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Freddds protocol destroyed my sleep


Senior Member
I may pose this in the methylation section as well but thought is try here.

When i overexert badly i have a distinct set of symptoms that happens in my brain and that then causes some type of damage that in most cases i never recover from.

As i titrated up with freddds protocol i saw zero improvements but then one night, when upping my dose of mfolate I had the same overexertion symptoms which scared the shit out of me so i cut way back.

Unfortunately the "thing" that happened was now, every single night, between 3 and 5 am i get hit with a shot of adrenaline and wake up and can rarely get back to sleep. I know its not low blood sugar because i know what that feels like and my eating habits are solid- this happened in direct relation to upping my mfolate. In 4 months now it hasnt gotten even slightly better, either.

My mb12 intake was fine and everything else, i would just really really like for my brain to recover from this and get my sleep back


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi Aerose.. there is always the possibility that the timing of this new symptom was coinincidental. I had the same symptom come in, same 3am timing and that symptom stayed with me for a very long time.(I don't have it now but in my case it wasn't related to upping mfolate or upping anything at all, it was just simply due to the ME).

I'd get a horrid adrenaline rush between 3- 3.30 .. near exactly time each night...causing me to wake up in shakes and near sweat or actually sweating and those an take hours for me to calm down from.


Senior Member
Hey @taniaaust1, that's wild, it's such a weird symptom i figured i was alone in that. May i ask how long it took to subside for you? Not that it really matters for my case but im curious. Also, did it eventually subside on its own or did you find anything that helped it?


Senior Member
I was waking in panic and terror feeling like I was dying around 3:00 - 3:30h for years and years.

Once I read that 3:15 was the hour of the devil... Which for some time I could believe given that I was waking at exactly that time... There was no better explanation, just impossible to believe that this was happening every single night.

Some years later I read that the body cleans the liver at that time, around 3am when we sleep. And that this awakenings came from the adrenaline coming from the gallstones I have... or something like that...

Do you have gallstones?

The awakening stopped long ago but still happen sometimes, specially when my sleep is totally reversed and I am exahusted and have very low body temperature. They are still the same feeling of death and terror. Now a days I don't think much of it because they don't happen so often but the mystery remains there.