glyphosate toxicity cure


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Texas Hill Country
I don't think ME/CFS is glyphosphate (Roundup) toxicity; however, I found the list of effects of glyphosphate to mirror many features of ME/CFS - it's very interesting:

Exposure to glyphosate has been shown to have the following effects on human physiology: 2 3

  • acts as an antibiotic (glyphosate was in fact patented as an antibiotic)
  • chelates important minerals (iron, cobalt, manganese; glyphosate was in fact patented as a mineral chelator)
  • decimates the microflora and its ability to produce essential amino acids like tryptophan that converts to serotonin
  • disrupts the microbiome in the intestine, by disrupting the shikimate pathway, causing a decrease in the ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria
  • inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes
  • disrupts sulfate synthesis and sulfate transport
  • impairs methylation pathways
  • interferes with synthesis of aromatic amino acids and methionine, which leads to shortages in neurotransmitters and folate
  • inhibition of pituitary release of thyroid stimulating hormone
  • toxic and endocrine disruptors in human cell lines 4

Glyphosphate is also linked to several cancers, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and ME/CFS is associated with an increased risk for non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

@may2, if you provided more information about your symptoms, how long you were sick, etc., it would be helpful.
I first got got sick after lyme disease with a rash treated with tetracyline. I was around 16. I was sick for 20 years with all levels of cold/achiness, foggy-headed stiffness, swollen joints/tingling/muscle knots and spasms, too weak/dizzy to get out of bed, completely unable to react with adrenaline in urgent situations. I couldn't focus enough to read or converse, I spaced out and got lost in buildings all the time, I couldn't handle walking up stairs or hills. Now I'm fine.

For me glyphosate is just a trigger and histamine seems to be the causes of most of my problems, but I don't have any other triggers these days. The berberis vulgaris alleviates all fatigue related symptoms and I mean everything. The only thing that it doesn't fix is the initial reaction when I first eat the offensive food. My reaction is pretty extreme with swollen joints, tingling in the extremities, sometimes I can't sleep. That lasts about 2 days before I crash. Then I have to take the berberis vulgaris.
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Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I found the list of effects of glyphosphate to mirror many features of ME/CFS
Which suggests that some people diagnosed with ME/CFS might really have glyphosphate toxicity.
That lasts about 2 days before I crash. Then I have to take the berberis vulgaris.
Have you tried taking the berberis vulgaris as soon as the reaction starts? Maybe that would stop it and prevent the crash.
I just took some activated charcoal (as the website mentions) just after a reaction last night and I think it worked! I could be done with this nightmare! I'll know better in a couple days (if I don't crash).

To answer your question, It's too painful to take the berberis vulgaris right after the reaction. It exacerbates my body's extreme reaction. I only need to take the berberis vulgaris to help out when my body poops out (my body is already releasing histamine to increase vasodilation to fight the effects of the glyphosate and I use the berberis vulgaris to increase vasodilation further.) HOWEVER if a person were more debilitated - if they were possibly suffering from adrenal fatigue - taking the berberis vulgaris right after the reaction might help. I don't know. I think my immediate reaction might includes some adrenaline in addition to or in place of histamine.

Also I'm pretty sure the glyphosate messes with my flora and that's why my histamine levels increase. I first got sick after taking lots of very high doses of tetracycline.
I just want to say that if you don't know how homeopathic medicine works, it works by increasing your bodies response. If you have a runny nose, it makes your nose runnier. I think it's mostly in France and in India that they use homeopathy. This particular glyphosate toxicity website is referencing homeopathic remedies. I get my stuff from Hahnemann Labs in California. Berberis vulgaris is just the extracts from barberry.
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There's very little interest in glyphosphate as having any sort of impact on health in humans, it has been shown to have incredibly detrimental effects on animals, but most experts agree it is completely safe for humans. There's a petition to have it removed from production, but only has 5,000 signatures.

If you'd like to do some research I'd recommend reading this entire article below start to finish, it's pretty interesting.!po=7.85124
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Well I usually react the second the residue hits my stomach (and maybe sooner). This time I took the activated charcoal a half hour after the reaction started (big mistake to wait) but I'd say it cut the reaction short - from 48 hours to 10 hours. The swollen/tensed joints went away after about 4-5 hours but then I started feeling really hyper. The hyper feeling ended about 10 hours after the reaction started, at which point I took 2 more charcoal caps and went back to sleep. When I got up in the morning I was feeling a bit low so I took some berberis vulgaris and lots of probiotics and vitamins and had a good breakfast. I've been doing fine the past 2 days. I'm going to talk to my homeopath at some point to see if there's anything I can do to stunt the initial reaction a bit more but for now I'll try the charcoal caps - and I'll take them right away! It wasn't my best nights sleep but it beats a chronic debilitating disease.
There's very little interest in glyphosphate as having any sort of impact on health in humans, it has been shown to have incredibly detrimental effects on animals, but most experts agree it is completely safe for humans. There's a petition to have it removed from production, but only has 5,000 signatures.

