FREDDD - questions re potassium


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hi Freddd - I have some questions re potassium:

1. What were your symptoms of potassium deficiency?

2. Is it possible to OD on potassium? You recommended 2-3 tablets a couple of times a day - that seems like an awful lot and I'm afraid to try that much.

3. Are those tablets 99 mg. as that seems to be a standard dose?

4. And what type of potassium do you recommend - there are several kinds. The kind I bought is by Nature's Way, Potassium chelate (potassium amino acid chelate).

Any info you can provide will be appreciated. Thanks!



Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Okay, I did some research on my own, discovered that it is extremely difficult to ingest too much potassium. Problems with too much potassium generally stem from underlying kidney or other problems. An average banana has 400+ mg. of potassium, so taking 4 potassium capsules is like eating a banana and we need a lot more potassium than that. So I am relieved about this supplement.

I was having generalized weakness and fatigue starting maybe 2 days ago, yesterday was not good (my vision was getting blurry on top of everything) and this morning pretty bad too, and finally remembered the postassium which Freddd has been so diligent in telling people about. I started taking it early today though I felt nervous about it, finally thought to look it up myself and dispelled my concerns.

Coincidentally I had just had blood work done about two weeks and my potassium level (before starting Freddd's protocol) was 3.6, almost at the very bottom of normal. So I have almost no doubt that my weakness and fatigue of the last few days was due to potassium deficiency. I am feeling better tonight - I've taken about 4 potassium capsules today with no bad side effects and will keep it up.

Freddd - thank you again for all your knowledge! It never would have occurred to me on my own that my weakness etc. could be due to potassium deficiency. I'm so used to fatigue of all different sorts that I never go to the doctor for it.



Hi Mary,

I as well needed much potassium for a couple of weeks starting the b-12 protocol. I was having leg cramps and more fatigue than normal, though different from my usual fatigue, since the b12s were giving me some energy. I was taking several a day, just enough to stop the leg cramps and the generalized weakness that you describe. After two weeks or so, this has gone, and I just take a couple tablets a day now.

I've been cautioned that potassium levels in blood can accumulate slowly as the intaken potassium goes to the body tissues, but can then go up in the blood suddenly if you keep supplementing at a high level. (I was taking 1000mg a day, maybe you don't need this much. I'd start cautiously) . If you can get your doctor to keep testing potassium levels that's great. I didn't, but it is probably a good idea if your doctor is willing.

I hope they will work for you as they did for me.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Hi Mary,

I as well needed much potassium for a couple of weeks starting the b-12 protocol. I was having leg cramps and more fatigue than normal, though different from my usual fatigue, since the b12s were giving me some energy. I was taking several a day, just enough to stop the leg cramps and the generalized weakness that you describe. After two weeks or so, this has gone, and I just take a couple tablets a day now.

I've been cautioned that potassium levels in blood can accumulate slowly as the intaken potassium goes to the body tissues, but can then go up in the blood suddenly if you keep supplementing at a high level. (I was taking 1000mg a day, maybe you don't need this much. I'd start cautiously) . If you can get your doctor to keep testing potassium levels that's great. I didn't, but it is probably a good idea if your doctor is willing.

I hope they will work for you as they did for me.

L-engle - thanks for the info. That's good to know about potassium levels potentially going up suddenly. I don't really have a doctor here to keep testing my levels, so I will be cautious. I did have marked improvement taking 400 mg. yesterday, so plan to do the same today, maybe go up to 600 mg.

I also solved a riddle. For a long time now when I wake up in the morning, sometimes my legs are aching. I always attributed it to being sick. Looking back now I am guessing it was low potassium. My legs were aching this morning when I woke up but not now, and I do feel a lot better than 2 days ago. Whew! Nothing is easy or simple with this DD --
