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Grand Solar Minimum will make earth colder


Senior Member
Just a heads up for those that may not know

This disease has always made me colder. I hate cold so this is relevant. This is why I moved to Florida. I like warmth.

Over the longer term, the earth will get colder. Earth is going into a Grand Solar Minimum. The last Meander one that occurred happened in 1645 to 1715 period. The Dalton Minimum was in 1800s. We are on the doorstep of another Solar Minimum. The latest prediction models have said there is a 97% chance earth will enter into that by 2030s. I'm pretty sure that event has just arrived. Make no mistake about it, the Sun has the greatest influence on weather events on earth. Another thing to keep a watch on is earths magnetic fields. They are weakening more rapidly and this is what causes the magnetic poles to shift. They were shifting at a rate of 5% per century. In the last 10 years, they shifted another 5%. Earths magnetic poles will eventually flip over time. Even the Suns magnetic poles shifts every 22-24 years. Nobody knows how fast this shift will occur on earth but researchers say these can happen much more quickly than people realize. The implications of this is that the ionosphere will likely attract more hydrogen ions from solar winds as the magnetic field weakens. Earth will release more oxygen into the ionosphere. Through some unknown process, this may create more water by combining. May be the reason water is plentiful in the solar system. We could have increased chance of an Arkstorm event.

Earth's weather is not only determined by the Sun but where it is in the milky way galaxy. The connecting mechanism between both are cosmic rays. The more active the Sun is, the more earth is shielded from cosmic rays. With less Sun activity, those cosmic rays will get through to the lower atmosphere. The clouds most effected are the lower clouds. With more cosmic ray particles, the more clouds cover that will get formed in atmosphere. This will cause more heat to be reflected back into space making earth colder. Cosmic particles come from the milky way galaxy. The more particles bombarding earth, the higher the temperature of earth. So if it was traveling through an arm of the galaxy, we'd be a more warmer climate all over. Currently we are traveling past the spiral arm where there is less cosmic rays so earth will stay cooler. This is not relevant for your lives but over the next ten thousand years, we will be traveling thru a great void in the galaxy.

BTW The Sun is like an inverse Faraday motor or transistor driven by Birkeland currents which interconnect the entire galaxy.

There will be higher earthquake and volcano risks also. Dr John Casey wrote a book called the Dark Winter. In it, he says earthquake risk will become extremely high in the next phase of the Grand Solar Minimum. His group has sent out warnings to the national and state government. He indicated to FEMA that the high risk earthquake period will last from 2017-2038. The most high risk areas seem to be the west coast especially california, madrid fault, charleston south carolina, hawaii and alaska from the map i'm looking at. Probably that earhquake everyone has been waiting for in california will strike.

Climate change on earth is real but it is primarily a natural event and the Sun is the primary driver of it. We know this because climate change is happening on other planets in the solar system and much more than earth so entire solar system being effected by solar events. Earth will have longer term cycles also. Earth climate has always and will always be changing in the future no matter what we do as humans.

Expect wild weather and other things for decades to come.


Senior Member
Just to correct/clarify something in my previous post about galaxy. The milky way is composed of four main spiral arms. when earth is traveling in a spiral arm of galaxy, it will be colder since it will be bombarded by more cosmic rays.

When earth comes out of the spiral arms it will be warmer. The spiral arms are where many young stars are being birthed. Some of theses stars become supernova "they explode but not really since it is just releasing energy the the galactic circuit so they can explode many times". This is one of the sources of cosmic rays. Earth is on the edge now of the spiral currently. It will get warmer - not colder - when it travels into the void between the spiral arms. They say the solar system takes 230 million years to revolve around the galaxy. The solar system will spend most of the time between the spiral arms during this 230 million years complete orbit.


Senior Member
Grand Solar Minimum will make earth colder

Very interesting, I have always found the influence of sunspots on terrestrial affairs fascinating. Note that this article says the cooling effects of any coming Grand Solar Minimum will barely make a dent in human-caused global warming. So in fact the future in the coming decades will remain hotter, not colder.

