Ok, on my way back from my appointment with KDM today and he had some very interesting bits of news indeed! Fist off Cansado i actually asked him about sub-lingual GcMAF and he said something in the saliva breaks down the protiens in the GcMAF... or something to that effect, cant remember exactly.
I asked him his oppinion on the latest Contamination studies and what he thought of it all. His response was that there is going to be big news in relation to the blood supply in the next couple of months and that a new study being released in about 2 months would put all the contamination arguments behind us all. I asked him who was doing this study but he said he couldnt tell me as he has signed a non disclosure agreement (not sure if he said non disclosure agreement but something to that effect). I asked if this would silence the whole contamination argument or just be a study saying its not contamination and he said this will end all the debate.
Also, he mentioned that a well know HIV doctor is fully behind xmrv now. Cant remember the doctors name unfortunatly but he said he won a nobel prize last year in the HIV field if that rings any bells to anyone?
On Lymphosite Infusion he said its a possible treatment route but not right now as there is too much contamination in the blood supply from the "healthy" donors that it would complicate matters worse by giving alot of people new strains of MLV.
I asked again about IV ir IM injections as i am having problems getting IV done. he said not really any difference either way.
Now on to me

I told him i have been noticing a bit more energy recently (not the last week and a half though as a bad spell has hit). I am at about 15 injections now. He said as i am a moderate to low responder that the fact that i am already seeing additonal energy after only 15 weeks is a positive sign. He said it would be 30 - 40 injections for me before i should be alot better. I asked if the headaches i get 2-4 days after each injection was a sign that the GcMAF was working and he said it was. He said the GcMAF causes a reaction similar to that when you get a migraine so the headaches are a sign its doing what it should be doing i.e. macrophages working.
I asked how patients were doing in general and he said very well indeed. He said he expects me to be fully better after 40 weeks on GcMAF. I asked if i would have to keep taking GcMAf after that and he said some patients are being kept on a much lower amount. He said full recovery likely but i might still have the same food sensativites for a few years after as it takes a long time for the memory cells to be replaced.
Hopefully he is right about all this... not the first time ive heard i'll be fully better but things are looking positive for the time being anyway!
Thats all i can remember now. Sitting in the airport waiting for a flight in 4 hours with a fuzzy head.