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Gastritis and general gut health help needed


Senior Member

I ended up in A&E yesterday after a very painful morning.

I started to feel very nauseous and in pain. Threw up and then threw up a fair amount of fresh blood followed by what looked like old blood. I ended up being taken to A&E and being poked and prodded for several hours. I had a number of tests done.

I left with several pills and have been told I probably have gastritis.

I could really do with some help and advice from all of the wonderfully knowledgeable people on here!

Here are my issues:

I like healing myself naturally and have often replied to other posts on here about The GAPS diet, bone broth, glutamine and aloe vera.

I am not a fan of prescriptions but believe they have their place in our lives. I am currently taking painkillers and proton pump inhibitors although I only want to do this for a short time.

I understand that my gut is raw, inflamed and tender and so the acid inhibitors are useful to help my gut heal. But what worries me is the cause of all of this.

I don't drink or smoke (seems to be common issues with gastritis). I don't eat junk food. The only suspects I am left with are H. Pylori or gluten intolerance. Anyone got any more ideas on the cause?

I did do a H Pylori test but maybe I need another one as it was negative. I try to eat as little gluten as possible but for the past few months have eaten spelt a couple of times a week.

I don't feel I do anything which should be causing me the problems I am having. I also get heartburn often after eating as well as a choking sensation which makes it difficult to breath. I don't believe I'm low in stomach acid as when I first became ill I supplemented with this.

How do I best heal my gut?

What are possible tests I need to try to get?

What natural treatments do people know of to help heal the gut from anything I've mentioned above?

I am thinking to go the GAPS diet route and to get tested for H. Pylori and coeliac. I do feel quite lost as I mainly live on organic meat, veg and homemade bone broth most of the time!

Thank you for any help you can offer :)


Senior Member
I've been reading a lot about the gut lately too. Myissues are different from your though.
but for the vomiting, I would get a stomach emptying test done


Senior Member
You need to have a right diagnosis before thinking of treatment. So if your symptoms continue, do a gastroscopy (I think it's better than x-ray in your case but doctors should know better). Then you will know if it's ulcer or gastritis, or something else. What test did you make for helicobacter? The fecal test is the best AFAIK. Also, no natural treatment could stop acid like PPIs, so I recomment you continue taking them. Do you take some NSAID like aspirin - they may cause ulcer. If it's gastritis, there are multiple types of gastritis, one of them is autoimmune but let's hope that is not your case. Also, you told you have pain but you didn't tell where - it can be either esophageal or stomach issue.


Senior Member
Thank you both for the info. It's hard to get testing done in the UK on the NHS so I try to find out as much as I can in the hope of persuading a Dr to help me and get the tests I need. It's usually a very stressful experience asking for anything from a GP!

I don't take any NSAID's.

The pain is in my stomach and then up into my oesophagus. I also get reflux all the way up too.

I think the usual h. pylori test done here is the breath test but I shall look into a fecal one.


Senior Member
:( That doesn't sound like a fun trip out...

Is it all settling now?

Its difficult to say without a real diagnoses.

Eliminating caffeine, alcohol , tomatoes, citrus, fried foods i think is universal advice if its pastries...

but following a specific diet can be more controversal as there are usually some valid pros and cons.

For example I have seen some say the GAPS diet harmed their gut. Others say it worked miracles. You have to follow what is best for you.

When I healed a lot of my gut issues was when I went macrobiotic first time round.
And following an alkaline diet.

After recently discovering some further hidden gluten foods I don't think it would do any harm eliminating all gluten 100% - this can support your thyroid too - i found this.

I was looking up to see if Aloe Vera can cause gastritis . I can only see it as a cure. But i am not so sure. It gave me prickly throat and acid tummy.... all i found on it was it can disturb electrolyte balance if taken long term.

Rescue remedy I take for any trauma like that.... :( hope you ok Plum x


Senior Member
p.s. not if its pastries ....if its gastritis !! thats the automated word corrector at work!!


Senior Member
golden I like the idea of having pastries :)

I am doing ok just a bit tender with some nausea. Hoping things settle. You are tight about doing what's right for me as everyone's different. Good to hear macrobiotic worked for you.

I find bone broth feels nice in my tummy so I eat it! Am planning on meat, veg and bone broth and some green juices for the next week.