If you'd like to do some research I'd recommend reading this entire article below start to finish, it's pretty interesting.!po=7.85124

I've done my own analysis by pulling data from the internet and I noticed that increased GMO corn production correlates with increased childhood food allergies in the US. Correlation doesn't equal causation but I'm sure somebody has seen those statistics and brushed them under the rug.
I'm actually pretty sure after the research I've done into it that glyphosphate could very well be the catalyst to CFS/ME. If you compare the rate CFS has been documented to the increased use of glyphosphate, consider how many of us have what can basically be seen as non hereditary celiac disease, and which systems generally seem impaired in those with CFS which glyphosphate invariably inhibits or damages I don't see how a person could not consider this.

I've been sick for 15 years now, and I've always been aware it centers around my gut, and has to do with food.

Once my supplements come in I'll give a review.

These will include for one month

An Active B-Complex, once daily.
Vitamin E 400IU to 800IU daily.
Vitamin C Ascorbate complex 800mg-1.6g daily.
A 16 strain 66 billion Probiotic once daily.
A 3 strain 7 billion probiotic twice daily (including reuteri which glyphosphate heavily antagonizes, to be honest it heavily antagonizes all flora as it is an antibiotic).
A full spectrum multimineral twice daily, high in Manganese (Now Brand).
Berberine 500mg to start, up to 1.5g daily away from probiotics.
Gynostema extract 10:1 375mg daily.
And Carnosine 500mg daily, up to 4g eventually (carnosine is an incredibly powerful antiglycation agent, most of the damage glyphosphate does is through glycation.
MSM 1g every 12 hours to keep it on its half life. Possibly 1g every 8 hours as I am a fast metabolizer.
A diet completely free of wheat and GMO foods.
Light to moderate exercise daily.

This supplement stack would provide incredible antioxidant support.

Ill be doing a pen and paper log, if the recovery is drastic I'll convert and run a log on this forum and will have some strong evidence for glyphosphate being a health hazard.
I'm actually pretty sure after the research I've done into it that glyphosphate could very well be the catalyst to CFS/ME. If you compare the rate CFS has been documented to the increased use of glyphosphate, consider how many of us have what can basically be seen as non hereditary celiac disease, and which systems generally seem impaired in those with CFS which glyphosphate invariably inhibits or damages I don't see how a person could not consider this.

I've been sick for 15 years now, and I've always been aware it centers around my gut, and has to do with food.

Once my supplements come in I'll give a review.

These will include for one month

An Active B-Complex, once daily.
Vitamin E 400IU to 800IU daily.
Vitamin C Ascorbate complex 800mg-1.6g daily.
A 16 strain 66 billion Probiotic once daily.
A 3 strain 7 billion probiotic twice daily (including reuteri which glyphosphate heavily antagonizes, to be honest it heavily antagonizes all flora as it is an antibiotic).
A full spectrum multimineral twice daily, high in Manganese (Now Brand).
Berberine 500mg to start, up to 1.5g daily away from probiotics.
Gynostema extract 10:1 375mg daily.
And Carnosine 500mg daily, up to 4g eventually (carnosine is an incredibly powerful antiglycation agent, most of the damage glyphosphate does is through glycation.
MSM 1g every 12 hours to keep it on its half life. Possibly 1g every 8 hours as I am a fast metabolizer.
A diet completely free of wheat and GMO foods.
Light to moderate exercise daily.

This supplement stack would provide incredible antioxidant support.

Ill be doing a pen and paper log, if the recovery is drastic I'll convert and run a log on this forum and will have some strong evidence for glyphosphate being a health hazard.

Are you going to add things one at a time? You want to make sure you don't have any side effects. For example, too much vasodilation can make your blood pressure drop.
I'm actually pretty sure after the research I've done into it that glyphosphate could very well be the catalyst to CFS/ME. If you compare the rate CFS has been documented to the increased use of glyphosphate, consider how many of us have what can basically be seen as non hereditary celiac disease, and which systems generally seem impaired in those with CFS which glyphosphate invariably inhibits or damages I don't see how a person could not consider this.

I've been sick for 15 years now, and I've always been aware it centers around my gut, and has to do with food.

Once my supplements come in I'll give a review.

