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Great Plains organic acids test interpretation


Does anyone know how to interpret an organic acids test? I'm not sure which parts are most relevant, but some things seem off, like
- very high Uracil
- slightly high Succinic, hippuric, arabinose
- high HVA/VMA
- low ascorbic
- high glutaric
- slightly low pyridoxic

It's strange that if I take B6 I get muscle twitches and burning hands (B6 toxicity symptoms) shortly after. B2 doesn't have any dramatic effect on me, so I don't know about the high glutaric.

I also don't seem to tolerate Aspirin/salicylates. I got very dizzy and have developed increased thirst and visible/enlarged blood vessels after taking it.


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Senior Member
Here is a presentation about interpretation of that test, here is an interpretation of a slightly different test but covering most of the same markers and here is an interpretation of dysbiosis markers.

The high uracil markers indicates functional folate deficiency.

High succinate could mean several things but you should view it in light of your other Kreb's cycle markers. These are all low or very low. ATP production is very inefficient. Also the low pyruvate marker shows that glycolysis is also low - your main energy pathways are functioning poorly.

High glutaric can mean functional B2 deficiency while low ascorbate and pyridoxic can mean low intake of vit C and B6 respectively.

High HVA/VMA may mean an imbalance in neurotransmitter production/use.

Hippuric and arabinose are dysbiosis markers. Hippurate can be influenced by diet as well as gut bacteria so a mildly elevated value in isolation may not mean much.

GPL alone claim that arabinose is a fungal marker. There is nothing published about this and I am not sure that I believe it is specific to fungi. Again a mildly elevated value in isolation may not mean much.

I think you have a potential problem in your oxalate markers. Glycolic in particular is quite high.

Here is a thread which discusses the oxalate problem.
Here is a presentation about interpretation of that test, here is an interpretation of a slightly different test but covering most of the same markers and here is an interpretation of dysbiosis markers.

The high uracil markers indicates functional folate deficiency.

High succinate could mean several things but you should view it in light of your other Kreb's cycle markers. These are all low or very low. ATP production is very inefficient. Also the low pyruvate marker shows that glycolysis is also low - your main energy pathways are functioning poorly.

High glutaric can mean functional B2 deficiency while low ascorbate and pyridoxic can mean low intake of vit C and B6 respectively.

High HVA/VMA may mean an imbalance in neurotransmitter production/use.

Hippuric and arabinose are dysbiosis markers. Hippurate can be influenced by diet as well as gut bacteria so a mildly elevated value in isolation may not mean much.

GPL alone claim that arabinose is a fungal marker. There is nothing published about this and I am not sure that I believe it is specific to fungi. Again a mildly elevated value in isolation may not mean much.

I think you have a potential problem in your oxalate markers. Glycolic in particular is quite high.

Here is a thread which discusses the oxalate problem.

Thanks for this. I didn't even think that the low Krebs markers were a problem... they just look normal. I'll read through those guides and the oxalate thread and see if I can conclude something.

I found a SNP in PFKM in glycolysis rs2228500 AA Arg100Gln. But all I found is this article:

They mention a patient that had this SNP and had a low functioning PFKM, but I'm not sure... it's not too clear. Maybe it could explain the lower pyruvate...

I tried supplementing with R5P (10mg) for the B2 for a few days but I didn't feel any better. And I've started taking 1000mcg 5-MTHF.

It feels like my body just doesn't heal very well. If I get a new injury from some test, then it just piles on top of the rest. Maybe the B9 is important for healing injured tissue since I see it's used in the U -> T conversion.

Supplementing with calcium ascorbate somehow also makes me very thirsty, so I don't know...

I'm going to get a rT3 test in a few weeks and see if there's something there that is holding me down.


Senior Member
I could also use help interpreting my results!

Significant findings:

Low production of neurotransmitters, specifically dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. I gather that they want me to supplement with phenylalanine, tyrosine, and 5-HTP.

High Quinolinic acid/5-HIAA ratio, indicating brain toxicity. Could be caused by low serotonin?

Low aconitic mitochondrial markers. I have no idea what this means, except that there's presumably some sort of problem with my mitochondria.

Low glycolic oxalate metabolites. I definitely have no clue what that means.

They also apparently found absolutely no Vitamin C in my sample, despite the fact that I eat a diet of organic local vegetables and meats and supplement with multivitamins.

I suspect strongly that I have a hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), so maybe poor nutrient absorption would explain the vitamin and neurotransmitter deficiencies?

Thank you for any interpretations or suggestions you can offer.



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@Interactome @Arius A good resource on understanding the lab results is Richard Lord's book "Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative and Functional Medicine," which is expensive and can be downloaded here: https://b-ok.cc/book/5255411/b85ea8, Richard is the one who designed the organic acids test decades ago. Also, Kalish's youtube page is pretty interesting: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1OH7pjErBNES_Znon4O3kw

That book is very interesting I just started reading on your recommendation, thank you so much! I am now sure how to private message you because I am new on here. YES, if you have your OAT or wtv and there is a post that explains your illness I would love to be able to compare.