I shall also take some rescue remedy - the dog has some and I'm sure he'll share :)


Senior Member
golden I like the idea of having pastries :)

I am doing ok just a bit tender with some nausea. Hoping things settle. You are tight about doing what's right for me as everyone's different. Good to hear macrobiotic worked for you.

I find bone broth feels nice in my tummy so I eat it! Am planning on meat, veg and bone broth and some green juices for the next week.

I shall also take some rescue remedy - the dog has some and I'm sure he'll share :)

Lol :)

Finding an Alternative Doctor would be good too but I find a lot of the 'practitioners ' in the UK lacking. Still , there maybe someone , to fine tooth comb everything ...

x :)


Senior Member
Lol :)

Finding an Alternative Doctor would be good too but I find a lot of the 'practitioners ' in the UK lacking. Still , there maybe someone , to fine tooth comb everything ...

x :)

Yeah they are lacking. I have pretty much given up! They seem to know 'their' stuff but then don't seem open minded enough to 'my' stuff.

I have taken to trying to always study and learn what's going on with me and then asking people their opinion to see if they can throw some different ideas into the mix.

I'm assuming you're in the UK? Have you found anyone who's any good? :)


Senior Member
The only thing I know is to get the Metametrix GI Effects Stool test, see what the results are and treat for those. I'm in the middle of doing this myself. If anybody knows of a good practitioner you can do phone or Skype consults with, please PM me. Or who to avoid....

I'm not familiar with the Metametrix test but I did get a Genova one done and nothing exciting came up. I shall look into the test you suggest.

If you happen to find someone good for a Skype consult could you message me their details too. Good people are hard to find :)


Senior Member
Yeah they are lacking. I have pretty much given up! They seem to know 'their' stuff but then don't seem open minded enough to 'my' stuff.

I have taken to trying to always study and learn what's going on with me and then asking people their opinion to see if they can throw some different ideas into the mix.

I'm assuming you're in the UK? Have you found anyone who's any good? :)

I am.

The only person I have had amazing experiences with is Chris Day. Thing is , he is a Vet at AVMC lol :)
I have been trying to get an appointment with him for me though :)

I have criticisms of alternative practitioners. They dont always thoroughly know their stuff, or they cant apply it to you as an individual -

unfortunately the ignorance leads into psychological theories which are as equally invalid as when the medics do it...

and finally , some of them just dont have the experience of alternative protocols and instead send you to a G.P.
(sometimes this is appropriate but not always and not when i am a serious proponent for alternative medicine.)

There is What Doctors Dont Tell You , The magazine , website and forum I use for a resource.

I found Peter Kingsley (retired Dr here ...specialised in untreatable Cancer ...with success).
Cancer Active answer questions by citing Scientific Studies back at you - perhaps little known about ones...

I only mention these because I was impressed and often people who have worked with very difficult illness are also knowledgeable in other illness.

I am the same as you really, cobbling together stuff. But I would dearly like to just have it done for me...


Senior Member
I am.

The only person I have had amazing experiences with is Chris Day. Thing is , he is a Vet at AVMC lol :)
I have been trying to get an appointment with him for me though :)

I have criticisms of alternative practitioners. They dont always thoroughly know their stuff, or they cant apply it to you as an individual -

unfortunately the ignorance leads into psychological theories which are as equally invalid as when the medics do it...

and finally , some of them just dont have the experience of alternative protocols and instead send you to a G.P.
(sometimes this is appropriate but not always and not when i am a serious proponent for alternative medicine.)

There is What Doctors Dont Tell You , The magazine , website and forum I use for a resource.

I found Peter Kingsley (retired Dr here ...specialised in untreatable Cancer ...with success).
Cancer Active answer questions by citing Scientific Studies back at you - perhaps little known about ones...

I only mention these because I was impressed and often people who have worked with very difficult illness are also knowledgeable in other illness.

I am the same as you really, cobbling together stuff. But I would dearly like to just have it done for me...

We are very a like! Vets can be great. I've learnt a lot about my own healthy since becoming a Labrador Mum. I do think alternative vets have a lot to teach us as they seem to be very open minded.

Thank you for the suggestions about where to look for help and info. I have found looking into cancer treatments to be very useful - Gerson Therapy, Kelley/Gonzalez protocol etc have helped me learn a lot. It's all really about healing your body, giving it what it needs etc. I have found diet to be the biggest help with my ME so far.

