GcMAF for XMRV--Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor--anyone taking it?


Senior Member
As far as i know it can be refrozen a good few times without any loss of potency. Although maybe that source is different to mine?


Senior Member
it should never be frozen, proteins breeakup when frozen, only 1 time is allowed and even one time has potency loss.just cgeck gcmaf.eu instructions and durability

4 lasts 4-5 weeks with no detactable loss, 8 weeks with some loss but not important.

Hi Lobba,

Do you know exact reason beceause it can only be frozen one time?. I'm sure that every time is thawed & frozen some potency is lost. But it seems that most substances keep best if frozen rather than just cool (4C). Even if they have been thawed and refrozen several times. It is puzzling me...

So it's better to keep it at 4C all time (until 4 or 5 moths) inside the main vial?

On the other hand, mixing with sterile water can't make it lose potency ?

Thank you very much for your advices.


Senior Member

Independent longevity assays of our GcMAf

Hi Lobba,

Do you know exact reason beceause it can only be frozen one time?. I'm sure that every time is thawed & frozen some potency is lost. But it seems that most substances keep best if frozen rather than just cool (4C). Even if they have been thawed and refrozen several times. It is puzzling me...

So it's better to keep it at 4C all time (until 4 or 5 moths) inside the main vial?

On the other hand, mixing with sterile water can't make it lose potency ?

Thank you very much for your advices.


Thank you Lobba, Dafoodil, Ronan All your explanations are very enlighten. These days Im suffering from severe brain fog. So I cant think clearly.

Thank you again.


Hi all again,

Are any list of medication & supplements advised to better avoid while someone is under gcmaf?.

I refer especially to those with certain immune modulatory properties ... For example boswellia is reported that favors Th2 response I think. Other herbs like curucumin also known to have some effect on the immune balance.. Probiotics also ....

Are gabapentin and pregabalin contraindicated?

Thank you very much.
hi everyone,

little update here.

Already stopped gc maf 13 weeks. still very sick.

BIG HUGE IRIS reaction.
Now on prednisone


Senior Member
my vials were frozen originally so i take 1 vial out, thaw it, split it into syringes, then refreeze the syringes. when i need to inject, i thaw a syringe and inject...so technically, most of the doses have been thawed twice.....

i've also been told i could keep the remainder of 1 vial in the fridge but i dont do it this way...... a person i know who has gotten a lot better does the syringe/refreeze method so i thought i would do it that way.

What sort of syringes are you using for this? I'm presuming they have removable needles and have caps put on the end? What precautions are you taking to maintain sterility?


Senior Member
I've been completely unable to fix my gut. Haven't really even come close. I've discovered stool testing is somewhat useless. If I decide to go the GcMAF path, is this likely to be a problem or is GcMAF likely to be helpful for it?


PR activist
I've been completely unable to fix my gut. Haven't really even come close. I've discovered stool testing is somewhat useless. If I decide to go the GcMAF path, is this likely to be a problem or is GcMAF likely to be helpful for it?

Why is stool testing useless?


Senior Member
Because it's unreliable at best. There's many of us who have addressed everything that comes up on stool tests (I've had 3 Metametrix and 3 Bioscreen/Red Labs tests in the last 2 1/2 years) only to continue having significant gut problems. I still ferment quite badly and this doesn't even stop during treatment, let alone after treatment.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've been completely unable to fix my gut. Haven't really even come close. I've discovered stool testing is somewhat useless. If I decide to go the GcMAF path, is this likely to be a problem or is GcMAF likely to be helpful for it?

GcMAF has helped some I know who had severe gut problems. Their guts seem pretty normal now.



Senior Member
I bet the MAF probiotic yoghurt would be even better again for severe gut patients. I believe Dr Lewis's clinic in Melbourne may be offering the yoghurt some time in the next 6 months.


Senior Member
hi all. just wanted to report that after 7 shots of GcMAF, i can safely say i do notice a small increase in energy. that's all so far.


Senior Member
any way to tell response?

Hi Folks,
Is there any way to tell how a person will respond to GcMaf?

You would think that by now, the physicians would sort of have a sense who can tolerate it and who can't.
Or is it still way to early to know?

This GcMaf has helped so many people. I want to try it too. But when I read that someone is still very ill for 13 weeks after stopping it, and is on prednisone, it is easy to become worried.

