GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
OK, but then I don't really understand why KDM would tell me not to take D3...as this might increase 1,25 DI-OH... (not decrease as you write)...

Hi Leonora,

Before I began GcMAF I was supplementing D3 and tests showed that it had raised my Vit 25 quite high. KDM told me not to supplement D3 while taking GcMAF. My subsequent Vit D tests have been in the "good" range, so it seems that GcMAF stabilized my Vit D without supplementation. He also told me to stay out of the sun.



Senior Member
Hi Leonora,

Before I began GcMAF I was supplementing D3 and tests showed that it had raised my Vit 25 quite high. KDM told me not to supplement D3 while taking GcMAF. My subsequent Vit D tests have been in the "good" range, so it seems that GcMAF stabilized my Vit D without supplementation. He also told me to stay out of the sun.


Hi Sushi,

I don't want to doubt what KDM is saying, but my experience was just the opposite: Last year I was on holiday where it was HOT, in the mediterranean area, lots of sun. I had my Gc-Maf with me, and I must say, I never felt better during those two weeks.

One note however: Once I returned, I felt very fatigue, and I catched the flu at the same time. So, most probably the fatigue was because of the flu, and not because I was in the sun whole days while on Gc-Maf.

Best regards,


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Sushi,

I don't want to doubt what KDM is saying, but my experience was just the opposite: Last year I was on holiday where it was HOT, in the mediterranean area, lots of sun. I had my Gc-Maf with me, and I must say, I never felt better during those two weeks.

One note however: Once I returned, I felt very fatigue, and I catched the flu at the same time. So, most probably the fatigue was because of the flu, and not because I was in the sun whole days while on Gc-Maf.

Best regards,

Hi OS,

The sun thing is just a caution as there have been occasional problems with spikes in Vit D1.25 while on GcMAF (leading to calcium problems), and sun can quickly raise your vit D 1.25. The spikes on GcMAF are rare, but serious when they occur, so his advice is just to avoid the risk.



Senior Member
hi sushi,

do you suggest to test 1.25oh too or just serum calcium and 25OH very often?

i have skipped 1.25oh because it is expensive while 25oh and calcium are extremely cheap

as a general thing on cronic infections of any type i know that when 25oh is high the 1.25 gets lower-normal range, is this the same on gcmaf?

Hi OS,

The sun thing is just a caution as there have been occasional problems with spikes in Vit D1.25 while on GcMAF (leading to calcium problems), and sun can quickly raise your vit D 1.25. The spikes on GcMAF are rare, but serious when they occur, so his advice is just to avoid the risk.

Hi Leonora,

Before I began GcMAF I was supplementing D3 and tests showed that it had raised my Vit 25 quite high. KDM told me not to supplement D3 while taking GcMAF. My subsequent Vit D tests have been in the "good" range, so it seems that GcMAF stabilized my Vit D without supplementation. He also told me to stay out of the sun.


Hi Sushi. KDM has never tested my Vit 25, only 1,25 DI-OH several times. And it was because 1,25 was normal he said I should not supplement with vitamin D although D3 was a bit low, especially as a high 1,25 it can worsen/trigger inflammation.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
hi sushi,

do you suggest to test 1.25oh too or just serum calcium and 25OH very often?

i have skipped 1.25oh because it is expensive while 25oh and calcium are extremely cheap

as a general thing on cronic infections of any type i know that when 25oh is high the 1.25 gets lower-normal range, is this the same on gcmaf?

Hi Lobba,

I tested both forms of D and also calcium the first few times and they were fine. Testing 1.25 is more expensive here too, so I am not doing that very often. And yes, my experience with the ratios is that they changed in the right direction on GcMAF.



Senior Member
ok i'll skip it then since it is all the same as baseline, only vit d25oh went up in the optimum ranges, i will keep monitoring creatinine/serum calcium every 2 week since it is just 2euros

thank you for your help and for being here so often to help

Hi Lobba,

I tested both forms of D and also calcium the first few times and they were fine. Testing 1.25 is more expensive here too, so I am not doing that very often. And yes, my experience with the ratios is that they changed in the right direction on GcMAF.

What to do ?

Hello to everybody on the forum,

After 4 1/2 months of waiting, I finally got the results of my bloodtest, and it turns out to be XMRV+. Now I don't know if I'd better start with GcMaf etc. or just wait another couple of years until more is known about XMRV, GcMaf or other possible treatments.
I saw an interview with KDM the other day, in which he said that they need at least another three years to understand how XMRV is working....
Can anybody with GCMaf-experience give me some advice?