These will include for one month

An Active B-Complex, once daily.
Vitamin E 400IU to 800IU daily.
Vitamin C Ascorbate complex 800mg-1.6g daily.
A 16 strain 66 billion Probiotic once daily.
A 3 strain 7 billion probiotic twice daily (including reuteri which glyphosphate heavily antagonizes, to be honest it heavily antagonizes all flora as it is an antibiotic).
A full spectrum multimineral twice daily, high in Manganese (Now Brand).
Berberine 500mg to start, up to 1.5g daily away from probiotics.
Gynostema extract 10:1 375mg daily.
And Carnosine 500mg daily, up to 4g eventually (carnosine is an incredibly powerful antiglycation agent, most of the damage glyphosphate does is through glycation.
MSM 1g every 12 hours to keep it on its half life. Possibly 1g every 8 hours as I am a fast metabolizer.
A diet completely free of wheat and GMO foods.
Light to moderate exercise daily.

This supplement stack would provide incredible antioxidant support.

Ill be doing a pen and paper log, if the recovery is drastic I'll convert and run a log on this forum and will have some strong evidence for glyphosphate being a health hazard.

Are you going to add things one at a time? You want to make sure you don't have any side effects. For example, too much vasodilation can make your blood pressure drop.
Glyphosate is in oatmeal now too. They're using as a desiccant like with the wheat.

I'm actually pretty sure after the research I've done into it that glyphosphate could very well be the catalyst to CFS/ME. If you compare the rate CFS has been documented to the increased use of glyphosphate, consider how many of us have what can basically be seen as non hereditary celiac disease, and which systems generally seem impaired in those with CFS which glyphosphate invariably inhibits or damages I don't see how a person could not consider this.

I've been sick for 15 years now, and I've always been aware it centers around my gut, and has to do with food.

Once my supplements come in I'll give a review.

These will include for one month

An Active B-Complex, once daily.
Vitamin E 400IU to 800IU daily.
Vitamin C Ascorbate complex 800mg-1.6g daily.
A 16 strain 66 billion Probiotic once daily.
A 3 strain 7 billion probiotic twice daily (including reuteri which glyphosphate heavily antagonizes, to be honest it heavily antagonizes all flora as it is an antibiotic).
A full spectrum multimineral twice daily, high in Manganese (Now Brand).
Berberine 500mg to start, up to 1.5g daily away from probiotics.
Gynostema extract 10:1 375mg daily.
And Carnosine 500mg daily, up to 4g eventually (carnosine is an incredibly powerful antiglycation agent, most of the damage glyphosphate does is through glycation.
MSM 1g every 12 hours to keep it on its half life. Possibly 1g every 8 hours as I am a fast metabolizer.
A diet completely free of wheat and GMO foods.
Light to moderate exercise daily.

This supplement stack would provide incredible antioxidant support.

Ill be doing a pen and paper log, if the recovery is drastic I'll convert and run a log on this forum and will have some strong evidence for glyphosphate being a health hazard.
I will be yes. The probiotics, vitamins and minerals will be started first, gynostemma will follow, and then berberine and finally carnosine. They will be gradually increased.

Sugar is another crop that uses glyphosate, I won't be consuming anything prepackaged or containing added sugar, nothing with wheat or oats. Anything I eat will be researched to be certified organic.

I am concerned about how effectively these compounds reduce blood sugar so I'm going to be as careful as possible.
My main concern is with protein, I am a vegetarian so it will be tough to avoid soy, but I'll figure it out. Meat is just as tricky anyways considering cows are the most impacted by glyphosate in the studies I've found.
I have tried MSM and Carnosine in the past also, and noted moderate to extreme mood lifts from both. Also drastically improved digestive function. Same with supplemental manganese and copper, both of which glyphosate render inactive in crops, along with all other essential minerals.

I live in Canada and our government just recently increased the allowable limit for glyphosate to keep the food index at around 30% reaching the maximum limit. They've deemed it completely safe for human consumption, I'm not entirely sure how as no comprehensive studies have been done into glyphosate in foods and non contracted researchers are legally prohibited from researching glyphosate in a manner that would be indicative of anything.
Good luck! I recently found a sprouted almond product that I enjoy but I don't know if they have it in Canada.
I can imagine! When I first got better my body started throwing me curve balls. For example, my estrogen went nuts (which caused fatigue). I'm just saying that it might not be a side effect and it might not be a bad thing if some new and uncomfortable symptom pops up. Take care!


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
@may2 could you provide a link to the product you are using for glyphosate detox ?
I would like dig deeper.
I have suffered several years of severe IBS before getting hitten by ME/CFS. This began right after one month working as a volunteer in a kibbutz (cotton fields) and beeing "flooded " once from head to toe by pesticides by a plane which discharged its countain on us. At that time I was 17 and really didn't make any link with health pbs.
Do you know if there is a test for this poisening (occurred more than 30 years ago) ?