Thanks for replying vli, sorry they refused u at Kingston, no surprise there i guess! I guess i could always try asking my GP anyway but I dont have high expectations! I have a feeling they only supply oxygen based on the results of particular tests that show low blood oxygen, which as far i know wasnt in the testing i had with KDM. Unless i missed something. Do u know why KDM prescribed oxygen to u?
The oxycure website is the one that KDM's secretary told me about, so i'm guessing thats the company that they normally recommend people get their tanks from...its not their website as such and I dont know if KDM has any direct link to them.
Also just wanted to ask since u mentioned doing ozone, did u swap from doing ozone insufflations to doing oxygen as per KDM's recommendation? If u did, how would u compare them? And if you're doing the 5hrs a day treatment, is it helping u much?
Thanx a lot and i hope things are going well 4 u.
I think the migraine incident happened in August, and from what I recall the doctor at Kingston told me the chance of my GP giving me it was very low, which was confirmed by a later appointment I had with my GP. I don't know why KDM prescribed O2 to me. To be very honest, I have NOT been doing the oxygen as per KDM's recommendation as it's not that cheap here and if I were to follow him to the letter I would be burning through something like a tank of O2 every two days for like 9. I'm not being presumptious because I've had a LOT of experience breathing oxygen before and to be very honest with you it has never really helped (not evenwhen I was doing it to alleviate migraines). (Frankly I'd rather channel that money into HB12 injections.) I'm still doing the ozone insufflations though. Those give a much more marked reaction (e.g. shingles) at the beginning although that was peculiar to me and a) if you don't have herpes zoster, that won't be a problem, and b) I haven't shown such reactions lately anyway, not since starting gcmaf.