Senior Member
FWIW I was never tested positive for XMRV (although I'm doing a second stomach biopsy in 6 days to try and find XMRV again) but I have been on GcMAF since 25/1 anyway, and I still have faith in the treatment, despite a serious relapse in June.


Senior Member
FWIW I was never tested positive for XMRV (although I'm doing a second stomach biopsy in 6 days to try and find XMRV again) but I have been on GcMAF since 25/1 anyway, and I still have faith in the treatment, despite a serious relapse in June.

Good luck vli with your stomach biopsy.
Rooting for you from NY.
Bad breast pain, groin pain. Any help?

Good Morning!

I hope its ok to post a question here about gcmaf reactions. I posted the question on the new thread about side effects but people may not see it so I hope nobody minds if I post it here now.

I have mostly breast pain and a little groin pain/tenderness and was wondering if others have experienced this in response to gcmaf. The breast pain in mostly in one area that feels thick. IT stings and burns a little too and the pain sometimes wanders out under the arm. Have any of you experienced anything similar due to gcmaf? Did it calm down or go away?

For those of you who have finished taking maf, how long did it take for bad symps in response to gcmaf to go away?
(Leonora, Im am so heartbroken for you to hear how bad your journey through this treatment has been. I can only wish you much better days to come)

Any help, info or experience anyone can offer would be deeply appreciated.

Many thanks! :In bed:


Senior Member
i think it would be good to have some feedback from people using other gcmaf sources, in italy we are using gcmaf.eu source and we have no relevant sides effect even on double doses (copmared to your reported sides we have no sides at all).

now i am using a dose of 0.52ml (double full dose): 0.26ml from gcmaf stored in fridge 4 over 8 weeks (it has lost potency after 8 weeks) and 0.26ml from frozen gcmaf (frozen has about 80% activity).zero sides effect on the contrary i feel better on double dose and no vitamin d issues for now.in the past i have taken double dose even from full activity gcmaf stored in fridge jsut to finish all the vial, no sides at all but the good effect of relax/vertigo that usually last about 1hr lasted 3 hrs that time

the other guys i have heard:
report from institutional source but i prefer not to post public which one for now:
one guy with CFS used a very very big dose by mistake (more than double dose) and he just felt very good no sides, gcmaf.eu source

i am in contact with another guy with hiv+hbv coinfection who posts on hiv italian forum, sides just increased fatigue

probably it is CFS making all these sides on gcmaf but i think it is very important that at least someone with CFS reports from other sources like gcmaf.eu, PBS israel and the probiotic natural gcmaf maf 3 14, to see if sides happen with all types of gcmaf or only from the chemical gcmaf from KDM/BGLI

MAF 3 14 will be available at the end of september in US and europe and directly sent home as food although it is natural gcmaf

Good Morning!

I hope its ok to post a question here about gcmaf reactions. I posted the question on the new thread about side effects but people may not see it so I hope nobody minds if I post it here now.

I have mostly breast pain and a little groin pain/tenderness and was wondering if others have experienced this in response to gcmaf. The breast pain in mostly in one area that feels thick. IT stings and burns a little too and the pain sometimes wanders out under the arm. Have any of you experienced anything similar due to gcmaf? Did it calm down or go away?

For those of you who have finished taking maf, how long did it take for bad symps in response to gcmaf to go away?
(Leonora, Im am so heartbroken for you to hear how bad your journey through this treatment has been. I can only wish you much better days to come)

Any help, info or experience anyone can offer would be deeply appreciated.

Many thanks! :In bed:
Hi sphynx on roundabouts!

It has now been 7 months since stopping Gcmaf and I still have very bothersome symptoms. Insomnia has gotten a lot better, but still dependent on taking sleep aid. The neurological symptoms that started as a result of Gcmaf are specially annoying - these include pins, needles, burning skin and tremor, which are still there. The bad colitis which I got from Gcmaf has also not subsided.

Good Morning!

I hope its ok to post a question here about gcmaf reactions. I posted the question on the new thread about side effects but people may not see it so I hope nobody minds if I post it here now.

I have mostly breast pain and a little groin pain/tenderness and was wondering if others have experienced this in response to gcmaf. The breast pain in mostly in one area that feels thick. IT stings and burns a little too and the pain sometimes wanders out under the arm. Have any of you experienced anything similar due to gcmaf? Did it calm down or go away?

