Follow-up appt with Dr. Kaufman - lab results


Senior Member
Medford, OR
@Mary, I muscle tested the BCAAs and they tested strong! I htook some last night but they didn't seem to make any difference.

My legs feel so heavy it's like they are about to fall off. And I still have post-workout fatigue from day before yesterday. My mind is clear, though, so Niagen is still doing its thing. Odd to be so weary and yet not have any brain fog.

Investigating workout recovery strategies, I see creatine monophosphate (donates phospate to recycle ADP --> ATP), 3:1 carbs to protein within 30 min or an hour after workout (to restore muscle glycogen) and carnitine fumarate from the Deadlock Quartet (I already take the other 3). Any suggestions?

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Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Mimi - here's why I started taking BCAAs (and glutamine) last November:

There are a couple of articles in this threat which seem to state that BCAAs will help reduce PEM. And they do for me. I still crash (PEM) but I recover in about half the time. It took about a week of taking them every day before I noticed a difference. I took the full recommended dose on the bottle in divided doses on an empty stomach in the morning.

So I'm pretty sure you won't notice anything from just taking a couple of them. But believe there's a good chance you may notice a difference if you take enough every day. I was surprised to notice a marked difference in recovery time within such a short period of time (a week).

I don't know anything about post-workout recovery drinks. Our bodies (or mine at least!) don't work normally. I get PEM, it sounds like you do too and I don't know of any recovery drink which will help with that. Actually I don't do workouts - I don't have the stamina. If I have energy, I have to use it for daily life stuff - grocery shopping etc. My activity is limited to 3 - 4 hours of light activity a day, to avoid crashing.