GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
my pattern is similar to yours as regards d 25oh:
42ng/ml baseline
58ng/ml after about 5 weeks

i kept my supplements at 5000-10000iu daily plus sun but in 2 years i never got more than 34-47ng/ml even with these high doses.now i lowered to 2000iu daily and plently of sun since 58 is very good range

i guess you stopped all supplements on gcmaf

Hi Lobba,

My Vit D 1.25 went down from 52 to 37 and my Vit D 25 went up from 34 to 48 in approximately a month on GcMAF. I do correlate that to GcMAF "doing something" as it was the only thing I did differently in that period.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Sushi,

what are the reference values with your Vit. D tests ? Because, it looks to me that you were already on the safe side, before even starting Gc-Maf. I think LDN is helping you a lot too... My vit. D level was tested while I was already a long time on Gc-Maf and it was still 'low', i.e. 27. It's normal according to the ref. values, but they say that values above 30 are considered 'normal'.

Take care,

Hi OS,

For the first test I quoted, I had already had one dose of GcMAF. I just looked up the tests done immediately before the first dose -- but at another lab and with different units for VD 25: Vit 1.25 = 53.2 pg/mL (ref range 25.1 - 66.1); vit D 25 = 102.8 ug/L (ref range 20 - 43).

The ref ranges of the lab I quoted earlier are Vit D 1.25 (ref range 25 pg/mL -66.1)-- and moved from 52 to 37.64 ; The ref range for Vit D 25 is (ref range 30 - 100), I was at 34.7 and I moved from to 47.8.

After one dose of GcMAF my Vit D 25 dropped into range.

The ref range on the pre-GcMAF Vit D 1.25 were the same and I stayed the same for the week after the first GcMAF shot. The Vit D 25 lowered into the the given range after a week, but the units are different. Maybe you can do the math on the different units to get a better picture.

Hope I got that right--brain fogged today!

Hi All,
first of all i want to thank Cort Johnson for letting me post here. i chanced upon this site when researching for GcMAF and DCA, and i'm still backtracking this thread to read all the responses, but i want to know if you think GcMAF is the best option available right now for cancer? or is DCA?

my dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4, with meta on his vocal cord(doctor said the only option is to remove the vocal cord, rendering my dad mute for the rest of his life; and since doc said my dad only has 6 months to live, we really dont want to him to lose his voice), and vertebrae. so, time is of the essence, and i really want to try GcMAF.

can anyone, anyone at all, direct me to a place where i could purchase it? i contacted david noakes but apparently he's too busy to answer my inquiries seriously. no, he always replied, but he never read my questions: "You need to research and understand GcMAF yourself. You should not rely on us. And I don't have the time." and i was not even asking about GcMAF but the shipping procedure and custom. if you dont have the time to answer inquiries, why bother putting your email n phone number? the nice tone of his site is just a facade apparently.

please, any other place i could get GcMAF from is much appreciated! can i purchase it direct from Prof. Kenny DeMeirleir? or from Dr. Yamamoto? i'm in indonesia and i'm afraid traveling overseas for treatment is not an option. thank you for your help.



Senior Member

I'm so sorry about your father. I'm in Hong Kong and am a patient of De Meirleir's. As far as I know, he'll only give you GcMAF if you go to Belgium yourself, but please try writing to him anyway explaining your father's situation and ask if he'll be coming through Asia any time soon and if so, if it would be at all possible for him to bring any GcMAF with him--at least try that! The little I know is that he goes to Australia often and sometimes stops over in Hong Kong but I don't know if he has any upcoming trips--two weeks ago I wrote him asking about GcMAF and he confirmed that I would have to return to Belgium for him to give me more (I am on 21 shots). I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I have sent you his email addresses on private message.

This might come as a schock, but last time I was there, he told me he had to refuse at least 2 cancer patients a day. It's not that he doesn't want to help them, but he's legaly bound. He's not an oncologist, and therfore not authorised to treat cancer patients.
Also the GcMaf he(s using in part of a clinical trial, therefore we can buy it that cheap, so there might be legal boundries set by his supplier.




