Thanks Sushi for that additional info. Okay well I'm going to stop freaking out about the Lyme and coinfection recurrences unless I get a lot worse. Right now it's really tolerable, I'm mainly mentioning it because the infections were nearly lethal for me, so I can't afford to have a reinfection (rather than a herx).
For me, the herbs did NOT stop Lyme or coinfections. Only aggressive meds did that. But I have managed to wean off the Lyme meds as I said to herbs -- mainly cat's claw though also andrographis, garlic (which Dr. Zhang uses for neuro Lyme), and sometimes spilanthes. For bartonella the only herb to touch it at all for me is houttuynia, which I'm still taking liberally. For babesia I was taking artemesia annua but stopped recently and switched to Nutramedix Quina. I have remained on a high doses of cat's claw (generally 12-16 caps a day). None of my Lyme sx got even remotely under control without injecting antibiotics -- even the orals couldn't really hold it down. And bartonella has been a really hellish struggle but some of the bart symptoms I thought would never stop have stopped, like myoclonic seizures.
Frou, I forgot to say I have had neck pain too, mainly on the right side of my neck which also felt really warm (like feverish) after my first GcMAF injection, and accompanied the dizziness. This felt kind of menningitis-y, and I did have those same symptoms together when I first was hit with Lyme, and also when I first had the ME/CFS "flu" 19 yrs ago. I am really hoping this means the GcMAF is going after something in my brain, but who knows.
I'm not worse overall, and probably slightly better, since started GcMAF -- just concerned about these new acute symptoms b/c I can't afford to get reinfected, as I said. But overall, my sense is that GcMAF is strengthening me, but it's too early in my case to say for sure or to really tell much of anything. I have had at least two days since starting (as I said, I just did 2nd injection) where I was more functional than usual, but that could have been due to weather change so I can't yet attribute it to GcMAF. I hope it's GcMAF though.