And does anyone know where the Maf yogurt may be had in the USA? Which doctors have it now?

Kind regards, Helene


Senior Member
thanks neilk:)

helene..i think the problem with the people who started early, was that many could not tolerate the 100 ng dose that was being used back then. now, they are start with low doses and titrate upwards slowly. dr. bradstreet, the autism specialist, is also using ultra low doses and getting good responses i think.

i am not sure if there is any way to reliably tell who will respond.



Senior Member
thanks neilk:)

helene..i think the problem with the people who started early, was that many could not tolerate the 100 ng dose that was being used back then. now, they are start with low doses and titrate upwards slowly. dr. bradstreet, the autism specialist, is also using ultra low doses and getting good responses i think.

i am not sure if there is any way to reliably tell who will respond.


Hi Daffodil
I am thrilled to hear you have seen some positive response.
Do you see Dr. Bradstreet?

I wish someone would list the physicians in the US who use this protocol.

Also, Daffodil, what is a very low dose for this new way of using the Gcmaf?


Senior Member
hi helene. first of all, i want to say that i have tried many things in the past 20 yrs and sometimes i will think i am getting better but then i crash again, worse than ever....so i am still very cautious in getting my hopes up over gcmaf. however, i do know a number of people who have gotten better..some even seem to recover completely. but there are also some who dont seem to respond. i believe a maintenance dose of gcmaf might be needed even after we get better.

i think that a low dose would be considered 0.1 ng. i started at 0.25 ng but then got inflammation so many told me to take a break and lower my dose to 0.1 or 0.15. after getting the OK from my doctor, i restarted after 10 days at 0.15. it seems to be OK for me.

i am not sure what dose dr. bradstreet is using. my doctor is dr. enlander.

some doctors who are using gcmaf are:

dr. derek enlander
dr. kenny demeirleir
dr. klinghardt
dr. jeff bradstreet

i think there are others but i cannot remember...my fog is still very bad!


Senior Member
Unfortunately until we can get our complete microbiomes tested, we won't know all the bad actors taht are there and all the good ones that are missing. I am doing metametrix but it doens't test anything. I have an issue with oxalate for example and it doesn't test that. If your only problems show up ont he test you may luck out. Otherwise, it only gives a complete picture. I sure hope complete microbiome testing is available sooner rather than later.

Because it's unreliable at best. There's many of us who have addressed everything that comes up on stool tests (I've had 3 Metametrix and 3 Bioscreen/Red Labs tests in the last 2 1/2 years) only to continue having significant gut problems. I still ferment quite badly and this doesn't even stop during treatment, let alone after treatment.


Senior Member

hi helene. first of all, i want to say that i have tried many things in the past 20 yrs and sometimes i will think i am getting better but then i crash again, worse than ever....so i am still very cautious in getting my hopes up over gcmaf. however, i do know a number of people who have gotten better..some even seem to recover completely. but there are also some who dont seem to respond. i believe a maintenance dose of gcmaf might be needed even after we get better.

i think that a low dose would be considered 0.1 ng. i started at 0.25 ng but then got inflammation so many told me to take a break and lower my dose to 0.1 or 0.15. after getting the OK from my doctor, i restarted after 10 days at 0.15. it seems to be OK for me.

i am not sure what dose dr. bradstreet is using. my doctor is dr. enlander.

some doctors who are using gcmaf are:

dr. derek enlander
dr. kenny demeirleir
dr. klinghardt
dr. jeff bradstreet

i think there are others but i cannot remember...my fog is still very bad!

Thanks Daffodil. You touched on the real nub of the issue--crashes. I have had the identical sort of experience. I do not understand what makes a 'crash.' Several years ago, I was moving along at about 6.5, still with challenges, but moving about. Then one day I went to a long class, which lasted all day, and then bang, a relapse from hell.

When I got out of that one, I was even able to ride a bike from time to time, but I had to rest a good deal, and I thought I was getting out of this nightmare. Then bang, another crash, and I still have not come out of this last relapse, which also hit out of the blue.

If someone could explain to me what these relapses really are, and what triggers them, it would be a real gift.

Needless to say, my bicycle has remained untouched for three or four years now.

The relapse itself is utter unrelenting hell filled with daily torment. And the thing is you can't even stop the thing by resting. The relapse just takes you over.