Senior Member
you have to do your own research because those producing and supplying gcmaf are not doing this for commercial purpose, check everything carefully on all studies made on gcmaf and since only gcmaf.eu source have been assayed and compared to yamamoto one you'd better use that one, also because you have little time and you can t go trying one or another

we are using gcmaf.eu product for hiv and hbv infection (one guy tried bgli on hiv but failed and now he is starting gcmaf.eu)

Hi All,
first of all i want to thank Cort Johnson for letting me post here. i chanced upon this site when researching for GcMAF and DCA, and i'm still backtracking this thread to read all the responses, but i want to know if you think GcMAF is the best option available right now for cancer? or is DCA?

my dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4, with meta on his vocal cord(doctor said the only option is to remove the vocal cord, rendering my dad mute for the rest of his life; and since doc said my dad only has 6 months to live, we really dont want to him to lose his voice), and vertebrae. so, time is of the essence, and i really want to try GcMAF.

can anyone, anyone at all, direct me to a place where i could purchase it? i contacted david noakes but apparently he's too busy to answer my inquiries seriously. no, he always replied, but he never read my questions: "You need to research and understand GcMAF yourself. You should not rely on us. And I don't have the time." and i was not even asking about GcMAF but the shipping procedure and custom. if you dont have the time to answer inquiries, why bother putting your email n phone number? the nice tone of his site is just a facade apparently.

please, any other place i could get GcMAF from is much appreciated! can i purchase it direct from Prof. Kenny DeMeirleir? or from Dr. Yamamoto? i'm in indonesia and i'm afraid traveling overseas for treatment is not an option. thank you for your help.



Senior Member
you can find other discussions on gcmaf here


you have to do your own research because those producing and supplying gcmaf are not doing this for commercial purpose, check everything carefully on all studies made on gcmaf and since only gcmaf.eu source have been assayed and compared to yamamoto one you'd better use that one, also because you have little time and you can t go trying one or another

we are using gcmaf.eu product for hiv and hbv infection (one guy tried bgli on hiv but failed and now he is starting gcmaf.eu)


Senior Member
http://www.marcoruggiero.org/pdf/Pacini et al. Cancer Immunol Immunother.pdf

table 5. comparison gcmaf yamamoto, gcmaf from gcmaf.eu by professor ruggiero

you have to do your own research because those producing and supplying gcmaf are not doing this for commercial purpose, check everything carefully on all studies made on gcmaf and since only gcmaf.eu source have been assayed and compared to yamamoto one you'd better use that one, also because you have little time and you can t go trying one or another

we are using gcmaf.eu product for hiv and hbv infection (one guy tried bgli on hiv but failed and now he is starting gcmaf.eu)


Senior Member
Hi All,
first of all i want to thank Cort Johnson for letting me post here. i chanced upon this site when researching for GcMAF and DCA, and i'm still backtracking this thread to read all the responses, but i want to know if you think GcMAF is the best option available right now for cancer? or is DCA?

my dad has just been diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4, with meta on his vocal cord(doctor said the only option is to remove the vocal cord, rendering my dad mute for the rest of his life; and since doc said my dad only has 6 months to live, we really dont want to him to lose his voice), and vertebrae. so, time is of the essence, and i really want to try GcMAF.

can anyone, anyone at all, direct me to a place where i could purchase it? i contacted david noakes but apparently he's too busy to answer my inquiries seriously. no, he always replied, but he never read my questions: "You need to research and understand GcMAF yourself. You should not rely on us. And I don't have the time." and i was not even asking about GcMAF but the shipping procedure and custom. if you dont have the time to answer inquiries, why bother putting your email n phone number? the nice tone of his site is just a facade apparently.

please, any other place i could get GcMAF from is much appreciated! can i purchase it direct from Prof. Kenny DeMeirleir? or from Dr. Yamamoto? i'm in indonesia and i'm afraid traveling overseas for treatment is not an option. thank you for your help.


Hi Ian,
Try Dr Bradstreet in Florida. He is now using GCMAF in his practice according to his blog and he has researched it wrt cancer. Good luck.