I too wish there was someone who just knew all the answers - alas I think they will never exist as only we know our bodies properly!


Senior Member
Plum, the best advice i can give you is to have a gastrocopy with an experienced gastroenterologist. If your intestines allow it, the gastroscopy can go as far as the duodenum which is the first part of the small intestine.
DO ask the gastroenterologist to take biopsies of the inflamed / ulcerated mucosa AND normal mucosa.

If inflammation in the small intestine and/or colon is also suspected then do a colonoscopy and capsule camera endoscopy. I know the healthcare in the UK sucks just like in my homecountry but just keep trying to find a doc that will do it for you. It's extremely important to know what's going on in your gut before going all experimental with supplements and medications.I've experimented with loads of supplements and medications only to make it worse....
My GI system is inflamed with ulcers and erosions from the esophagus to the rectum. One thing that has helped me more than anything is DGL. just a few tablets before each meal improved my gastritis which now doesn't hurt anymore.
A few months on the GAPS diet diminished my GERD.

I've had these procedures done in the last few months in a private hospital and although it costs a lot of money, it was worth it.

P.s. Like Caledonia mentioned, the GI effects stool test is a good thing to do as well.


Senior Member
Thinktank - thank you very much for your advice.

I have been using these: http://www.iherb.com/Rainbow-Light-Advanced-Enzyme-System-Plant-Source-Enzymes-90-Vcaps/40958

for the past week with each meal and they've helped a lot.

I've also cut out all grains and gluten as well as potatoes. I have also found splitting each meal in half and eating them about 1-2 hours apart has stopped ALL pain so far.

I doubt I would get the tests you suggest as I'd probably have to keep throwing up blood for them to even think of doing them and I want to heal things now. IF things persist I will definitely look into them and keep on at my GP til I get somewhere. I go to the GP tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who's commented :)


Senior Member
I've been researching gut stuff a lot and feel like I'm starting to get a handle on this. Doing a 4R program seems to be the way to go. The 4Rs are Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, and Repair.

Remove - remove offending foods, test for and kill off gut pathogens. Yasko uses two gut tests, the Metametrix GI Effects stool test and the Doctor's Data Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology x1.
Replace (or Restore) - replace digestive functions that aren't working well, such as betaine Hcl for low stomach acid and digestive enzymes
Reinoculate - with the good bacteria
Repair - the mucosal lining and cell wall which can become leaky

"Remove" is 2 months and the other steps are 1-2 months.

This is a pretty good series of videos explaining 4R.



Senior Member
caledonia - those clips were really good. I took notes and have looked into a few things. Really good advice in there :)


Senior Member
caledonia how lovely of you - thank you so much :)

What ways do you know of repairing your gut lining?
There's a mucous layer and then the tight junctions in the cell wall. They both need supps. So you take mucous-y things like chia seeds or marshmallow for the mucous layer and then glutamine for the junctions. Also supporting vitamins - EFA's, zinc, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C. Some others add Vitamin A and D to this. Some suggest fermented cod liver oil, which would be a three-fer of EFA's, vitamin A and D.

The "kitchen sink" GI formula that Josh Rubin was waving around has a lot of that kind of stuff in it. My naturopath had me taking something called GI Effects from Da Vinci labs which sounds similar.

The videos I posted aren't the only source of info on this. Many naturopathic physicians run a program like this, and everyone seems to have their own view of what to take and what not to take, although it seems like if you research enough, you might be able to come up with a general consensus.

Here's good general overview (treatment info starts about halfway through):

This is a whole presentation - lots of detail - again treatment info starts about halfway through.

There are many more videos on Youtube. A lot of the leaky gut info is kind of scammy though, so you have to pick out the wheat from the chaff.


Senior Member
caledonia I completely agree with you. I have seen Josh's other videos before but not the ones you shared. I have looked into healing the gut before and done the usual things like betaine HCl, glutamine, aloe vera, bone broth, probiotics.

But since throwing up blood and feeling rubbish I am trying to look into things more thoroughly. And it's really great to see this 4R program. It all makes a lot of sense.

I guess before I didn't feel I had a very bad digestion problem whereas now I'm freaked out!

I'm getting things fairly organised to start sorting things out once I've done my H Pylori test. It takes a lot of energy though to research things - so a BIG THANK YOU :)