Free Mikovits web talk from Cheney Clinic/Wednesday Feb. 10th! 1:00 EST


Phoenix Rising Founder
Too bad about the sound. Cheney is as articulate as ever. Lots of good questions. I'm still not clear how the low cortisol levels in CFS impact the XMRV virus - wish he'd asked that - but the sound aside, a very nice presentation, I hope Cheney keeps them up.


Senior Member
The audio for Dr. Mikovits is horrible, but the info is spectacular.

She said the XMRV envelope is a neuro-toxin. that would explain the ciguatera results.

Ah, that was what I was wondering, if that explained Cig toxin!


Apple, anyone?
Northeastern US
She talked some about Peptide-T. Couldn't hear if she said they're already testing it?

It's encouraging that when Cheney ticked off many features of CFS, she said yes, those features can be caused by XMRV (and a retrovirus more generally).

She also said, I believe, that drug trials might start as soon as the WPI opens in the fall!

Overall a great presentation. Thanks to the Cheney Clinic and WPI for putting this on.


Senior Member
Very difficult to follow with the sound problem, so not sure if if heard correctly. Did anyone else hear something to the effect that there would be an announcement on their website next week regarding starting their large scale study and contacting people who have applied to their site via their questionnaire?


Senior Member
While I was trawling the Internet looking for info about Peptide-T, I came across the following information about retroviruses and M.E. Apologies if it is stale news to everyone. I am not certain of the date, but it appears to be 1997, which is interesting, given the content of the statements. I don't know how to do the link thingy, so will quote the article at the end. I found the following intriguing (if true):

80% of people with M.E. (especially with reference to epidemics of the 80s) have HHV-6A 'inside of which is a retrovirus called JHK virus'. 'This has been known and kept quiet about for years.' HHV-6 destroys CD4 and CD8 (Cheney mentioned the latter) . M.E. patients lose 20% of their CD8 cells per year, which is 'phenominal'.

According to Prof.Cocchelto(engineer and patient) 20% have mycoplasma fermentans, which over time can cause cancer.

Dr William Carter of Hemipherx Biopharm, a small company which manufactures Ampligan, says ' I have observed .....a novel retrovirus in these patients........,which causes acquired immune deficiency'.

Dr Carter has also studied the possibility of 'pseudotyping' as a means of spreading the disease i.e. the coat of the herpes virus type 6 surrounds the genetic material for the retrovirus. 'This would give rise to a novel form of contagion where the infectious agent spreads epidemiologically through the population like a herpes virus, but the genetic information being spread is actually that of a retrovirus.'

Dr Sydney Grossberg of the Medical College of Wisconson states, ' The human virus....(associated with) CFS most closely resembles a retrovirus'.

Dr Grossberg: 'The present invention relates to the detection of NMA (neuromyasthenia) virus that is associated with CFIDS.' He goes on to say,....'the protein spikes in the envelope' are ..'charteristic of a retrovirus called JHK virus, which is similar in size to a mouse mammary tumor virus.'

Interesting, we are again re-visiting the past.

Most of the above came from G. Karisky from The National Forum, The National CFIDS Association.


Dr. Yes

Shame on You
:Retro smile:Thanks CG... I had forgotten about the JHK virus and hadn't heard that idea about HHV-6 before. I wonder if anyone else has commented on that (like Ablashi).

[Btw, Gail Kansky is with the National CFIDS Foundation, not the CFIDS Association (CAA).]

She said the XMRV envelope is a neuro-toxin. that would explain the ciguatera results.

Hey CJB!:Retro wink:

From what I understood (though it was hard to hear ANYTHING wasn't it) she meant one of the XMRV envelope proteins might be neurotoxic. But what Hokama et al found in the ciguatera epitope studies is a lipid, not a protein, so the connection still isn't clear to me.


Watchoo lookin' at?
All I heard/understood was neuro-toxin. I'm not sure at that point in the conversation how much speculation was going on, though. It sounded like a definitive statement, XMRV envelope protein is a neuro-toxin, but she could've been speculating. The information was coming so fast and I just kept thinking, "wow".

It's pretty well known that portions of the env protein in HIV is toxic to the CNS. Maybe she was extrapolating from that.