Senior Member
i guess the reason is that those with bad VDR (professor ruggiero study and KDM trials) have shown little or no response.....

i am perfectly ok with their gcmaf since i could see personally an experiment on cancer cells turning from cancer to healthy in less than 24hrs, they were just the cancer cells and the gcmaf nothing else that could help that process, no immune system or other cells.so i am definitely sure that what i am using is full potency gcmaf

as regards my own vdr i still dont have the test result so i dont know if i am among the lucky high responders yet or a probable no responder


he removed his guarantee for hiv and cancer patients from the gcmaf.eu site. What's going on over there?[/QUOTE]


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
i guess the reason is that those with bad VDR (professor ruggiero study and KDM trials) have shown little or no response.....

Hi lobba,

I have a couple of questions about the VDR predicting to what degree (if any) GcMAF works. First several patients have had their VDR genetics tested by two different labs and had different results--so will the real results please stand up?

I was only tested by one lab (RedLabs) and was a low responder for both FOK and BSM...but I am responding well to GcMAF. Maybe there are other factors--like nagalase levels or some unknowns. My nagalase was tested but I don't have the results yet.

Just pondering...


Senior Member
the researchers i saw (i prefer not to post names here) said there is a lack of response for BB/ff but that there is some degree of response otherwise the immune system could not work in healthy people too, but there is no way to tell if these low responders can get rid of HIV or cancer or benefit from gcmaf.
i guess if there are no responders VDR, nagalase level and other things might be the reasons as you say.....too little people on trials and too early to say

in any case i guess high responders should benefit the most from gcmaf, did you have any case of high reponders with no benefit from gcmaf?

as regards nagalase i noticed that the higher the nagalase the slower the response on yamamoto tables....this is my biggest worry because i have it very very high

the hiv non responder that used bgli didn t check vdr yet, he just checked nagalase and it was low at about 3.1 after about one month of gcmaf.he had no change in viral load and cd counts in 9 weeks (maybe too early?)
i asked him also about vitamin d 25oh and he had no change for it too

as regards my own experience, still very early 8th week of gcmaf:
nagalase super high 6.7 (recheck at 13th week)
vitamin d 25OH, increased by 4 weeks
VDR, not ready yet
baseline cd counts: very high cd8, normal cd4, low cd4/cd8 ratio (hbv infection is cleared by cd8 so mybe this is normal)
hbv infection: baseline hbsag 6255iu/ml, too early to recheck (if undetactable infection is cleared)

what do you think about vitamin d 25 OH, can we say its rising can reflect gcmaf response?i noticed it is one of the first things researchers checked

Hi lobba,

I have a couple of questions about the VDR predicting to what degree (if any) GcMAF works. First several patients have had their VDR genetics tested by two different labs and had different results--so will the real results please stand up?

I was only tested by one lab (RedLabs) and was a low responder for both FOK and BSM...but I am responding well to GcMAF. Maybe there are other factors--like nagalase levels or some unknowns. My nagalase was tested but I don't have the results yet.

Just pondering...


Senior Member
the researchers i saw (i prefer not to post names here) said there is a lack of response for BB/ff but that there is some degree of response otherwise the immune system could not work in healthy people too, but there is no way to tell if these low responders can get rid of HIV or cancer or benefit from gcmaf.

Hi Lobba and others,

I'm also a low responder to FOK, and moderate to low for BSM, and yet, I had my Nagalase checked somewhere by 20 weeks on Gc-Maf. My Nagalase level was 0.7, which is normal.

Unfortunately, I had no baseline, and the lab told me that people suffering from CFS already have low levels of Nagalase. And that again seems not to be true too, because some people here had high Nagalase levels.

So, either, Gc-Maf had worked for me, or the lab made a mistake or... Anyway, what I want to say, I want to meet the first HIV+ who cleared his virus as being a high responder being on Gc-Maf.

If you ask me how I feel, better as without Gc-Maf. Do I feel cured ? No, but sometimes I have the feeling that I get less severe crashes, but I'm not sure. When I look at my labs, my antibodies against CMV and EBV even got increased, so that's not a success, I would say. My vit.D levels are normal, but low. Specialists say, your vit.D levels should be above 30, mine is 27.

