We have had a very bad experience with GcMAF so we wish to share this with you as we are aware that you are using GCMAF and some poeple are not responding as well as anticipated. The blood results for HIV after 16 weeks showed little change therfore we were non responders. Our vitamin D levels were so high they were toxic and dangerous. The vials we were using were labelled GHP which according to the web site was a Vitamin D preparation, and it seems that is exactly what it is. There really is no substitute for independent testing.
Hi freda,
I am very sorry to hear that your treatment is not going as well as desired. This is a very interesting post, but you do not provide enough detail to make the information useful to us as patients.
As Sushi pointed out, the BGLI web site lists two products for sale, GcMAF and GHP. The web site does not give a description of GHP, so it is confusing. Because you have not specified the source/manufacturer of your GcMAF and because BGLI manufacturers/sells a product called GHP, I will assume that BGLI is the source of your product.
I contacted BGLI by email this morning to get clarification about GHP. I received a response a short time later. GHP is an acronym for Glyco Health Protein. This name (or GHP) represents the brand/product name for the GcMAF that is produced by BGLI. It should contain 100ng/ml or 0.265 cc/ml of GcMAF. I believe this is the standard being used by the four GcMAF manufacturers that I am aware of.
I have some questions that I hope you can respond to.
1) Please verify the source of your product labeled GHP. Otherwise, your post is almost meaningless. This will help us determine what the product is that you are using.
2) You indicate that the blood results for HIV after 16 weeks showed little change. Please indicate what blood tests were given to gauge the effectiveness of the medication and what the results were before and after administration of GHP.
3) Did you have a nagalase blood test before starting the GHP?
4) BGLI requires that you are working with a doctor to run regular blood tests to ensure your safety. Were you getting blood work done monthly?
5) Related to the previous question, the following are a subset of the blood tests are required monthly.
Vitamin D3 total
25-hydroxy vitamin D
1-25 dihydroxyvitamin D
It sounds like you did not have these tests until week 16. Is that correct?
6) You stated that GHP which according to the web site was a Vitamin D preparation. Please provide the link that states this. Again, I am assuming that this is BGLI and I do not see this description of GHP on their web site. Please note that GcMAF is an acronym for Vitamin D Protein Derived Macrophage Activating Factor. I hope you are not confusing this with just being a Vitamin D preparation.
UPDATE: I found the BGLI web page that references "Vitamin D preparation". I copied the text below. I have emailed BGLI again to get more clarification, as the way this is written makes me think that the products may not be exactly the same.
In production:
Gc-MAF (vitamin D3-binding protein (Gc protein)-derived macrophage activating factor)
GHP - Vitamin D preparation
7) How did you store the GHP prior to injection?
8) Was the GHP frozen, thawed and refrozen several times?
9) What type of injection was used for the GHP?
10) What other medications/supplements were you taking at the same time as the GHP?
Other medications can hinder the effectiveness of GcMAF.
Sorry for hitting you up with so many questions, but I have a vested interest. BGLI is one of the companies that I am looking at for having my GcMAF prescribe through.
Also, by answering some of these questions, the experienced patients on this thread may be able to provide you with suggestions that could make your GcMAF treatment more effective. I believe Sushi has already provided some good input.