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Folinic Acid Intolerant? (MTHFS gene)


Senior Member
Hi folks,

I'm trying to find out whether I might have the folinic acid intolerance issue and I understand the relevant gene i'm interested to therefore understand is the MTHFS gene.

I've got my 23&Me data, and I've finally figured out how to get the Minor Allele Program to work for me. Now from what I understand the MTHFS gene is on chromosome 15 so I've picked off the 'chromosome 13-22' drop down from the minor allele website here: http://www.ianlogan.co.uk/23andme/minor_allele_data.htm

It spat out the following and sadly I can't find the rs7177659 that is the allele of interest as I try to figure out where I stand on the MTHFS gene... Perhaps this minor allele program doesn't show the results for this gene?


rs1799952 at Chr13:32912008 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0.00182
rs36212784 at Chr13:47471950 gave 'GT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00365
rs11148233 at Chr13:52594618 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'G' with a MAF = 0.00457
rs5352 at Chr13:78475230 gave 'CT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00800.
rs35312232 at Chr14:24724663 gave 'CT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00800.
rs11853265 at Chr15:41456622 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0.00091
rs17269439 at Chr15:59063144 gave 'AC' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0.00914
rs45517339 at Chr16:2134578 gave 'CT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00999
rs8176928 at Chr16:3706185 gave 'GG' The minor allele is 'G' with a MAF = 0.00457
rs4986970 at Chr16:67976320 gave 'AT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00914
rs4319825 at Chr17:19639798 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0.00731
rs6355 at Chr17:28548810 gave 'CG' The minor allele is 'G' with a MAF = 0.00639
rs28914827 at Chr17:28549809 gave 'CT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00639.
rs11655238 at Chr17:29624175 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0.00685
rs939346 at Chr17:38252667 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'G' with a MAF = 0.00502
rs10305278 at Chr17:38599408 gave 'GT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00731
rs17746949 at Chr18:31324766 gave 'AG' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0.00822
rs28399448 at Chr19:41352936 gave 'CT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00999
rs11466310 at Chr19:41861858 gave 'CT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00776.
rs17004515 at Chr21:44692863 gave 'AC' The minor allele is 'A' with a MAF = 0
rs8142248 at Chr22:46684906 gave 'GT' The minor allele is 'T' with a MAF = 0.00502

The selected level was 0.01

If its the case that the minor allele program won't show this MTHFS relevant gene then please see my results drawn from the raw 23&Me data after doing a search on their site, within my gene for 'MTHFS' :

MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80136129 rs685487 A or G AG
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80136288 rs8033649 A or C CC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80137560 rs8923 C or T TT
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80138571 rs2733103 C or T CC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80138745 rs16971427 A or C AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80141997 rs655473 A or G AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80144197 rs17284990 C or T CT
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80154571 rs16971450 A or G AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80154982 rs6495446 C or T CC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80158042 rs7177659 A or C AC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80158159 rs6495449 A or G GG
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80162265 rs17285431 A or C AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80164053 rs6495451 C or T CT
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80165368 rs2586154 A or G GG
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80168282 rs12899781 G or T TT
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80171971 rs16971478 A or G AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80172133 rs2586153 C or T CC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80174388 rs2562744 A or C AC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80177687 rs2733106 A or G AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80178283 rs12438477 A or C AC
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80182050 rs12898642 C or T CT
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80183766 rs2586182 A or C AA
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80184657 rs2733088 A or G AG
MTHFS, ST20-MTHFS 80186340 rs12440798 C or T CT
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Am I the same as Rich meaning I should have no problem tolerating folinic acid? I'm SHTM1 +/- too btw.

Thanks in advance you MTHFS guru's!


Senior Member
It spat out the following and sadly I can't find the rs7177659 that is the allele of interest as I try to figure out where I stand on the MTHFS gene... Perhaps this minor allele program doesn't show the results for this gene?
A rare allele program will only show SNPs for which you have very rare results. All versions of rs7177659 are extremely common, hence would not show up in such a list.

It probably has little or no impact, since it is not a missense mutation and all versions are so common. The only study available says that the heterozygous version, which you have, is at reduced risk of something, but that's probably not reliable.