For those of you who have finished taking maf, how long did it take for bad symps in response to gcmaf to go away?
(Leonora, Im am so heartbroken for you to hear how bad your journey through this treatment has been. I can only wish you much better days to come)

Any help, info or experience anyone can offer would be deeply appreciated.

Many thanks! :In bed:


Senior Member
i think it would be usefull to see if poeple on other gcmaf sources had these heavy sides effects or vitamin d spikes.

the gcmaf.eu source confirmed me that their gcmaf makes no vitamin d spikes just an increase to normal levels, infact i had no trouble even if i was on vit d3 10000iu daily+beach summer sun it just reached 58ng/ml not more, and now i still have zero sides on the double full dose of gcmaf:

overstressed, did you experience same heavy sides as the others?i guess your source was gcmaf.eu since there aren t many other labs making reliable gcmaf in europe

it is also useful to see experience from bgli sources, although i guess kdm is using bgli
no poster girl, bgli
lou bgli
cyndywillis bgli


Senior Member
Hey Lobba123,

Glad to hear there are less side effects on the .eu product. That may be a promising alternative for cfs patients that experience scary calcitriol spikes and c4a spikes on the other brands.

And are you saying maf 314 will be available for anyone in the US to purchase? I've heard it must be overnighted which makes shipping costs wildly prohibitive. On the plus side, I've heard one report that patients on this get ZERO of the side effects that patients on the chemical gcmaf are getting and that patients on MAF 314 know within a matter of weeks whether it is working fot them. It's the most promising thing i've read in awhile. I just hope regulatory bodies don't target ruggiero and company, as this may be game changer for many chronic illnesses and certain to pose a threat to pharmaceuticals


Senior Member
it is all natural substances yogurt, impossible to target because it is food, after all gcmaf is food contained in mother's colostro for the just born babies...nothing can be healthier than that....and i think this is one of the most interesting parts, i mean no trials needed and any one can benefit from it
it is also impossible to target maf 3 14 and being a food there is probably no patent too so it may invade all markets as yogurt...who knows

professor ruggiero is answering thru this website about maf 3 14, so it is possible to ask him directly

as to shipments it will be shipped directly home and it wont be international shipments, so even cheaper than gcmaf now.i guess it will be expensive or problematic with asia only.it will be available at end of sept/early oct in italy/europe.as to us probably same date

as ruggiero just said it is not a subsitute of chemical gcmaf but a different product: natural gcmaf+healthy probiotics.i guess the use of both might target better stomach too since you have many problems there too on CFS

Hey Lobba123,

Glad to hear there are less side effects on the .eu product. That may be a promising alternative for cfs patients that experience scary calcitriol spikes and c4a spikes on the other brands.

And are you saying maf 314 will be available for anyone in the US to purchase? I've heard it must be overnighted which makes shipping costs wildly prohibitive. On the plus side, I've heard one report that patients on this get ZERO of the side effects that patients on the chemical gcmaf are getting and that patients on MAF 314 know within a matter of weeks whether it is working fot them. It's the most promising thing i've read in awhile. I just hope regulatory bodies don't target ruggiero and company, as this may be game changer for many chronic illnesses and certain to pose a threat to pharmaceuticals


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
i think it would be usefull to see if poeple on other gcmaf sources had these heavy sides effects or vitamin d spikes.

it is also useful to see experience from bgli sources, although i guess kdm is using bgli

Hi lobba,

KDM doesn't use BGLI. Also, I have not heard of anyone getting vit D spikes from his source, though he does ask us to test Vit D regularly. Mine simple normalized.

I'd guess that some of the side-effects patients here are experiencing are related to the complex immune profiles and other complexities found in ME. I don't know of any ME patients getting their GcMAF from bgli.eu--though of course there must be some. Maybe Overstressed? Though I don't think his doctor has told him where his GcMAF is manufactured.



Senior Member
natural gcmaf looks more potent since there is cd4 rise in just 3 weeks use and NK cells in 8 weeks.

you have to eat it daily so the amount of gcmaf is probably higher than chemical gcmaf, professor ruggiero just posted that continuity of gcmaf administration is very important.

Hi Lobba and Mojoey,

I have heard of MAF 3 14, but can someone tell me if they have the same potency as chemical GcMaf?

thank you


Senior Member
does anyone know where to get Mutaflor in the USA, or the best/cheapest source for it outside the USA, if it can't be gotten in the US?? i got this from someone, but was hoping for a USA source: