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Fred - help on what to do with methylB & metafolin, please!

Hi Fred,

Thanks for posting up your revised protocol. Unfortunately, I still have a few questions as I am very new to all of this.

I have worked my way up to ¼ tablet of dibencozide, 1 tablet ET mb12 (1mg), 1 Jarrow mb12 (1mg) and 1600 mcg metafolin. I take all the basic supplements as well as 900 mg potassium per day (+ any episodic doses of 500 mg required). I am in the process of increasing my potassium.

I would say I have had some mild ‘start up’ effects (light-headedness, a few tingling feelings and a slight increase in existing muscle spasms) and I have managed to get some of them under control with episodic doses of potassium.

I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing but today I increased my metafolin to 1600 mcg. After the second dose of 800 mcg, my existing headaches and brain fog intensified and my mood deteriorated rapidly. I quickly took 500 mg potassium in case it was caused by an increase in my need for potassium but that doesn’t seem to have done very much. Do you think I increased my metafolin too quickly and should I return to my previous dose of 800 mcg? Or is this potentially a side effect of healing starting up that should improve in time? I am not sure whether to react to this or just ride it out.

Now that I am taking 1 ET mb12 (1mg), 1 Jarrow mb12 (1mg) and ¼ tablet dibencozide, do I hold my mb12/adb12 dosage for a while and work on the metafolin/potassium balance or do I continue to steadily increase my mb12 & metafolin? OR, is now the time to add in L-carnitine? I am a bit unsure of what to do with the mb12 and metafolin at this stage & when to start adding in a co-factor like L-carnitine.

Many thanks for any help anyone can give me!
Why did you go to 1600 mcg? I only saw 800 mcg mentioned without anything about increasing, but I could be wrong. I read almost everyone needs 2000 mg-6000 mg potassium. Are you already taking all the supportive basic supplements he suggested?
Why did you go to 1600 mcg? I only saw 800 mcg mentioned without anything about increasing, but I could be wrong. I read almost everyone needs 2000 mg-6000 mg potassium. Are you already taking all the supportive basic supplements he suggested?


I read that some people need more metafolin than 800 mcg (particularly if they have paradoxical folate deficiency) but I am not sure at which stage to increase the metafolin and/or the mb12 so I really need Fred's thoughts on the matter! Yes, I am taking all the basic supplements. I haven't added in any co-factors yet & again, I am unsure of whether to add in something like L-Carnitine before increasing the metafolin & mb12 further or not.