When I first became ill in 1995, before the internet was widely available friends of mine came to my house. The discussion revolved around ''depression''. They had diagnosed me as depressed, saying they too had a ''bit of ME'' in the past. I often wonder where they got there information from. Who told them that ME was depression; that depression was ME. I know it wasn't from looking at me, because they said I ''looked well.''
@Quilp, I can 100% relate. For 14 years I was psychologized and had actually the official diagnosis depression (they told me it's a special form of depression that expresses itself only through physical symptoms, so it doesn't matter that I don't feel depressed!).
I explained over and over that I feel like I have a severe flu and have run a marathon every day combined with a hangover (I found my descriptions verbatim in the IOM report!) and that everything started with a flu. In my first psychosomatic clinic they drew a picture for me how I had a flu but now my subconscious mimics the flu to express inner hidden conflicts. 2 clinics, a psychosomatic rehabilitation center, antidepressants, weekly psychotherapy - I did the whole program and only got worse. The rehabilitation center even interpreted my inability to do the things I so desperately want to do as sign of a personality disorder.
When I finally sat in the Charite in Berlin after 14 years and got a questionnaire that asked "Do you feel fluey?" I couldn't believe it, it was a revelation.
Sorry, a little long and off topic. Can't stop myself when I start writing about it, it's still so upsetting.