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Glutathione - everything I've tried recently has just gotten better and better.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Ah @themjay yes well I buy them from wherever. I know that not all probiotics must be refrigerated before dispatch. I've bought from 3 online suppliers without issue. However the probiotics go straight in the fridge when they arrive. As solarray do recommend refrigeration unlike biokult.

Hope that helps.


Last place I bought from.

Oh and this supplier does refrigerate before dispatch so that's good to know - will have to remember that for future reference:



Senior Member
United Kingdom
Yes so I read Carol's story and that was why I took the solar ray in the first place. It was the only one I could find that she took that was available in the UK.

I've been taking it since April 14th 2021. Noticed huge increase in energy, all flatulence and gas has almost entirely stopped, no cramps anymore and no waking up in the night in pain. Also my gluten tolerance is usually fine. Some days I feel a bit drowsy. Most days I feel ok.

All my other symptoms that resolved are due to entirely different products and approaches.

I recently experimented with taking a probiotic after exercise and it stopped me from crashing. Which makes me think that exercise must also induce biome changes. Which is a nuisance.

I take 2 caps a day now in the morning. But best to start with 1. Carol took 150 billion cfu a day and 55 strains from a variety of products.
That's great news. I have been taking Vivomixx which is the original VSL3. I find it helps when I get a flare of stomach pain but not for much else. I am taking it when required. Again it has strains that I have had problems with before that have caused histamine issues. It really is a complex and individual puzzle. When I tried the original Prescript Assist years ago I had very bad histamine flares. Thanks for the information, much appreciated.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Just wanted to report back to say I've been taking a new brand of lipo glutathione for awhile now. Recommended to me by someone on PR and it's brilliant stuff. It's actually seemingly cut my recovery from a cold by half. I don't get any side effects anymore, it just seems to "get the body working more smoothly".

I should say I do take glycine 15g a day and NAC 3g a day so that might be why it works as well as it does.

I take it in the morning now, has a calming effect and then my body and brain run much better thereafter. It took a long time for this to be the case, several months of using it on and off, primarily taking it before bed (it used to knock me out). Until I realised it was disrupting my sleep, then I switched to daytime and it's been great.

Hopefully it can help someone else. https://www.purehealth-supplements.com/products/glutathione this is the one I've been taking.