Senior Member
NSW Australia
Hi folks,

I'm trying to find out whether I might have the folinic acid intolerance issue and I understand the relevant gene i'm interested to therefore understand is the MTHFS gene.

The purpose of the MTHFS thread is to see whether we can pinpoint snps that make a difference in tolerating Folinic Acid. That hasn't actually been worked out yet. It really needs people to add their data who know they can or know they can't tolerate folinic acid to work out any correlation


Senior Member
Perhaps Fredd or others who are _confident_ they have the folinic acid intolerance could indicate which gene is the one of interest and what the relevant mutation might be....


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I don't think Freddd has had genetic testing done
And if he is, he's being quiet about it.

I posted in another thread a spreadsheet with lots of the MTHFS SNPs, people's results, and whether they reported themselves as folinic acid intolerant. Not sure I can find the thread now. Unfortunately, to post, you need to make it into a PDF, so no one else can add to it unless they have Acrobat. I'd be happy to post the spreadsheet in Google Docs and post the link here if anyone is interested in adding to the research.

Regarding the suspected allele, as I remember, I was the only one on the spreadsheet that was homozygous for the allele we suspected caused folinic acid intolerant. So, logically, I should be most intolerant. But this is my experience:

When I first started taking it, I would be practically narcoleptic about a half hour after I took it, lasting for a couple hours, I suppose. Then I added what heartfixer describes as energy support for those treating CBS mutation: L-carnitine fumarate, ribose, and NADH (I was already taking Co-Q10). That fixed the extreme drowsiness entirely. Now I take folinic acid (Source Naturals) every morning on an empty stomach with my active Bs.


Senior Member
And if he is, he's being quiet about it.

I posted in another thread a spreadsheet with lots of the MTHFS SNPs, people's results, and whether they reported themselves as folinic acid intolerant. Not sure I can find the thread now. Unfortunately, to post, you need to make it into a PDF, so no one else can add to it unless they have Acrobat. I'd be happy to post the spreadsheet in Google Docs and post the link here if anyone is interested in adding to the research.

Regarding the suspected allele, as I remember, I was the only one on the spreadsheet that was homozygous for the allele we suspected caused folinic acid intolerant. So, logically, I should be most intolerant. But this is my experience:

When I first started taking it, I would be practically narcoleptic about a half hour after I took it, lasting for a couple hours, I suppose. Then I added what heartfixer describes as energy support for those treating CBS mutation: L-carnitine fumarate, ribose, and NADH (I was already taking Co-Q10). That fixed the extreme drowsiness entirely. Now I take folinic acid (Source Naturals) every morning on an empty stomach with my active Bs.

I did actually find someones attempt at compiling a gene list which I see Rich was doing at one point about May 2011 too...
Its here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...d-intolerance-request-for-genetic-data.19168/

Just as an aside, taking into account the notion of the deadlock quartet my first thought is that you had to get your cellular environment corrected (through the LCF and Co-Q10) before the whole methylation cycle could actually get up and running, and till that point perhaps there was a buildup of precursors in the methylation cycle (particularly the folate cycle) which gave the equivalent of folate intolerance?


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I did actually find someones attempt at compiling a gene list which I see Rich was doing at one point about May 2011 too...
Its here: http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...d-intolerance-request-for-genetic-data.19168/

Just as an aside, taking into account the notion of the deadlock quartet my first thought is that you had to get your cellular environment corrected (through the LCF and Co-Q10) before the whole methylation cycle could actually get up and running, and till that point perhaps there was a buildup of precursors in the methylation cycle (particularly the folate cycle) which gave the equivalent of folate intolerance?

Journeyman, you found it!

Here's the link to my post on it. http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...est-for-genetic-data.19168/page-5#post-376671

LMK if you want it in googledocs.

The aside - well, that's possible, but not really in line with my experience, where folinic cleared up the angular chelation and acne for 3 days before I started having the extreme drowsiness. Having read a lot of what Freddd has written, I'm pretty sure we have different SNPs. I have no trouble making methylfolate that I know of, and I have lower than normal methionine and lower quintile homocysteine.