In the longer term, in the next few thousand years, Earth will be heading for another ice age, where ice sheets miles thick from the Arctic extend down as far as New York and London.

Being in a state of ice age is the norm for the Earth. Ice ages last for 100,000 years, punctuated by a warm period lasting a 10,000 of years or so, before the next ice age begins. These ice ages caused by the Milankovitch cycles.

All human civilization developed in the current warm period, but this warm period period is going to come to an end within the next thousand years or so.

Almost certainly, however, I expect humanity will prevent a new ice age by using climate control methods to counter the effects of the next ice age, such for example pumping lots of potent greenhouse gases like methane into the atmosphere.

So while at the moment we need to avoid releasing greenhouse gases, in a thousand years or so from now, we may be purposely creating greenhouse gases in order to heat up a cooling Earth.

Just to correct/clarify something in my previous post about galaxy. The milky way is composed of four main spiral arms. when earth is traveling in a spiral arm of galaxy, it will be colder since it will be bombarded by more cosmic rays.

When earth comes out of the spiral arms it will be warmer.

Doesn't our solar system orbit around the galactic center at the same speed as the spiral arms?


Senior Member
Doesn't our solar system orbit around the galactic center at the same speed as the spiral arms?
That is an interesting question. Requires more research because it brings up a lot of other questions.

As far as human-caused global warming Lie, they have always known it to be a lie but that lie was meant to support hidden agendas. In more recent years, they have even needed to publish fraudulent data to support it. Even people in their own camp are noticing something is wrong. Now they have the Grand Solar Minimum to deal with. Of course, as soon as the first big volcano goes off, they will claim that the eruption threw all that stuff in atmosphere and cooled off the earth and not the Sun. As their doing that, more and more space data will keep streaming back causing them still more problems for them.

The Big Bang Theory Lie is taking on water as we speak and will eventually sink too. The Electric Universe Model in one way or another will eventually supplant it.


Senior Member
As far as human-caused global warming Lie, they have always known it to be a lie but that lie was meant to support hidden agendas. In more recent years, they have even needed to publish fraudulent data to support it. Even people in their own camp are noticing something is wrong. Now they have the Grand Solar Minimum to deal with. Of course, as soon as the first big volcano goes off, they will claim that the eruption threw all that stuff in atmosphere and cooled off the earth and not the Sun. As their doing that, more and more space data will keep streaming back causing them still more problems for them.

By they, I assume you refer to 99% of the scientists around the world? There may be scientists with agendas, but science as a whole does not operate under some underlying agenda. Actually it would be impossible to maintain some global underlying agenda in science since science itself is a self-correcting process. If anything, the certainty over global warming has increased in the scientific community and is now closer to 100% than before.

The Big Bang Theory Lie is taking on water as we speak and will eventually sink too. The Electric Universe Model in one way or another will eventually supplant it.

"Electric Universe(EU)[2]is an umbrella term that covers various pseudo-scientific cosmological ideas built around the claim that the formation and existence of various features of the Universe can be better explained by electricity and magnetism than by gravity alone. As a rule, EU is usually touted as anaether-based theory with numerous references to tall tales from mythology.[3][4]However, the exact details and claims are ambiguous, lack mathematical formalism, and often vary from one delusional crank to the next."

It looks like electric universe model does not have any credibility either, so we can calmly ignore it until evidence comes up in peer-reviewed journals :).


Senior Member
Saying 99% of scientist was a fabricated lie. That was an estimate someone pulled out of their rear end. Many scientist that go along with it are supporting it to get government funding. Lot of corruption at lower levels. They could get many scientist to say the earth is flat if they wanted. Jobs and funding control them.

As far as science being self correcting ... that's pretty absurd too ... the lies are becoming so apparent that they will be forced to invent new ones

The man made global warming camp declared many years ago that the Sun has no effect on climate change. Here comes GSM to throw a monkey wrench into that absurd lie and most everyone in the world will come to realize it.

