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Glutathione I'V?

This is what my doctor recommended today. I wanted to check with the experts (you guys) first to see what you think. Has anyone had these and did they help? Were there any bad reactions to them?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
This is what my doctor recommended today. I wanted to check with the experts (you guys) first to see what you think. Has anyone had these and did they help? Were there any bad reactions to them?

I think you first want to know how much glutathione your doctor is proposing to give you. People here have varied responses to glutathione, but from what I remember reading, most of us do better with very small amounts.

And yes, some have very bad reactions to glutathione. I haven't tried it recently, but in the past, more than a couple of mg gave me very bad reactions. If want to try glutathione, you might want to try a low dose of a liposomal type first to see how you do. Also, a lot of doctors give them as IV pushes rather than drip IV's.

Best wishes,


Southern USA
I use Liposomal Glutathione and LOVE it. It is easy to add to a drink and you can take more or less, whatever you want. I am not sure about it in IV when you cannot just start with a small amount. Many like to start small and add.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
This is what my doctor recommended today. I wanted to check with the experts (you guys) first to see what you think. Has anyone had these and did they help? Were there any bad reactions to them?

Hi Alwayshopeful,

I did a small (n=10) trial of people, including myself, with glutathione. Each and every person had been successful at healing with mb12/adb12/Metafolin. Each found they rapidly developed glutathione "detox" which turned out to be an extreme methylfolate deficiency followed up with mb12 and then adb12 deficency symptoms. It stopped methylation and healing within 2 hours. It flushed massive amounts of b12 out of the body in urine. It casue an large increase in inflammation and most all of the methylfolate deficiency symptoms starting in hours. Several had lasting neurological damage. I have still not recovered some neurological function I lost during the glutathione trial and the neurologicval damage it did. In addition, several people who were taking glutathione when they satarted the active b12 protocol, while the had some relief from some neurological pain as it further numbed and damged the nerves, they had no healing response at all until the gutathione or precursors were stopped, then healing started,

It appears that those who have a beneficial effect are already so deficient of mb12,adb12 and methylfolate with methylation shut down that they are already as severely deficienct as they can be and so have no change in that. Thise who have hyper-response to these vitamins find that glutathione provides "relief" by flushing the b12 from the body and bloacking the methylfolate from use and damaging the nerves further. As the risk of permanent brain damage appears high with this I would not suggest taking it. The risk from glutathione is probably 10,000 times greater than from anything else a person might take and does not appear to be tied to any genetics. IT combines with all forms of b12 and flushes them from the body and the methylfolate becomes useless in any quantity because off the "methy-trap" with the methylfolate flushed from the cells.

I think it is quite dangerous fad. One MD researcher I spoke with studing inflammation and b12 said "There is no safe way to take glutathione."

Taking glutathione could be one of thse mistakes that a person might regret for the rest of their life.


I am a self taught systems analyst and consultant. I am not credentialed, certified or licensed to do anything besides drive a car. I have been disabled by the disease processes being discussed and affecting neurology in a multitude of ways for 10 years and impaired in a variety of ways and levels for 54 years before that. Everything I say is my opinion, synthesis, understanding or otherwise of my own creation except direct attributed quotes. Approximate paraphrases are also my interpretation of what I have read. All of this is at best my data analysis, understanding, synthesis and hypotheses and not to be construed as medical advice. I am not responsible for anything you do with any information provided in any way. Anything you do is your own responsibility and at your own risk. There are no published peer reviewed studies backing up my opinions or statements, except the incidental ones quoted or implicit in my synthesis or understanding, and then only in so far any reading of such papers may confer. Your interpretations, actions and variations of what I say are strictly at your own risk.


Southern USA
I am not deficient in B12, I am tested twice a year along with the other testing. My doctors know about supplements and thankfully I can trust them. Lipo GSH is good for me.

It and the other supplements have made my CFS go away and I am very happy. All I have now is POTS and that is improving monthly.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
I am not deficient in B12, I am tested twice a year along with the other testing. My doctors know about supplements and thankfully I can trust them. Lipo GSH is good for me.

It and the other supplements have made my CFS go away and I am very happy. All I have now is POTS and that is improving monthly.

Hi Sallyblooms,

Excellent that you are healing. I have NEVER heard of any test. other than actual trials of b12 and necessary cofactors, that can determine that a person has adequacy of mb12 and adb12 in both body and CNS. The serum cobalamin test is incapable of doing that, the uMMA and Hcy tests merely tell you that you are in BAD trouble already, the spinal fluid cobalamin, HCY and MMA tests are not done except for studies, and the serum HTCII test (bound cobalalmin test) can't do that. And of course studies that admit by symptoms find that, in one I remember well on healing neuropathies with mb12, found that 63% of people benefitting from mb12 would have been excluded as "normal, no deficiency", according to the serum tests. Responders before treatment had an average of over 700pg/ml with some responders as high as 1500pg/ml.

For an MS diagnosis b12 deficiency is supposed to be ruled out and yet various studies show MS sufferers have low CSF cobalamin with elevated CSF HCY showing the severity of the deficiency and the MS diagnosis shows the degree of demyelination damage that has been done. So the inconvienient fact of low CSF cobalamin in MS is totally ignored except in a new treatment study using methylb12 but in inadequate doses to penetrate the CSF according to Japanese studies, as well as other problems with the nutrients chosen. Perhpas it is convienient to ignor the studies that indicate low CSF-cobalamin in CFS and FMS, as well as Parkinson's, ALS, Supra Nuclear Palsy, Alzheimer's and probably others.

Would you be willing to fill out a symptoms history questionaire? I would very much like to see what makes you different. If so, all answers will be confidnetial and consolidatesd into statistics and so on and never identified to you. If you are willing please send an email address to me via personal conversation for me to send it to. Thankyou.

Good health to you.


I am a self taught systems analyst and consultant. I am not credentialed, certified or licensed to do anything besides drive a car. I have been disabled by the disease processes being discussed and affecting neurology in a multitude of ways for 10 years and impaired in a variety of ways and levels for 54 years before that. Everything I say is my opinion, synthesis, understanding or otherwise of my own creation except direct attributed quotes. Approximate paraphrases are also my interpretation of what I have read. All of this is at best my data analysis, understanding, synthesis and hypotheses and not to be construed as medical advice. I am not responsible for anything you do with any information provided in any way. Anything you do is your own responsibility and at your own risk. There are no published peer reviewed studies backing up my opinions or statements, except the incidental ones quoted or implicit in my synthesis or understanding, and then only in so far any reading of such papers may confer. Your interpretations, actions and variations of what I say are strictly at your own risk.