I thought I would write a bit; concerning GcMAF and the current anticipation surrounding it. I think there are several here that have been down the same long road as I have.
Many of us have seen this cycle before, and I don’t mean to sound pessimistic; but I think cautious optimism is in order. I have been sick for ten years. I have read the works of many Drs. including Teitelbaum and Shoemaker. I have been to Fibro and Fatigue Centers and many other treatment specialists, as it sounds many of you have been.
Dr. Shoemaker classifies approx. 70% of the public as having a normal immune system and able to defend themselves against given assaults. Dr. Yasko has something similar. Now it has been narrowed a bit more, down to VDR genotype. Just guessing I would say if you are unlucky enough to be here, you likely won’t be cured easily; your genetics got you here. GcMAF initially will likely only work for those who are the next level of genetic defect down. Hopefully they begin to understand it’s mode of action and eventually can make it more effective for each correlatingly weaker genotype.
It’s merely Natural Selection at work, the strong survive.
When I learned of GcMAF I was so hopeful, like a thousand times before; like everyone here has been before. I don’t know how much money I have lost on the latest, greatest treatment. Worse than that, how many times I have gotten ecstatic about a cure sold to me; only to find, it really wasn’t a cure at all. I was just gullible; again.
I want GcMAF to be “The Cure” for all of us, but we have to admit, the odds are small. I do believe understanding is progressing, and VDR seems to be a significant influence. Maybe it is the “Cure”, maybe it is a step to the “Cure”, which is more than we had yesterday. Maybe it’s not the “Cure” though. Our desperation motivates us to,”jump first, and ask questions later”; and all that actually happens is, we get wiser and poorer; less able to afford the real cure, if it ever comes. But sometimes contributing to research is enough to motivate us to hang on another day or week. I know I have to try things just to feel like I am making some kind of positive progress.
We know of many things that don’t work. This illness has confounded patients and Drs. alike for entire lifetimes. It seems it is extremely complex, and not only avoids definition, but evades treatment too. After twenty-odd years the cause is still debatable; and not one Dr. can claim success, though they scramble to get to that Golden Egg. (I have a vision of these Drs. leaning over their floor safe at night, salivating at the thought of being able to charge for fixing us all. Some have done quite well for just listening and treating us like we are ill, regardless of what they truly believe.)
We know Mitochondria are damaged, the Krebs Cycle is shunted, the Methyl Cycle is defective, Immunity is hampered, Digestion is poor, and forget about the Nervous System. My point is; there is likely no Silver Bullet, even though we all desperately want one. Realistically this illness will have to have multiple treatments based on the patients’ level of impairment and what damage they have sustained; not to mention repairing the initial invader or offender that precipitated the cascade.
The best part for me is to hope I am wrong, and there is a pill or injection out next month to cure us all.