To conclude, nobody knows what effect Gc-Maf really has on an individual. Prof. Ruggiero came up with the VDR polymorphisms, but if you talk to Yamamoto himself, he says, VDR doesn't matter at all. We simply don't know, and if you know a 'cure' with Gc-Maf, please let us know.

Best regards,


Senior Member
your vit.D levels should be above 30, mine is 27.

definitely low defincent level according to the latest studies on vit d and in any case it is definitely better to have high vitamin D even if there is no security of being better or worse since a level at 50-60ng/ml makes no damage for sure

they made a lot of research of vit D on hcv infection and hbv, those with values 40ng/ml and higher had the highest percentage of virus eradication on immune therapies.
i started with vit D 11ng/ml 2 years ago and if it decreases more than 30ng/ml i have a worsening in surface antigen levels.

Hi Lobba and others,

I'm also a low responder to FOK, and moderate to low for BSM, and yet, I had my Nagalase checked somewhere by 20 weeks on Gc-Maf. My Nagalase level was 0.7, which is normal.

Unfortunately, I had no baseline, and the lab told me that people suffering from CFS already have low levels of Nagalase. And that again seems not to be true too, because some people here had high Nagalase levels.

So, either, Gc-Maf had worked for me, or the lab made a mistake or... Anyway, what I want to say, I want to meet the first HIV+ who cleared his virus as being a high responder being on Gc-Maf.

If you ask me how I feel, better as without Gc-Maf. Do I feel cured ? No, but sometimes I have the feeling that I get less severe crashes, but I'm not sure. When I look at my labs, my antibodies against CMV and EBV even got increased, so that's not a success, I would say. My vit.D levels are normal, but low. Specialists say, your vit.D levels should be above 30, mine is 27.

To conclude, nobody knows what effect Gc-Maf really has on an individual. Prof. Ruggiero came up with the VDR polymorphisms, but if you talk to Yamamoto himself, he says, VDR doesn't matter at all. We simply don't know, and if you know a 'cure' with Gc-Maf, please let us know.

Best regards,


Senior Member
it is indeed interesting to see results on both the hiv + guy and me, my case might be even more interesting because hiv is missing clear tests to determine immune control over infection while hbv has.

it is also interesting to monitor my hbv infection because hbv is like cmv,ebv, herpes and similar viruses, it is never complitely eradicated since integrated with human dna so there is no clearance only immune control or cronic disease (clearance, eradication are just uncorrect words used by doctors)

Hi Lobba and others,

I'm also a low responder to FOK, and moderate to low for BSM, and yet, I had my Nagalase checked somewhere by 20 weeks on Gc-Maf. My Nagalase level was 0.7, which is normal.

Unfortunately, I had no baseline, and the lab told me that people suffering from CFS already have low levels of Nagalase. And that again seems not to be true too, because some people here had high Nagalase levels.

So, either, Gc-Maf had worked for me, or the lab made a mistake or... Anyway, what I want to say, I want to meet the first HIV+ who cleared his virus as being a high responder being on Gc-Maf.

If you ask me how I feel, better as without Gc-Maf. Do I feel cured ? No, but sometimes I have the feeling that I get less severe crashes, but I'm not sure. When I look at my labs, my antibodies against CMV and EBV even got increased, so that's not a success, I would say. My vit.D levels are normal, but low. Specialists say, your vit.D levels should be above 30, mine is 27.

To conclude, nobody knows what effect Gc-Maf really has on an individual. Prof. Ruggiero came up with the VDR polymorphisms, but if you talk to Yamamoto himself, he says, VDR doesn't matter at all. We simply don't know, and if you know a 'cure' with Gc-Maf, please let us know.

Best regards,


Senior Member
since you are many on gcmaf i think it is very interesting to check if there is correlation among gcmaf response, vdr, nagalase level and early increase in vitamin d 25oh over 40ng/ml

i guess KDM is already doing so....is there any date available about making your gcmaf trial results public?