only really expensive organic places right now. Amazon fresh is supposed to be coming so that is an option and I think Walmart.

I know about task rabbit but I've had
Nothing but bad experiences with people shopping. I'll starve before I have one person do it.

If I'm in a bind for something (like today they picked the smallest tomatoes there so I may run out) I can get a friend to pick up something for me.

It shouldn't be such a nightmare
To get food.



Living with CFS for years, recently diagnosed.
Agreed, it's on my wishlist for if I could just get one thing back - the ability to shop for my own groceries. I am obsessed with food. Loved the farmer's market. Grateful to have Fresh Direct, but still rely on other people to prepare food for me. Sometimes I set up my bedside wheelie table and a chair in the kitchen with my home healthcare aide so I can pretend to help by cutting veggies, but it's not the same thing.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I never liked it much but I hate not being able to get what I want and then having a substitute I don't like. A big part of the problem is problems with the website.

I've been complaint for 4 months and nothing.