That description of Electric Universe comes out of places like Wikaepedia which is run by the CIA. Electric Universe is being supported by all their data coming back from space probes. The Big Bang people lies are collapsing.
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Senior Member

I sure wish I could live long enough to see the next Ice Age. Ice is beautiful! There’d be Hellcat powered snowmobiles to miles long ski trails, ice climbing and Bison BBQ. ;-)

It would also be a very rich and verdant age, because the receding oceans would expose continental shelf. That’s mid latitudes which get a lot of sun would create vast new farmland and living space.
Although personally I prefer more ice and fewer people, Just enough for after ski parties.


Senior Member
I sure wish I could live long enough to see the next Ice Age. Ice is beautiful! There’d be Hellcat powered snowmobiles to miles long ski trails, ice climbing and Bison BBQ. ;-)

Ice is beautiful.

It would also be a very rich and verdant age, because the receding oceans would expose continental shelf. That’s mid latitudes which get a lot of sun would create vast new farmland and living space.

According to the maps in this article (copied below), not a great deal of new land appeared during the last ice age, in spite of all that ocean water being frozen into ice sheets.

The Mediterranean sea appears to have shrunk a bit during the last ice age, as did the Gulf of Mexico. Quite a bit more land appears around the Indonesia area though.

World in 14,000 BC, During Last Ice Age

World Today



Senior Member
20 000 years ago, sea level was 130 m under, and UK and Continental Europe were just separated by a river....

We may resuscitate some mammoths to repopulate icy lands!


Senior Member
Saying 99% of scientist was a fabricated lie. That was an estimate someone pulled out of their rear end. Many scientist that go along with it are supporting it to get government funding. Lot of corruption at lower levels. They could get many scientist to say the earth is flat if they wanted. Jobs and funding control them.

As far as science being self correcting ... that's pretty absurd too ... the lies are becoming so apparent that they will be forced to invent new ones

The 99% estimate was not from a single person or instance as you make it sound, it is based on many studies. Actually I have to correct myself that the average from all studies conducted shows approximately a 97% consensus, which is still very high. You are welcome to read more about these studies e.g. here.

Regarding government funding, you are also wrong. I bet the current governments for example in USA and Russia would love to learn that climate change was wrong, as their current modus operandi is strongly based on denying any significant climate change. So there should be no reason why work disproving climate change would not get government funding, in fact it would likely get many rich backers from USA as Europe is much ahead of them in renewable energy.

That description of Electric Universe comes out of places like Wikaepedia which is run by the CIA. Electric Universe is being supported by all their data coming back from space probes. The Big Bang people lies are collapsing.

Even with all the data in the world, electric universe has no place as a theory or even hypothesis until it gets published in peer-reviewed papers. Until then, all it is is a wild-ass assertion that anybody could make. The fact that you choose to believe in something that has no scientific foundation, but deny climate change, shows the lack of skepticism.


Senior Member
outside of making a few points, i don't waste my time debating. if someone wants to find out what the truth is on their own, they can with enough due diligence. You Tube will be filled with GSM information.


Senior Member
The best sources of information on You Tube for the Grand Solar Minimum and magnetic reversals are the following channels ...

Oppenheimer Ranch Project

Ice Age Farmer


There is also Adapt2030 and GSM.

This will be the most important event in our life time and our children's lifetime and ones after that. It will affect every life form on earth. Their really not reporting this on the mainstream media.


Senior Member
A more succinct explanation on grand solar minimum why our climate will be growing colder ...increased COSMIC RAYS causing cloud nucleation hence more cloud cover causing more albedo (solar reflection) and increased magma activity causing more exploding volcanoes (further cool earth), earthquakes and tsunamis. Besides these increasing, we will see more snow, more rain, more floods, more ice volume, more larger hail size, more crop failures etc.

On a larger scale, the Malankovich cycles control the overall cycle every 100K years which give us around 10K warm period and 90K cold period due to orbital and earth tilt changes over that time. We are heading back into that 90K year cold period. Over larger periods, where we are in galaxy and interactions with other cosmic bodies decide the rest.

The weakening magnetosphere of earth weakens the shield of earth and will be an unknown wild card. It will make us more vulnerable to geomagnetic storms.

The blizzards and record cold in the US in April is from the GSM. Same with Europe. This will be the norm. It will likely get worse next two years.
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