i think it would be good to have some feedback from people using other gcmaf sources, in italy we are using gcmaf.eu source and we have no relevant sides effect even on double doses (copmared to your reported sides we have no sides at all).
now i am using a dose of 0.52ml (double full dose): 0.26ml from gcmaf stored in fridge 4 over 8 weeks (it has lost potency after 8 weeks) and 0.26ml from frozen gcmaf (frozen has about 80% activity).zero sides effect on the contrary i feel better on double dose and no vitamin d issues for now.in the past i have taken double dose even from full activity gcmaf stored in fridge jsut to finish all the vial, no sides at all but the good effect of relax/vertigo that usually last about 1hr lasted 3 hrs that time
the other guys i have heard:
report from institutional source but i prefer not to post public which one for now:
one guy with CFS used a very very big dose by mistake (more than double dose) and he just felt very good no sides, gcmaf.eu source
i am in contact with another guy with hiv+hbv coinfection who posts on hiv italian forum, sides just increased fatigue
probably it is CFS making all these sides on gcmaf but i think it is very important that at least someone with CFS reports from other sources like gcmaf.eu, PBS israel and the probiotic natural gcmaf maf 3 14, to see if sides happen with all types of gcmaf or only from the chemical gcmaf from KDM/BGLI
MAF 3 14 will be available at the end of september in US and europe and directly sent home as food although it is natural gcmaf
Good Morning!
I hope its ok to post a question here about gcmaf reactions. I posted the question on the new thread about side effects but people may not see it so I hope nobody minds if I post it here now.
I have mostly breast pain and a little groin pain/tenderness and was wondering if others have experienced this in response to gcmaf. The breast pain in mostly in one area that feels thick. IT stings and burns a little too and the pain sometimes wanders out under the arm. Have any of you experienced anything similar due to gcmaf? Did it calm down or go away?
For those of you who have finished taking maf, how long did it take for bad symps in response to gcmaf to go away?
(Leonora, Im am so heartbroken for you to hear how bad your journey through this treatment has been. I can only wish you much better days to come)
Any help, info or experience anyone can offer would be deeply appreciated.
Many thanks! :In bed: